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All You Need to Know about Chronic Bronchitis

All You Need to Know about Chronic Bronchitis

The flu or a cold runs its course in a couple of weeks. But sometimes an individual may suffer from bronchitis as well. That’s when the bronchial tubes that carry air to the lungs get infected and swollen. One ends up with a nagging cough and a lot more mucus. An individual may get bronchitis in other ways too, usually, they are of two types, namely, acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is the more common type of bronchitis. The symptoms last for a few weeks, but it does not usually cause any more problems past that. Chronic bronchitis is more serious, and it keeps coming back or doesn’t go away at all. It’s one of the conditions that make up what’s known as the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Chronic bronchitis can be treated at specialized treatment centers for the condition. Understanding chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis is a persisting infection and inflammation of the bronchi—larger airways of the lungs. There are two main bronchi in the lungs, namely, the right bronchi and the left bronchi. These two bronchi divide from the trachea. Chronic bronchitis occurs as a part of the disease complex, COPD, which also includes small airways disease and emphysema. The bronchial tubes when inflamed produce a lot of mucus and this leads to difficulty in breathing and coughing. Chronic bronchitis refers to daily mucus production and a chronic cough for at least three months of two or more consecutive years. Smoking cigarette is one of the most common causes of chronic bronchitis. However, breathing in fumes, air pollution, or dust over a long period may also cause it. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition, which keeps coming back or never completely goes away. Risk factors for chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis can affect men and women of all ages, but it tends to be more common in middle-aged men.
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Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

The number of kidney patients has increased by the time because of various lifestyle issues. In chronic kidney diseases, the organ cannot function the way it is naturally supposed to. It is neither considered as kidney failure nor fully functional. A moderate problem occurs in the glomerular filtration rate known as GFR, which leads to the stage 3 kidney disease. However, at this particular stage, the necessity to transplant a kidney or undergo dialysis treatment is not operational. It is better to detect as early as possible so that medication and proper diet control can prevent the disease to increase further. How is stage 3 kidney disease diagnosed? When a patient starts complaining about urination, pain in legs, and pain in the kidney areas and finds difficult to do regular household jobs, then one must go for a blood test on doctor’s recommendation. A perceptive analysis executed for kidney function, i.e., GFR. There are specific measures used for the particular test such as- age, race, sex, serum, and creatinine. A blood test is utilized to determine the creatinine and serum levels in the body. The kidneys do not function properly when the creatinine levels are higher than expected and a waste of the body such as fluid can’t be removed easily. Hence, the stage 3 kidney disease is divided into two segments- Stage 3 A The range of GFR is 45-59mL/min (moderate chronic kidney disease) Stage 3 B The range of GFR is 30-44mL/min (mild chronic kidney disease) What are the primary symptoms? People suffering through stage 3 kidney disease may get alarmed with specific symptoms. Some significant warning signs listed below- Excessive fluid retention The loss of protein is higher through urine, and that is the reason why kidneys can’t determine the amount of fluid that should retain. This malfunction of kidney results in fluid retention.
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Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

Here’s What You Need to Know about Eczema

No underlying disease triggers eczema. Eczema occurs when a patient’s immune system overreacts to some irritant. By taking some preventive measures, one can avoid or relieve the symptoms of this condition. Symptoms of eczema In most cases, eczema comes with itchy skin, irrespective of which body part is affected. One may also develop rashes on the face, behind the knees, hands, wrists or feet, and sometimes, this could be preceded by itching. The affected area has a dry, scaly or thickened appearance. Initially, it has a reddish appearance before becoming brown for people with fair skin. People with a dusky complexion may face a change in pigmentation. The affected area may either get lighter or darker. An oozing crust may also form on the skin, and in the case of infants, this symptom may appear on the face and scalp. Patches, however, can develop anywhere. Causes of eczema While the definitive cause for eczema is not known, it usually appears when the immune system overreacts to an irritant. People with a family history of allergies or asthma face a higher chance of developing this condition. Problems in the skin barrier allow germs and moisture to enter the skin, leading to eczema. Particular conditions or substances are also responsible for triggering itchy rash in some people. Itchiness can also occur when the skin comes in contact with coarse or rough materials. Other triggers include the feeling of excessive heat or cold, being exposed to harsh household items like detergent or soap. Animal dander can also lead to eczema flare-ups. An infection in the upper respiratory tract could also lead to rashes. These rashes could get worse due to stress. While there is no sure shot cure for eczema yet, patients can manage this condition with the help of medication as well as by avoiding irritants.
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All You Need to Know about Pinched Nerve

All You Need to Know about Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve occurs when too much pressure is put on a nerve by the surrounding tissues like the bones, the tendons, the cartilage, or muscles. This pressure disrupts the nerve’s functioning and causes pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness. A pinched nerve can occur at a number of sites in the body. For example, a herniated disc in the lower spine may put too much pressure on the nerve root, causing pain that radiates down the back of the leg. Similarly, a pinched nerve in the wrist can cause pain and numbness in the hands and fingers (carpal tunnel syndrome). Nerves extend from the brain and the spinal cord, sending important messages throughout the body. When an individual has a pinched nerve, also known as nerve compression, the body may send warning signals like pain. It is important to not ignore these warning signals. The damage from a pinched nerve may be severe or minor. It may cause long-lasting or temporary problems. The earlier a diagnosis is made and treatment for nerve compression is started, the more quickly one will find relief. In some cases, the damage from a pinched nerve may not be reversed. But treatment options usually relieve pain and other symptoms associated with a pinched nerve. Signs and symptoms With a pinched nerve, sometimes pain may be the only symptoms. Or there may be other symptoms without any pain. Some of the common signs and symptoms associated with a pinched nerve are: Pain in the area of compressions, such as the lower back or the neck Weakness, especially during certain activities Radiating pain, such as radicular pain or sciatica A burning or a “pins and needles” sensation Tingling or numbness Sometimes, the symptoms may worsen when one tries certain movements, such straining the neck or turning the head.
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Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins

Common Symptoms and Treatments for Varicose Veins

No one would like to spot some blue or dark purple colored veins on his or her legs or any other body parts. If you find such veins sneaking through your skin, you should talk to a dermatologist. This disorder is known as varicose veins and they form due to some faulty valves that pass blood in the wrong direction. The disorder can be found in adults and aged people. Apart from this, pregnant women are vulnerable to this vein disorder. Spider veins, swollen ankles, and aching legs are some of the symptoms one can experience when under the varicose vein disorder. Various treatments are available for varicose veins. You can opt out for home remedies, but if the condition is beyond your control, you should talk to a specialist, as the disorder can lead to varicose ulcers on your skin. Here, we will talk about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment for varicose veins. Symptoms In most of the cases, patients do not experience any pain at the beginning for their varicose veins disorder. Have a look at some of the most common symptoms of varicose veins. Twisted and lumpy and swollen veins Minor injuries lead to heavy bleeding Legs feel heavy after any physical activity Swollen ankles Skin discoloration in affected areas Venous eczema Leg cramps after prolong standing Restless legs syndrome Skin shrinking Diagnosis of varicose veins The process of diagnosis involves a physical examination by doctors, where they will check for swelling. If you have any aching or hard pain in your legs, you should mention it during the process. Doctors can also perform an ultrasound test to ensure proper functioning or valves in the veins. They will also search for the evidence of blood clot in your veins. In a noninvasive test, experts will use a hand-held device against your skin or the affected area to examine the cause of this disorder.
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All You Need to Know about Eczema

All You Need to Know about Eczema

All You Need to Know about Eczema Eczema is a skin condition that is characterized by patches of skin that become inflamed, rough, itchy, cracked, and red. Sometimes, even leading to blisters. Different stages and types of eczema affect almost 31.6% of people in the country. The word “eczema” is also used to specifically talk about “atopic dermatitis”, which is the most common type of eczema. Types Eczema has many types. These types can be identified with the help of eczema photos and also the symptoms. Some of the common types of eczema are: Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is a health condition that has a genetic base. It is one of the most common types of eczema. Atopic dermatitis does not have an allergic base. This disease has a tendency of beginning early in the life of those who have a predisposition to inhalant allergies. The characteristics of this condition are rashes on the cheeks, neck, elbow and knee creases, and ankles. Allergic contact dermatitis In the case of contact dermatitis, there are two types. One of these is irritant based which occurs because of a direct reaction to an allergen. The second type is allergic, and this occurs because of a delayed reaction to an allergen. Seborrheic dermatitis This is another type of dermatitis where you can see rashes on the face, scalp, ears, and in the case of adults, the mid-chest area as well and which easily identified as you look at eczema photos clicked during the screening. This is different for infants. It produces a weepy, oozy rash behind the ears and can be quite extensive at the time, wherein it involves the entire body. Dyshidrotic dermatitis Dyshidrotic dermatitis causes itchy, scaly patches of skin that become red, cracked, painful, and also flaked. It affects the fingers, soles of the feet, and also palms of the hand.
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All You Need to Know about Meningitis

All You Need to Know about Meningitis

Have you ever heard about meningitis? Do you know what it is and what are all the things that are related to it? Is meningitis contagious? These are some of the common questions about meningitis. The fact of the matter is that many people are not completely aware of this disease. However, as it turns out, this is one of the most serious diseases. An acute inflammation of the meninges (the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord) is known as meningitis. As it affects the membrane that protects the brain, this disease is dangerous. According to the statistics, there were around 4,100 cases of bacterial meningitis each year from 2003 to 2007, and 500 of those cases were fatal. Meningitis is a disease that is found in various parts of the world. It has many types, of which bacterial meningitis is the most common. And sometimes the symptoms vary based on the age too. Types, causes, and symptoms of meningitis Bacterial meningitis Bacterial meningitis is caused by the bacteria that enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain and the spinal cord. This can also happen if the bacteria invade the meninges directly. The causes for this are skull fracture, an ear or sinus infection, and sometimes surgeries. The symptoms in this type of meningitis usually develop suddenly. Altered mental status, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, irritability, headache, fever, chills, stiff neck, drowsiness, and lethargy are some of the symptoms of bacterial meningitis. One should seek immediate medical attention if he or she notices any of the above symptoms as bacterial and another type of meningitis called viral meningitis can be very dangerous and lethal. Viral meningitis Viral meningitis is mild in nature and mostly clears on its own. Most of the cases of this disease in the country are due to a group of viruses named enteroviruses.
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Shingles – Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Shingles – Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatments

Shingles is an infection caused by a virus. It is characterized by a painful rash. The same virus that causes chickenpox leads to this viral infection. It results in the development of a stripe of blisters, usually on one side of the body. This rash is very painful, and usually, patients need to adopt some remedies to get relief from shingles. Symptoms and diagnosis of shingles Shingles is characterized by pain and a burning sensation. You may also experience a tingling or numbing sensation in or under your skin. It may lead to the appearance of red blisters which are very painful. Shingles is also accompanied by other symptoms such as fever and headache. You may experience itching and irritation as well as fatigue due to shingles. Your doctor may diagnose shingles through its tell-tale symptoms and signs. When you have red blisters that tend to sting, itch and burn, you probably have shingles. These signs alone help your doctor in the diagnosis of this problem. It is essential to get the right diagnosis to find the right remedies and treatments for shingles. Risk factors The varicella-zoster virus which causes chickenpox is responsible for shingles as well. If you have had chickenpox at any point of time in your life, you face the risk of developing this condition. Once this virus enters your system, it stays dormant for a long time. It may get activated by exposure to infections when your immunity levels are low. Though shingles itself is not contagious, the varicella-zoster virus is communicable. Exposure to open sores of other shingles patients can put you at the risk of developing this infection. You are at high risk of developing shingles after you turn 50. Some diseases like HIV, AIDS, as well as cancer, can put you at risk of developing this problem.
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An Extensive Guide to Itchy Eyes Treatment

An Extensive Guide to Itchy Eyes Treatment

When your eyes are red and itchy and if there is swelling on your eyelids, you may be having eye allergies known as allergic conjunctivitis. Eye allergies may be caused or triggered by pollen from trees, weeds, grass, etc. It may also be caused by irritants like perfumes, cigarette smoke, or diesel exhaust. When your eyes release histamine along with other substances, it leads to itchy, red watery eyes. This can be seen evidently from the reaction of your eyes to some form of allergies. Symptoms of itchy eyes It is important to be aware of the symptoms of itchy eyes so that you can seek timely treatment for this problem. Itchy eyes are characterized by symptoms such as itchiness, burning sensation in the eyes, watery discharge from the eyes, a constant feeling that something is in your eyes, photophobia or aversion to light, production of mucus, redness, and puffiness. Itchy eyes treatment and management Itchy eyes treatment involves avoiding exposure to any of the above-mentioned factors that may be responsible for triggering the allergy. Itchy eyes treatment involves staying indoors in order to avoid being exposed to pollens that float around in the atmosphere. Pollen grains are mostly present in the air during early evenings and mornings. Window fans can also be responsible for letting pollens and other allergy-causing substances into your house. Avoiding the use of such fans can be effective itchy eyes treatment. Instead, you should close your house windows and use air conditioners to keep these allergy triggers from entering the premises. Whenever you are heading out of the house, an effective itchy eyes treatment is wearing sunglasses. These will help avoid pollens from coming in contact with your eyes and thus prevent allergies. Even while traveling, keep your car windows rolled up to prevent the pollens in the air from entering into your eyes.
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Congestive Heart Failure – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Congestive Heart Failure – Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Congestive heart failure is a disease characterized by a problem that affects the pumping power of the heart muscles. It is a chronic progressive disease and is also referred to as heart failure. Congestive heart failure (CHF) refers to the stage in which there is a build-up of fluid around the heart. This causes an ineffectiveness in pumping blood. The heart has four chambers. The lower half of the heart has two ventricles which pump blood to the body’s organs. The upper half of the heart, however, consists of two atria which receive the blood circulated back from the rest of the body. The ventricles cannot pump enough blood to the body due to congestive heart failure. This leads to blood and other fluids filling up the liver, lungs, lower body, and the abdomen. Treatment for congestive heart failure must be done immediately as the disease could be life-threatening. Causes Congestive heart failure may arise from other health conditions that directly impact the cardiovascular system. It is important to get check-ups on a yearly basis to determine the possibility of the onset of any such disease. Lowering the risks which cause heart health problems can go a long way in ensuring one does not develop the disease. Listed below are a few common causes of congestive heart failure. Hypertension leads to the narrowing of the arteries. This makes blood flow much more difficult and can result in the onset of congestive heart failure in the long run. Consider changing the diet if one is suffering from this disease to restore normality or to keep high blood pressure at bay. Valve conditions can directly impact the heart and could lead to its failure. The heart valves regulate the flow of blood to and from the heart by opening and closing the valves.
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