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All about Toe Pain Relief

All about Toe Pain Relief

Arthritis can be one of the key causes of toe pain. Arthritis is mainly a disorder of the joints due to inflammation of one or more of the same. There are more than hundred different types of arthritis, and arthritis in the toe is one among them. Arthritis in the toe is often associated with joint pain or arthralgia. However, the source of the pain can be a number of other factors too. The pain can either be a direct consequence of an injury or an abnormality in the toe. The skin on and around the toe, the blood vessels and nerves in it, the soft tissues, bones, and so on are prone to getting injured due to movement or locomotion. Athletes are more prone to getting their toe injured. Symptoms of pain in the big toe It is rightly said that small things can get us into big problems. Here are a few symptoms of pain in the big toe: A feeling of numbness in the toes, a burning sensation, or experiencing warmth around the area can make you consider toe pain. If you get your big toe injured, you will have immense trouble and discomfort as you walk. There is bound to be swelling if there is a hairline crack or similar issues. Painkillers can temporarily relieve the pain, but it is important to consult a doctor for permanent toe pain relief. Misalignment of bones or a fracture can cause immense and writhing pain. Needless to say, you’ll be unable to walk with such pain. A tender feeling in the toe or even a discoloration or bruise can be seen. Bumps are common due to ingrown toenails, corns, and so on. Etiology of toe pain Unhealthy and ingrown toenails, blisters, bunions, corns, cuts, calluses, and scrapes are some of the most common causes of toe pain.
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Everything You Need to Know about the Dry Eye Syndrome

Everything You Need to Know about the Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition which affects the eyes. It occurs due to insufficient lubrication and moisture in the eyes. It is also called as dry eye disease or keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This condition affects a majority of people, especially during old age. What is dry eye syndrome? Dry eye syndrome occurs when the tears produced are inadequate to lubricate the eyes. Due to this, the eyes fail to shield against dust and impurities. This causes discomfort or irritation to the eyes. Tears play an important role in preserving the health of the eyes. It is also helpful in providing a proper vision to the eyes. What are the symptoms? Dry eye causes a lot of discomfort and irritation. It gives a feeling of having something in the eyes all the time and an itchy sensation. A few other common symptoms of dry eye syndrome are as follows: Pain in the eyes Heaviness of eyes Dry sensation Redness of eyes Blur vision Burning In a few cases, there are chances where the eyes may produce excess tears. The lack of dampness in the eyes irritates them. There is stimulation to produce tears in excess, as a defense mechanism. This condition is “reflex tearing” and is only a temporary disorder. What are the causes of dry eye syndrome? There are many reasons for the occurrence of the dry eye syndrome. But the major factor which causes it is the lack of tear production. It occurs when there is an increase in tear evaporation or an imbalance in tear composition. The other factors which cause dry eyes are: Age The risk of developing dry eye increases with an increase in a person’s age. It is a natural condition in one’s old age. This is because the tear production reduces when a person grows older.
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Gout Pain – Symptoms and Treatment

Gout Pain – Symptoms and Treatment

All of a sudden one experiences extreme pain in the big toe or other joints. The pain is excruciating and occurs at any time of the day. Such symptoms are typical of gout. Gout pain is a complex type of arthritic pain that occurs due to the build-up of uric acid in the bloodstream. The accumulation of uric acid forms sharp crystals in bone joints. The most common location where gout occurs is the big toe. A gout attack can occur to anyone. A gout attack typically lasts for 10 days, out of which extreme pain occurs during the initial three days. Gout attack starts at one joint and spreads to other joints when not treated. Pain relief for gout can be achieved by reducing the inflammation. Prompt treatment of gout foot pain results in the reduction of inflammation and pain and prevents spreading to other joints as well. Symptoms of gout pain Symptoms of gout pain vary with the severity and build-up of uric acid. Extremely painful gout pain is caused when the uric acid accumulates to the extent where crystals are formed at the joints. The common symptoms of gout pain are: Excruciating pain in the joints : Big toe is the most common joint that is affected by gout pain. It can also spread to other joints like elbow, ankle, wrists, and fingers. The first two to three days of a gout attack are most painful. Swollen joints : Gout is caused by the accumulation of uric acid at joints. This accumulation manifests as a swelling or bulge at the joints. Excessive uric acid deposits form crystals at the joints, which appear like tiny nodes under the skin. Moderate discomfort : After the extreme pain reduces, moderate to mild pain lingers at the joints. This discomfort lasts for weeks.
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Plantar Fasciitis- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Plantar Fasciitis- Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Do you feel pain in your heels while walking, jogging or running for a long period of time over a large distance? If the pain goes away after you have rested, it is of no cause of concern. If the pain persists, it is likely that you are suffering from plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a disease characterized by pain in the heels and it is the most common cause of heel pain. It is characterized by the inflammation of the thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your toes to your heel bone. It results in a stabbing pain that usually occurs when you take your first steps in the morning. The pain tends to decrease as you move more, but it might return if you are standing for a long period of time, or if you rise after sitting for extended periods of time. If you are experiencing this pain, consult a doctor immediately and seek plantar fasciitis treatment. Here are a few causes, symptoms and common methods of treatment for plantar fasciitis. Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis As mentioned before, plantar fasciitis leads to the onset of stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot, and near the heel. The pain is normally the worst when you first wake up in the morning and take your first steps. It may also be triggered if you have been sitting in one place for a long period of time and suddenly stand up, or if have been standing in one place for a long period of time. While such pain generally subsides, if it continues to persist and comes back after periods of time, be sure to conclude that you are suffering from plantar fasciitis. The onset of this pain may also ensure when you are exercising or after you have completed exercising.
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Diet Tips to Lower Triglyceride Levels

Diet Tips to Lower Triglyceride Levels

Triglycerides are a specific type of fat found in the body. Having high triglyceride levels can increase the risk of heart diseases. Our body breaks down food and converts the extra calories into triglycerides. It stores them in fat cells to generate energy later. While one needs these fat cells to supply energy to the body, having excess triglycerides can increase an individual’s risk of developing a heart condition. What one eats plays a crucial role here, one must make sure that they follow a diet to lower triglycerides. Several reasons can lead to high triglyceride levels such as obesity, regular consumption of alcohol, kidney disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or eating a high-calorie diet. Around one in every five people in the country suffers from high triglyceride levels. Understanding triglycerides numbers The regular level of triglyceride in the body is under 150. The higher the number, the greater are the chances of heart disease. Here are some numbers you should pay attention to: Standard triglyceride – lower than 150 mg/dL Borderline triglyceride – between 150 and 200 mg/dL High triglyceride – over 200 mg/dL Very high triglyceride – over 500 mg/dL. Food plan to control triglyceride levels High triglyceride levels often lead to problems such as diabetes, thyroid disease, obesity, and more. So, as the first line of treatment, one’s doctor will try to control the condition by bringing down the triglyceride levels. Moving on, one must consume a healthy diet to lower triglyceride levels and keep other medical conditions in check. Here are some easy tips to keep one’s triglyceride level within the stipulated level by choosing the right foods. Limiting the sugar intake According to the American Heart Association, an average individual should not consume more than 6-9 teaspoons of added sugar every day. The most common sources of sugar are sweets, fruit juice, and soft drinks.
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Bladder Infections – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Bladder Infections – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

If one has been taking several trips to the bathroom within a few hours and is experiencing a burning sensation while passing urine, then one probably has contracted a bladder infection. A bacterial infection within the bladder is termed as a bladder infection. A weakened immune system invites yeast and bladder infections. Bladder infections may be contracted by using unhygienic toilets where Escherichia coli bacteria thrive. In some cases, the bacteria can move from the intestines to the urinary system. Bladder infections treatment is fairly easy. Once a proper diagnosis is done to confirm bacterial infection in the bladder, the physician may prescribe antibiotic medication. Apart from medication, one may need other home care remedies to completely heal from the infection. When left untreated, a bladder infection may turn into a life-threatening condition when it spreads to the kidney or bloodstream. Symptoms of bladder infections A urinary tract or bladder infection symptoms vary with the severity of the infection. Common symptoms are as follows: Pain or burning sensation while urinating Bloody or clouded urine Foul smell from urine Frequent urination Frequent urge to urinate Pressure or cramps in the lower abdomen and back. Causes of bladder infections As mentioned above, bladder infections are caused due to E. coli bacteria. This bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra or from the anus. Once it enters the bladder, it attaches itself to the walls of the bladder and multiplies rapidly. Using unclean toilets is one of the main ways of contracting the E. coli. Consumption of unhygienic food could also result in intestinal infections, which in turn, causes a build-up of E. coli bacteria. Treatment for bladder infections Bladder infections treatment varies with the severity of the infection. From drinking plenty of water to heating pads, there are a number of simple home care techniques to fight bladder infections.
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Diarrhea – Causes, Treatment, and Preventive Measures

Diarrhea – Causes, Treatment, and Preventive Measures

Occasional bowel movements that are watery and loose are not uncommon in most people. However, if this condition lasts for extended periods of more than a few weeks, it needs to be taken seriously and has to be treated accordingly. If left untreated, it can be life-threatening. Statistics show that at least two billion cases of diarrhea occur annually worldwide and it has been the cause of death of nearly 1.5 million children below the age of five. What is diarrhea? Frequently passing loose, watery or soft stools, with or without accompanying stomach cramps, flatulence, bloating, and stomach pressure, which is excreted suddenly is termed as diarrhea. This condition may also be complicated when there is blood in the stools, severe pain, fever, nausea, and uncontrollable urge to pass stools. It can happen to people of any age, but children and senior citizens are at a higher risk. Complications The most serious complication of diarrhea is dehydration—loss of water and electrolytes in the body—which happens because the water passes out from the body without getting absorbed by the intestines. Drinking copious amounts of water does not always compensate for the corresponding loss. Types of diarrhea The condition is classified into the following types: Chronic: This typically lasts for more than two weeks Enteritis: It involves the inflammation of the intestine Gastroenteritis: It involves stomach flu, with nausea and vomiting Dysentery: It involves loose stools with pus, mucus, and blood Common causes of diarrhea The most common chronic causes of diarrhea and acute diarrhea include microbial attacks by viruses, bacteria, or certain microorganisms that enter the intestinal tract. Viruses: They cause various mild to moderate symptoms. These may last for 3–7 days and comprise watery, frequent stools, stomach cramps, and a mild fever. Common viruses include rotavirus (common in children), Norwalk virus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, and hepatitis virus.
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Using Probiotics to Treat Yeast Infections

Using Probiotics to Treat Yeast Infections

Let’s take a brief look at yeast contagions and other fungi contagions, along with their prevention measures Fungi are everywhere. There are almost a million different species of fungi all over the world. It’s almost a miracle that only a handful of them actually cause humans any form of contagion. Microscopic fungi are often the cause of fungal contagions, and they tend to live in the environment, potentially anywhere. They have only a certain set of requirements to survive. So, it’s almost impossible for us to truly avoid them. Here’s everything you need to know about fungi contagions and most importantly, yeast contagions, probiotics for yeast infections, and other things you can do to prevent these diseases. Syndromes: How it can look or feel Mild fungal contagions can resemble cuts or rashes. If we were to take up the example of ringworm, a skin contagion that is caused by a fungus, you might already be aware of how it looks. Fungal contagion inside the body parts like the lungs can be more serious. It can cause syndromes that may be identical to tuberculosis or flu. These include mild to high fever and coughing. The most common type of fungi contagion is yeast contagion. This generally affects the genitals, and this syndrome is more common in women than it is in men. The syndromes of this contagion include itching, burning, or irritation in the genitals. In women, the itching is felt near the vagina or beside the vulva. Pain or soreness in the genitals is also common, and this pain can also involve burning sensations. In the case of men, the syndrome is generally limited to itching and serious rashes. In women, it can also lead to a white odorless or watery discharge. Swollen skin or redness is also common in both the sexes.
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Treating Arthritis Pain with Natural Remedies

Treating Arthritis Pain with Natural Remedies

Arthritis is a group of degenerative health conditions that are characterized by joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. Osteoarthritis is the most commonly occurring form of arthritis that deteriorates with age. This condition is caused due to wear and tear of bones and joints over the years. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications provide relief from arthritis pain. Arthritis pain relief through medication has a number of side effects. Moreover, they cause damage to various organs of the body when consumed in the long run. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that has no cure, but symptomatic relief may be provided. Many are adopting natural treatment methods for arthritis pain relief in order to avoid the side effects of medication. Symptoms of arthritis Arthritis is a degenerative bone and joint disease that causes severe pain and immobility. Common symptoms of arthritis are: Joint pain Stiffness of joints Swelling or inflammation of joints Loss of mobility Decreased range of motion Redness of skin around joints Warm or inflamed joints Treatment of arthritis pain Conventional treatment for arthritis involves painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication. These medicines come with a number of serious side effects, especially when used in the long run. There are several simple home remedies that provide arthritis pain relief. Here are a few effective natural remedies for arthritis pain relief: Hot and cold therapy : Placing an ice pack for some time on the affected area, and following the cold treatment with a hot pack provides relief from joint pain. The cold pack helps to reduce swelling and inflammation of joints. The ice pack should be applied for not more than 15 minutes. An application of heat on the affected areas relaxes the muscles and increases blood circulation. The heat should be bearable and should be kept for 10-15 minutes. This is one of the most common and effective arthritis pain relief options that you can try.
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Diagnosis and Treatment Options for High Cholesterol

Diagnosis and Treatment Options for High Cholesterol

The food items we eat greatly influence our health. In today’s food market, processed and junk food is quite high in consumption. This leads to a variety of diseases including high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy substance in the lipids in your blood. While cholesterol is a necessity when it comes to building healthy cells, having high levels of cholesterol in the body increases your risk of the onset of heart diseases. Cholesterol level diagnosis is a necessity when it comes to determining the cholesterol levels in your blood. The only way to determine cholesterol levels in your blood is a blood test. High cholesterol in your blood may lead to the development of fatty deposits in your blood vessels. These deposits hamper the flow of blood through your arteries. Having a decreased flow of oxygen-rich blood increases your risk of heart disease and may lead to a stroke as well. We have covered the course of cholesterol level diagnosis and treatment. Cholesterol level diagnosis LDL cholesterol level diagnosis – Mentioned below is LDL cholesterol level diagnosis. Having cholesterol levels below 70 mg/dL is best suited for people suffering from diabetes or heart disease. Having cholesterol levels between 100 mg/dL and 129 mg/dL is near optimal if you are not suffering from heart disease, and high if you are. Having cholesterol levels between 130 mg/dL and 159 mg/dL is borderline high if you are not suffering from heart disease and high for those suffering from heart disease. If your LDL cholesterol levels are between 160 to 189 mg/dL, it is considered to be high. If you are suffering from heart disease, these levels are dangerous. If your cholesterol levels are above 190 mg/dL, they are very high. You should seek immediate treatment for the same. HDL cholesterol level diagnosis – The lower the amount of LDL in your blood, the better it is for your health.
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