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Red Eyes – Common Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Red Eyes – Common Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Red eyes refer to a condition in which the white portion of the eye, known as sclera, becomes reddened or “bloodshot.” The redness occurs when the vessels in the eye become inflamed or irritated. Redness in the eye can manifest in various ways ranging from the occurrence of squiggly pink dots on some part of the sclera to the development of lines in the entire sclera. Red eye can happen in either one or both the eyes. A few symptoms associated with red eyes are as follows: Irritation Dryness Itching Pain Watery eyes Blurry vision Burning sensation Sensitivity to light Common causes of red bloodshot eyes There are several allergens present in the environment that can trigger red eye. These allergens include the following. Airborne allergens Pollution in the air caused by smoke Dry air in airplane cabins, closed office buildings, or arid climate Dust Airborne fumes generating from gasoline or solvents Chemical exposure caused by chlorine in swimming pools Excessive exposure to sunlight, for example, going out without wearing UV-blocking sunglasses Some serious eye conditions that can cause red eyes are as follows: Eye trauma or injury Eye infection Conjunctivitis Recent eye surgery including cosmetic eye surgery or laser treatment Scleritis, in which the sclera becomes excessively swollen and red Uveitis Acute glaucoma Corneal ulcer Few lifestyle factors can also trigger red eyes, such as the following. Smoking marijuana or tobacco Excessive alcohol consumption Continual use of digital devices Inadequate sleep Red eye treatment Simple measures can help treat red eyes. Some of these measures are as follows: Avoid rubbing eyes as it promotes mast cell degranulation and histamine release. Instead, you can use cool compresses to alleviate itching. In order to ease mild red eye symptoms, you need to close your eyes and splash cold water several times a day onto your eyelids.
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High Blood Pressure – Symptoms and Treatment Options

High Blood Pressure – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Hypertension or high blood pressure is the condition where the amount of force exerted against the artery walls when the blood flows through them is higher than usual. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), one in every three persons in the country over the age of 20 has high blood pressure. Without the right treatment, blood pressure may lead to many health problems including heart failure, stroke, vision loss, and kidney disease. Common symptoms of high blood pressure Hypertension is known as the silent killer as it does not exhibit any symptoms. When the blood pressure reaches 180/110 mmHg, it is considered a medical emergency. Some of the common symptoms of high blood pressure are as follows: Headaches It is one of the most common symptoms of high blood pressure. It may get worse because of factors like stress, migraines or sinusitis. High blood pressure can affect the blood-brain barrier, exert excess pressure on the brain, and lead to blood leaks from the blood vessels. The leaked blood causes swelling, which exerts more pressure on the brain and leads to headaches. Dizzy spells It is another symptom of high blood pressure, but its cause may also be anxiety, the side effect of some medicines, low blood pressure, or pregnancy. High blood pressure can cause the blood vessels in the brain to rupture, narrow or leak, sometimes blocking blood flow too. Due to this blockage, a patient may feel dizzy, and in the worst case, it may lead to a stroke as well. Facial flushing People who consume alcohol, eat hot and spicy food or are prone to food allergies show this symptom. Sometimes, hot flushes are associated with menopause as well. But high blood pressure can cause facial flushing due to the excess flow of blood when the patient is angry or anxious.
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Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hip Bursitis – Causes, Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatment

The hip joint is one of the strongest joints of the human body. It helps us to stand and walk and absorbs the impact when we jump. However, it is not immune to wear and tear. Hip bursitis or the inflammation of a bursa in the hip is one of the common causes of hip pain. Prescription medication is not always required for relief from hip bursitis. What is hip bursitis? Sacs filled with fluid that reduce the friction between tissues as they move are known as bursae. The major bursae are located at large joints such as the hips, shoulders, elbows, and knees. There are two bursae in the hip, the trochanteric bursa on the outer hip and the iliopsoas bursa on the inner side of the hip. Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. This is not infectious but it may become infected. Causes of hip bursitis It becomes easier to seek relief for hip bursitis if one understands the factors causing it. The most common causes of hip bursitis are as follows: Injury to the hip Falling on the hip or banging the hip on a hard surface can lead to blood being filled in the bursa and inflammation of the bursa lining. While the blood may be later reabsorbed by the body, the lining stays inflamed for much longer. This is also known as traumatic bursitis. Repetitive hip trauma Sometimes even minor trauma to the hip can cause hip bursitis if it occurs repeatedly. These are known as mini-traumas . People who run or bike have a higher risk of hip bursitis caused by such mini-traumas . Gout and rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis affects the outer lining or the synovial membrane of the bursa. Similarly, gout causes the accumulation of urate crystals in the synovial membrane.
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Key Symptoms and Treatments of Arthritis

Key Symptoms and Treatments of Arthritis

Arthritis can be described as an autoimmune disorder that leads to chronic inflammation of the joints. Generally, body parts like the knees, hands, and fingers are mainly affected by this chronic disease. The disease begins with mild symptoms that often lead to a bigger systemic illness affecting the different portions of the human body. The arthritis pain symptoms differ from one individual to another, and it may change on a day-to-day basis. Arthritis pain can be identified with the help of its symptoms. You must remember that the symptoms may vary from person to person, and you have to get a detailed idea to deal with this chronic disease. Here are some of the basic symptoms and treatment methods of rheumatoid arthritis that’ll give you an idea of what it is. Fatigue Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis pain in almost all phases. Fatigue results from the active inflammation of joints, anemia, medication habits, and poor sleep. Patients feel uneasy and often report a lack of energy. Moreover, it can affect their emotions, occupation, sex drive, relationship, mood, happiness, creativity, productivity, and attentiveness. Many experts have revealed that fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis also have a connection with weight loss and poor appetite. Joint pain Joint pain is another common symptom of rheumatoid arthritis, and it results from the inflammation of joints. A large number of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis often face severe joint pain, and you should consult a doctor if you feel joint pain due to any reason. It is important to remember that past rheumatoid arthritis can result in damaged ligaments, bone, and cartilage, and the patients feel severe pain while using the damaged joints. Joint tenderness A large number of people also face problems of joint tenderness in rheumatoid arthritis. The inflamed joint lining tissue irritates the nerves on the joint capsule, and this leads to pain.
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Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn – Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Heartburn is a condition that results from a disturbed digestive system. In this condition, the acidic contents of your stomach end up going back up through the esophagus pipe as a result of reflux. This leads to an uncomfortable feeling that is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, which is commonly known as heartburn. Heartburn – Main causes, signs, and symptoms The lower part of the esophagus, or the food pipe, opens up to release food into your stomach. The lower esophageal sphincter, which is the lower part of the food pipe may sometimes end up opening abnormally to release acidic contents back into the esophagus. It could be caused due to indigestion of certain foods or even due to the consumption of spicy foods. This results in the feeling of a strange, burning sensation in your chest, which can be characterized as one of the main heartburn signs. In other words, every time the lower esophageal sphincter gets too relaxed, the stomach juices go upwards, thereby causing this condition. As mentioned above, the occurrence of heartburn signs and symptoms can be attributed to the intake of certain kinds of drinks and foods. The intake of spicy foods, in particular, can lead to the onset of heartburn symptoms. It can also be triggered by consuming certain fatty and fried foods. The lower esophageal sphincter ends up weakening as a result of consuming large meals as well. Certain foods like the tomato sauce and ketchup may also cause certain signs and symptoms of heartburn to appear. Certain citric products can also be responsible for causing heartburn symptoms. Beverages that have high caffeine content and alcoholic drinks are also known to be a leading cause of heartburn symptoms. Even peppermint and chocolate can be responsible for triggering heartburn. Typical heartburn symptoms and signs There are certain heartburn symptoms and signs that are characterized by a burning sensation and pain in the chest usually when you lie down or after eating.
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Enlarged Prostate – Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Enlarged Prostate – Symptoms and Natural Remedies

The prostate is the muscular gland in the reproductive system of men, which is very small in size. Almost 50% of men who are in their 60s face prostate enlargement, and this percentage reaches 90% for those who are 85 years old or above. The first sign of prostate enlargement is frequent urination at night. This condition of an enlarged prostate is also called BPH or Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. This condition takes place when the number of cells in the prostate gland begins to multiply, and the additional cells prevent the flow of urine by squeezing the urethra. Here are some of the causes and natural remedies for prostate enlargement. Causes of an enlarged prostate Enlarged prostate or BPH is a common medical condition for men who are aging, and men above 80 are the most likely to face some symptoms of BPH. However, the exact cause or the reason for BPH is still unknown. One of the factors for this could be the changes that occur in the generation of the male sex hormone with aging. Sometimes, prostate problems could be hereditary as well. Also, if there are any issues with the testicles, the person might also face the risk of developing BPH. Moreover, men whose testicles have been removed previously will not be facing the problem of an enlarged prostate. Symptoms of BPH Before proceeding further to know the remedies for prostate enlargement, you should be aware of the symptoms that are associated with BPH. These symptoms are mild at the beginning. However, they become more and more critical as time passes by. Therefore, it is extremely important to take the required action as soon as you face the following symptoms: The bladder is not getting emptied properly Urinating more than two to three times every night Weakened urinary stream Urge for urination out of nowhere Dribbling toward the end of urination Pain while urinating Blood coming out while urinating If you are continuously experiencing such serious issues, you need to seek advice from your doctor straight away.
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Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Fibromyalgia – Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment

There are a variety of factors leading to the development of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and it is important to determine the underlying symptoms. If anyone experiences symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as the ones listed below, a timely diagnosis has to be made before treatment can be initiated. Fibromyalgia symptoms checklist The following are some of the common symptoms of fibromyalgia: Widespread pain A dull ache that has persisted over 3 months is not supposed to be concluded as a symptom of fibromyalgia. The pain must be present on both the sides of the body as well as below and above the waist. Fatigue Even after getting sufficient sleep, patients who are suffering from fibromyalgia have complaints of fatigue when they wake up. In most cases, patients with fibromyalgia symptoms could be suffering from other disorders such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome. Difficulties with cognition Patients with fibromyalgia suffer from “fibro log” which leads to an impairment of the ability to focus, problems in paying attention, as well as concentrating on tasks involving the mind. There are certain coexisting health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, various types of headaches including a migraine, interstitial cystitis which is also known as a painful bladder, as well as disorders of the temporomandibular joint, so these can be considered symptoms of fibromyalgia as well. Risk factors that can cause fibromyalgia There could be a plethora of factors that could lead to the development of fibromyalgia: Genetics : One could be prone to acquiring fibromyalgia through various gene mutations which tend to run in the family. Infections : Fibromyalgia can often be triggered by certain illnesses. Trauma : Traumatic incidents like car accidents could contribute to the development of fibromyalgia as well. It could also occur as a result of psychological stress.
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Natural Remedies and Alternative Medication to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Natural Remedies and Alternative Medication to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Natural herbs and remedies have long been associated with sexual health and increasing sexual competency. However, it would be wise for potential takers to exercise caution as they may come with side effects. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the lack of an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. This can lead to embarrassment or insecurities that can potentially make the problem worse. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available. Some natural remedies have been used in many cultures for years and are derived from special plants and herbs. Some of the natural remedies for ED include L-arginine There is evidence to indicate that large doses of L-arginine can be helpful in restoring potency and improving erections. This is because L-arginine opens up the blood vessels and this helps in restoring blood flow to the penis. There could also be some potential side effects and these include cramps, diarrhea, and nausea. It is to be noted that L-arginine is not to be taken with Viagra. Propionyl-L-carnitine Propionyl-L-carnitine should be taken under the strict guidance and after consultations with a doctor. It is believed that it works well with Viagra and increases its effect to provide the desired erection. It works better with Viagra compared to taking it alone. It is considered safe as long as it is taken under the directions of a doctor. Dehydroepiandrosterone It is useful for improving libido in both women and men. It is also said that it is quite safe if taken in lower doses and can help with erectile dysfunction. However, it is to be noted that it can cause acne in certain cases. Ginkgo Gingko can be very useful as it helps in increasing the flow of blood to the penis. However, this may also prove to be your undoing as it can increase the risk of bleeding.
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Tips to prevent erectile dysfunction naturally

Tips to prevent erectile dysfunction naturally

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is characterized by persistent difficulty in maintaining an adequate erection to engage in sexual intercourse. There are several reasons why men get ED: some include natural aging process while others may be the outcome of an underlying medical condition wherein blood vessels and associated nerves that supply blood to the penis are affected. Herein, we discuss some tips you can try to protect your potency and prevent erectile dysfunction. Follow a healthy diet Anything that is bad for the heart is also bad for the penis. Doctors opine that unhealthy food that may be causing blockages to the coronary arteries in your heart may also be responsible for inadequate sexual performance. People who consume fewer vegetables and fruits and more fatty, fried, and processed foods are at a greater risk of erectile dysfunction. According to experts, the best diet is the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and nuts, as these are fats that are healthy for the heart. Keep weight in check Type 2 diabetes can cause nerve damage that affects the entire body. The nerves that supply blood to the penis may also be affected and this could give rise to erectile dysfunction. Maintaining a healthy weight will also allow you to last longer in bed and have a more satisfying sexual life. You are advised to control your weight through a regimen of healthy food and daily exercise. If you are overweight, do consult a nutritionist and join a gym for good guidance on how to stay in shape. Monitor levels of cholesterol and blood pressure It is important to constantly check your blood pressure and cholesterol. Research shows that high blood pressure and cholesterol can severely affect blood vessels that carry blood to the penis. This will give rise to erectile dysfunction.
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5 tips to manage hemophilia

5 tips to manage hemophilia

Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder that makes it difficult for the blood to clot, leading to excessive bleeding. It is a health condition that requires vigilance from the patients and their caregivers to prevent complications. But some steps can be undertaken to lead a quality life and manage the condition in time. We have discussed five lifestyle tips below: Keep up with medical care Avoiding any health complications or infections is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In order to do so, hemophilia patients should get themselves checked annually to assess their condition and get immediate professional care when needed. This also includes preventing blood-borne infections and getting vaccinated for the same. Stay active Hemophilia patients are advised to steer clear of activities that can put them at risk of getting injured. However, an inactive lifestyle is one of the major causes of weight gain, resulting in strain on the joints and internal bleeding. Indulging in light activities like cardio and stretching helps maintain weight and ensures the patient does not lose their footing after long periods of immobility. Protect children Children are active and adventurous by nature. Keeping them from falling, tumbling, or wounding themselves on the playground can be a challenging task. It is, however, prudent to take safety measures without hindering the child’s active lifestyle. Babyproofing of the home is one way to ensure the children do not accidentally cut or wound themselves. Another way is to get protective gear like gloves, helmets, knee and elbow pads. Focus on dental care Patients with blood disorders must avoid bleeding. Taking good care of oral hygiene safeguards one from decay and gum infections, which can inadvertently lead to bleeding. Maintaining a proper oral care routine after a dental procedure helps prevent bleeding. Also, it is equally important to keep up with dental appointments to avoid any major procedures and complications.
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