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A Guide to Uric Acid and How to Lower Uric Acid Levels

A Guide to Uric Acid and How to Lower Uric Acid Levels

Uric acid is a compound that consists of the elements carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen. The composition is such that six carbon atoms combine with four hydrogen atoms, four nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms to form a molecule of uric acid. It is a component found normally in urine. It is created when the body breaks down compounds called purines. A higher level of uric acid in one’s urine is suggestive of the fact that there is a kidney disease. Uric acid levels in the urine increase if the patient is subjected to treatment that results in weight loss, such as chemotherapy. Some of the primary foods that contain a high level of purines are mackerel, dried beans, dried peas, liver, anchovies, beer, etc. A high level of uric acid concentration in the blood of the human body is termed as hyperuricemia. This is also a concerning cause of kidney stone and it can lead to gout (a form of inflammatory arthritis). Symptoms of higher/lower uric acid levels There are various symptoms that are easily attributable to higher uric acid levels. However, in the case of lower uric acid levels, there are not many directly identifiable symptoms. Also, due to the occurrence of lower uric acid levels in the world population being only about 0.5%, the symptoms are barely recognized and so, solid medical experience is required to distinguish and pinpoint the deficiency. Lower uric acid levels might be due to the existence of Wilson’s disease (abnormal accumulation of copper in vital organs), Fanconi syndrome (reabsorption of waste products by the bloodstream, allowed by the kidney). Low consumption of food that lacks in purine also results in the lower uric acid levels. This is called hypouricemia. The symptoms for hypouricemia are bone pain or feeling weak (due to Fanconi syndrome), dehydration due to the excessive passing of urine from the body.
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Scabies – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Scabies – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition that spreads easily among people who live in crowded areas or close-knit communities. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the development of serious complications. What is scabies? Scabies is a skin condition with symptoms like severe itching and a rash that can spread all over the body. It is caused by a small mite that burrows just underneath the skin, leading to the formation of tiny bumps all over the body. Scabies can lead to complications if it is not detected and treated on time. You can run an internet search for photos of scabies rashes to understand how these rashes look. You can see a widespread rash and reddened skin in these scabies rash photos. What’s not visible to the human eye is the infestation by a microscopic mite housed underneath the skin. Symptoms of scabies The most common signs and symptoms of scabies are extreme itchiness that may worsen at night and small, red blisters or bumps all over the skin. In adults and older children, these bumps are all over the body but mostly in the area around the fingers, armpits, waist, wrists, knees, breasts, buttocks, and male genitalia. In infants or babies, this condition is seen on the scalp, face, feet, or palms. A search for photos of scabies rash in babies will show you the areas in which this rash typically forms. Symptoms may not appear for up to six weeks after a person has been infected. However, in the case of people with a prior scabies infestation, the signs may show up after a few days. The condition can worsen even if symptoms are not visible. In the initial stages of the condition, scabies may often mimic other skin rashes caused by acne or mosquito bites. The main difference is the constant itching a person will experience.
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Effective Treatment Options for Sinusitis

Effective Treatment Options for Sinusitis

Sinus blockage occurs when there is a swelling and congestion in the sinus tissues. This can occur due to an infection or it can be caused by allergies. Clearing the congestion is the best way to get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by sinusitis. Sinusitis There are small hollow spaces in the skull, around the nose, known as sinuses. These spaces are filled with air and are lined with thin tissues. These sinuses secrete mucus. The mucus helps clear the nasal passages, making it easier for you to breathe and preventing pollutants from blocking up the airways. However, an infection like cold or flu or an allergy could cause an inflammation in the sinuses. This condition is referred to as sinusitis. This blocks up the cavities, and as a result, air and mucus get trapped inside. This exerts pressure on the facial bones and muscles, causing nasal congestion, and all of this results in pain and discomfort. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. In the former case, the condition lasts for up to a month. In the case of chronic sinusitis, the problem can persist for several months, maybe even years. Symptoms of sinusitis Listed below are some of the common symptoms of sinusitis: Facial pressure Headaches Difficulty in breathing Aches in the cheeks, around the nose, and behind the eyes Nasal discharge Fever Tiredness Treatment for sinusitis Sinusitis is mostly caused due to a viral infection like cold or flu. However, you can also get bacterial sinus infections. In addition, sinusitis can also occur due to an allergy. Medicines For a bacterial infection, the doctor might prescribe certain antibiotics. If an allergy has triggered your sinusitis, you may be prescribed with antihistamines. You can also take some over-the-counter or prescription pain medications. Decongestant medications are also a popular choice.
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Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies

Tension Headache Symptoms and Home Remedies

Headaches are very common these days. Long working hours on the laptop and an excessive use of gadgets often lead to a headache. Most people ignore headaches or get temporary relief by taking painkillers. But, do you know that a headache can be the first symptom of a deadly disease? Whether it’s just a tension headache or a sinus problem, ignoring a headache is never a bliss. Headaches are one of the most common chronic pains (second only to back troubles). A headache could be a symptom of some anguished, life-threatening illnesses or it could be as simple as anxiety. So how do you identify what category your problem fits in? Although not all headaches are the same, they all share at least one thing in common—they cause pain. Many headaches also cause other unwanted symptoms, including nausea and vomiting. This article highlights the symptoms of one of the most common types of headache, which is a tension headache and looks at the treatment options for the same. A tension headache One of the most common types of a headache, a tension headache causes pain or discomfort in the head, the neck, and the scalp. It is often associated with tightness of muscles in these areas. Tension headaches are of two types, namely, episodic tension headaches and chronic tension headaches. Symptoms People with tension headaches generally complain of the following symptoms: Episodic tension headaches (they occur for less than 15 days per month) Pain is mild to moderate, a constant band-like pain or pressure Pain affects the frontal, top, or sides of the head. Pain generally appears gradually and regularly develops in the middle of the day Pain may last from 30 minutes to several days Chronic tension headaches (they occur for more than 15 days per month) Pain may fluctuate in severity throughout the day but is roughly always present.
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All You Need to Know about Atrial Fibrillation

All You Need to Know about Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, which is more commonly known as AFib, is a typical heart condition where the heart beats at a much faster rate than usual. More precisely, the heartbeat is often irregular and more than 100 beats or less than 60 beats per minute as compared to the normal heartbeat rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute, when you are in a resting and a relaxed position. Such fast heartbeats can cause serious complications like a stroke or a blood clot in the heart. Thus, it needs to be treated immediately before the situation goes out of the control. Thus, AFib treatment at the right moment is very important. In this article, we’ll discuss some important facts about AFib that can help you to take the right decision before it’s too late. Causes of AFib Normally, when your heart beats it contracts and relaxes with a regular rhythm to pump blood in and out of the chambers of the heart. But with AFib, the upper chambers of the heart, which is known as the atria, contracts randomly at a much faster rate; thus, the heart muscles fail to relax in-between such fast contractions. As a result, the efficiency of the heart is compromised. People who are above 65 years of age are the most common ones to suffer from this heart abnormality. This complication can be triggered by habits of smoking and drinking. But at times, AFib may also occur without any underlying abnormalities in the heart. For example, lifestyle diseases like overactive thyroid or diseases like pneumonia and pulmonary embolism can also trigger Afib. These conditions are often found in young adults. The symptoms of AFib like feeling tired or dizzy may be ignored or misread, but they may be still suffering from AFib. There are various degrees of AFib, depending on the severity of the condition.
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Symptoms of Different Types of Epileptic Seizures

Symptoms of Different Types of Epileptic Seizures

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes seizures. A person is said to have epilepsy if he experiences two or more seizures, a disorder in the electrical communication between neurons in the brain, separated by a period of 24 hours. The consequences of an epileptic seizure can vary from uncontrolled jerking movement to momentary loss of awareness. These can also vary in frequency, from several times in a day to only once in a year. Understanding epilepsy seizure symptoms is the first step in treating this disorder. Types of epileptic seizures and their symptoms Differentiating seizure types is important for causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Epilepsy seizure symptoms are broadly classified into two groups – focal seizures and generalized seizures. Focal seizures are the ones which initially affect only one hemisphere of the brain. There are four lobes in each hemisphere of the brain. The seizure symptoms vary based on where the seizure has occurred. This is further divided into two categories: Focal aware seizure – This affects only a small area of the brain and people experiencing this type of seizure remain conscious. The common symptoms include the following. A sudden feeling of fear, anger, anxiety Falling or moving sensations Altered sense of hearing Strenuous speech or incapable of speaking If asleep, hallucinations or illusions Focal impaired awareness seizure – This is associated with unilateral cerebral hemisphere and results in impairment of awareness. The common symptoms include the following. A feeling of déjà vu, a feeling that a person has lived through the present situation A feeling of euphoria or depersonalization Display of automatisms like, lip smacking or swallowing Generalized seizures – These are typically characterized by no apparent cause. Unlike focal seizures, it affects more or the whole part of the brain. This is further classified into the following types.
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All You Need to Know about Chron’s disease

All You Need to Know about Chron’s disease

Crohn’s disease has been known since 1932 when Dr. Burrill B. Crohn and his colleagues described this inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It is estimated that over 750,000 citizens are living with this condition. Crohn’s disease information continues to be uncovered, though gastroenterologists are yet to pinpoint what exactly causes this disease or come up with a cure. For people living with Crohn’s disease knowing as much as possible about the disease and its management is the best option for relief. What is Crohn’s disease? This is a type of IBD that usually affects the small intestines and the colon, but can occur in any part of the digestive system. Common symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. This is why some people mistakenly referred to it as the ‘bathroom disease. There are several types of Crohn’s disease: Crohn’s colitis This occurs in the large intestines and is the lesser common type, occurring in about 30% of people with Crohn’s disease. Ileocolonic Crohn’s This occurs in the small intestines and the top of the large intestines. It is observed in about 70% of Crohn’s sufferers. What causes it? Researchers are yet to discover the exact causes of the Crohn’s disease. But the Crohn’s disease information has linked some factors to the disease, including: Body immunity robustness Environment Genetics – It is observed that about 20% of people with Crohn’s disease have a history of the disease in the family. What are the symptoms of Crohn’s disease? Many people take longer to get the disease diagnosed. This is because its early symptoms are also indicators of other digestive system problems including food poisoning and severe stomach upsets. Some of these early symptoms include: Loss of appetite Diarrhea Abdominal pain Frequent urge to move bowels Blood in the stool Weight loss Constant fatigue Fever Unattended Crohn’s disease can lead to the elevated severity of symptoms including:
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All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis

All You Need to Know about Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in the case of old people. It’s a treatable condition provided that the patient gets early and appropriate intervention. What is diverticulitis? It is a condition where there is an inflammation or infection in the diverticula or small pouches that develop in the lining of the intestine. According to the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy more than 50% of people above 60, and nearly everyone over the age of 80 has diverticula in their intestines. These pouches may not pose a health risk provided that they don’t get inflamed or infected. Uncomplicated diverticulitis If diverticulitis does develop, it may be a minor irritant, and one can treat it with a course of antibiotics. In more than 75% of cases, there are no severe complications, and a routine CT scan can confirm the diagnosis. About one-third of the total patients experience a recurrence of symptoms, and in younger patients, intervention and testing procedures are necessary. Serious cases Sometimes, the condition can become chronic, and surgery may be required. In about one-fourth of the cases, patients develop complicated diverticulitis with the formation of abscesses, fissures, obstruction, fistula, and obstruction of the bowel. Perforation of the bowel is a major complication because the patient faces the risk of developing peritonitis. Causes Though the direct causes are not known, some factors do seem significant. Age affects the elasticity and strength of the intestine walls. Patients find it difficult to pass stools, and there is more strain on the colon which results in the formation of diverticula. Undigested food collects in these pouches, causing inflammation and infection. This condition is quite common among people who are over the age of 80. Lack of exercise, smoking, obesity, and eating a fiber-deficient diet could be some of the causes.
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All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain

All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Foot Pain

There are various ways to resolve neuropathy foot pain including medication and several therapies, but it is important to identify the underlying cause first. It occurs when there is damage to any of the peripheral nerves. Symptoms of Neuropathy foot pain Neuropathy foot pain is a result of some affected nerve of the peripheral system. The type of nerves that are involved include: Sensory nerves Sensations such as pain, temperature, touch, vibration through the skin are picked up by the sensory nerves. Motor Nerves The movement of the muscles is regulated by these nerves. Autonomic Nerves The heart rate, blood pressure, bladder, and digestion are controlled by the autonomic nerves. The signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are as follows: Numbness or tingling A feeling of numbness or tingling that starts at your hands/feet and radiates to your arms and legs. Pain A feeling of sharp, burning, throbbing or freezing pain. Sensitivity You become extremely sensitive to light touch. Coordination Problems with balance occur as a result of poor coordination and sometimes you could fall. Muscle weakness If there is an impact on the motor nerves, there could be a resultant weakness of muscles or paralysis. Heat intolerance This occurs if there is an effect on the autonomic nerves. The sweating pattern is altered. Digestive problems Another side effect of the autonomic nerves that are affected is digestion problems. Bowel and bladder problems also arise. Dizziness Affected autonomic nerves are also responsible for dizziness along with changes in blood pressure. When only one nerve is affected due to peripheral neuropathy, it is referred to as mononeuropathy. When there are multiple nerves involved, it is known as polyneuropathy. Causes of Neuropathy in feet Neuropathy in feet can occur due to the presence of multiple diseases. The reasons for neuropathies are: Alcoholism There are vitamin deficiencies due to poor choice of diet in the cases of people suffering from alcoholism.
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Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders

Natural Ways to Treat Allergic Disorders

Allergies can be of many types, such as skin allergy, dust allergy, pollution allergy, food allergy, animal allergy, drug allergy, and many more. As per a study of the American population by the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, it has been found that around 25% of the American population suffers from allergic disorders. Well, there are many medications available in the market that may help you get instant relief from an allergy, but they do not help you remove the substance of allergy from your system. The symptoms of allergic reactions Most allergy symptoms may occur when your body or the immune system reacts to allergic elements. Allergic elements are the substances that the body is not able to adapt to naturally, which may cause an allergy, such as dust mites, insects’ stings, plant pollen, molds, pollution particles, certain types of food, and more. Some visible symptoms of allergic reactions are as follows: Low energy level or dizziness Feeling fatigue, which may also be extreme at times May get a hay fever in which you may experience a runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion Eczema Asthma Nasal drip Improper digestion or an upset stomach Skin rash or redness Feeling nausea and vomiting sensation Dryness as in dry skin, dry mouth, or more Anaphylaxis Natural allergy treatments It has been found that 50% of the population rely on or try the natural allergy treatments more than any other remedies according to the different types and causes of allergies. It is best to use natural allergy treatments that may not help in getting you instant relief but that help in removing the allergic substances from your body with some natural elements. Here are some preventive and natural allergy treatments that may surely provide instant relief from your allergies: Change your diet regime One of the simple and easiest natural ways of allergy treatment is to adopt a healthy lifestyle with a change in diet.
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