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Symptoms and Treatment Options of Meniscus Tear

Symptoms and Treatment Options of Meniscus Tear

The joints in the human body play a very important role in holding the structure and posture of the entire body. When it comes to the joints of the body, the joints in the legs are the most crucial ones as they help us in standing on our own feet, for real. Over the years, due to wear and tear, the joints and the other various parts of the body do not function like they used to. Hence, the joints in the legs tend to cause a lot of pain and discomfort to the affected person. Excessive physical activity and injury to the joints can cause this often. Also, one of the biggest problems you might face is a meniscus tear. What is meniscus tear? The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that holds and binds all the bones forming a joint in the knee. So, for all the joints in the legs to connect, the meniscus is the only way. It is very important to prevent any injury or stress in this region. But even after considerable care, the meniscus tends to tear during physical activities like sports, intense exercising, and prolonged kneeling. This can be prevented by a brace for a meniscus tear. There is hardly anything that can be done to prevent meniscus tear, but knowing the exact causes might help in the meniscus tear treatment. Causes of a meniscus tear Playing sports like cricket, tennis, football and so on can lead to a meniscus tear. Sometimes, even while exercising, a person’s meniscus can get affected. Weight lifting, squatting and twisting leads to the tear sometimes. However, care and early treatment can help. In order to be sure of a meniscus tear, you will need to know the various symptoms of it. Symptoms of a meniscus tear Unbearable pain when moving the joint area of the leg The affected person will not be able to move the leg even slightly in case of a meniscus tear.
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Hemorrhoids – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Hemorrhoids – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The hemorrhoid is a common disease that affects the masses at large. Every three out of four people suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in time in their lives. The disease is not fatal and may or may not come with symptoms. The symptoms of hemorrhoids include a feeling of discomfort, bleeding, and itching. The disease is also referred to as piles and is categorized by the swelling of the veins in the lower rectum and the anus. Of the many causes of hemorrhoids, increased pressure on these veins, or strain during bowel movement is quite common and may lead to the onset of the disease. It develops under the skin inside the anus, and around it. While there are several causes of hemorrhoids, its cause is often unknown to individuals. You must visit a doctor if you are suffering from the symptoms of the disease. Here are a few of the most common causes, symptoms, and treatment methods of the disease. Causes of Hemorrhoids There are several causes of hemorrhoids. Swollen veins around the anus and within it can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum. The veins tend to strain and stretch under this pressure and well up. Hemorrhoids may also be a result of age. With age, the veins in the anus and the rectum weaken and stretch. Here are a few of the most common causes of hemorrhoids. Higher risk of contracting the disease if you strain during bowel movements Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet may result in the onset of the disease as well Chronic constipation and diarrhea also lead to the disease Obesity too is a cause of the disease Pregnancy may lead to the disease as well Maintaining a low fiber diet may result in the disease as well.
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Common Symptoms and Treatment Options of Shingles

Common Symptoms and Treatment Options of Shingles

Shingles is a type of viral infection that results in a painful rash in the form of blisters. It is caused by the varicella zoster virus that is the same virus that causes chickenpox. After a person encounters chickenpox, the virus lies dormant in the body in the nerve tissues near the brain or spinal cord. After several years, this virus may reactivate in the form of shingles. Although this rash can appear anywhere on the body, it mostly occurs as a strip of sore blisters either on the right or left side of the upper body. It is best to get vaccinated for shingles in order to prevent the occurrence of the condition. Common symptoms of shingles In most cases, the symptoms of shingles can only be seen in a specific part of the body. These symptoms include the following: Pain, numbness or tingling in a specific body part A red rash that develops after a few days of the pain Fluid-filled blisters that crust over Itching in the affected area Sensitivity to touch Apart from these, some people also experience Fever Headache Excessive fatigue Sensitivity to light Usually, one of the first symptoms of shingles is the pain. In some cases, it can be really excruciating and severe. Because the rash mostly occurs on the torso, shingles pain is generally mistaken for a pain of the heart, kidneys or lungs. Sometimes, shingles also develop around the eye or on either side of the face and neck. Effective treatment for Shingles Medications There is no cure for this condition. However, some medications can help in reducing the severity of the symptoms of shingles: Antiviral medicines Antiviral medicines such as famciclovir and acyclovir help to reduce pain and aid the recovery process. Anti-inflammatory medicines Medicines such as ibuprofen and aspirin help to reduce pain and swelling.
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Here’s How You Can Lower Your A1C Levels

Here’s How You Can Lower Your A1C Levels

A1C level is a measurement used to indicate your blood sugar levels. It is vital to have your blood tested regularly to determine your A1C levels and check if you have diabetes. Even if you don’t have diabetes, you should try to keep your blood sugar levels in control. What is A1C level? When sugar enters the bloodstream, it attaches itself to a protein called hemoglobin that is present in your red blood cells. This sugar-bound protein is known as glycated hemoglobin. The higher the amount of such hemoglobin in your blood, the higher your blood sugar levels will be. A1C tests are conducted to gauge your blood sugar levels over the past three months, to get an idea of your sugar level fluctuations. Hemoglobin cells live for about three to four months, so A1C levels give a good picture of your glucose level in the bloodstream for that period. What is the optimal A1C level? A1C levels are referred to in percentages. For a nondiabetic patient, the A1C level should preferably be less than 5.7%. Anything between 5.7% and 6.4% indicates prediabetes. An A1C level of 6.5% and above means that the patient has diabetes. For a person with diabetes, the target is to bring the A1C level below 7%. With lower A1C levels, one can keep a check on the progression of diabetes as well as its associated complications in control. Eye diseases, kidney, nerve, and cardiovascular diseases are the risks associated with diabetes. By putting in some effort to manage your blood sugar level, you can reduce the risk of diabetes. Monitoring and managing blood sugar levels One needs to get their A1C tests tested every three months to accurately track their blood glucose levels. Follow the doctor’s prescriptions and instructions carefully. Be active and exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, to lower your A1C levels.
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All You Need to Know about Irritable Bowel Syndrome

All You Need to Know about Irritable Bowel Syndrome

While irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) does not necessarily lead to other illness related to the colon, it does stay with a patient for a long time and requires a modification of lifestyle. Gastroenterologists and primary-care providers found that 28% and 12% of total patient visits were for symptoms relating to irritable bowel syndrome, though most patients try to avoid treatment for it. There are both indirect and direct costs related to irritable bowel syndrome due to leaves from work as well as the cost of hospital visits. The quality of the patient’s life gets severely compromised, and the disease needs medical intervention for complete resolution. What are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome? When one has irritable bowel syndrome, they may exhibit symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both. A patient may also have pain or cramps in the belly due to this condition. One may feel this pain mostly in the lower part of the belly, and it will intensify after meals. The patient often feels bloated and may get some relief with bowel movements. The belly protrudes, and the stools are either hard or soft. The symptoms get worse due to stress. Some patients also have problems with urination and sexual performance. The types of irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome can be of four types: The first kind is irritable bowel syndrome with constipation or IBS-C The second type is irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or IBS-D The third category of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea and constipation occurring alternately. It is known as mixed diarrhea or IBS-M. When the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome do not fall into any of the above categories, they are usually known as unsubtyped IBS or IBS-U. Risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome Women are more susceptible to this condition than men.
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Heat Rashes – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Heat Rashes – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

While summer is a welcome break for many, it can also become a dreaded time for those who suffer from prickly heat rashes. These reddish, itchy spots can cause a lot of irritation if you don’t resort to the right preventive and curative measures. Heat rashes or sweat rashes commonly occur in tropical, humid climates. Prickly heat rash can occur in adults, children, or even infants. Timely heat rash treatment and preventive measures can help combat the condition effectively. Mild prickly heat rashes usually clear up by themselves, if you reduce your exposure to the sun and maintain good hygiene. The face, neck, chest, back, groin area, under the breasts, and shoulders are likely to be affected by heat rashes. Heat rashes occur when the sweat glands are blocked and the sweat is unable to reach the skin surface to evaporate. This clogging of the sweat pores causes inflammation or rashes. Common causes of heat rashes include the following: Over-exposure to the sun Poor personal hygiene Heavy creams or lotions Wearing tight clothing Symptoms of heat rash Prickly heat is also referred to as miliaria rubra. They are characterized by tiny red bumps on the skin that are accompanied by an itchy or prickly feeling. The prickly sensation feels like a sunburn. The tiny blisters look like beads of sweat or bubbles. Heat rashes may spread to other parts of the body as well. However, it is not an infectious skin condition that could spread to others. There are mainly three types of heat rash: Clear or miliaria crystallina – This is the mildest form that usually disappears on its own Red or miliaria rubra – This occurs on the outer skin layer in the form of tiny red bumps Deep or miliaria profunda – It occurs due to repeated bouts of heat rash that may inflame deeper skin layers.
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Everything You Need to Know about Pneumonia

Everything You Need to Know about Pneumonia

One of the most crippling diseases that can affect the lungs today is pneumonia. Of course, as with any infectious disease, there are many steps that you can take to avoid such an infection, but they aren’t always 100% efficient. Also, like with most other infections, bacteria are often the biggest culprit in adults. The infection in itself causes difficulty in breathing because it blocks the air sacs in the lungs and fills them with fluid or pus. Here are the symptoms, causes, and, most importantly, treatments that one can follow. Understanding Pneumonia Symptoms The symptoms of the infection depend greatly on how long the infection has been manifesting. This is why when these symptoms ever surface, one should get the possibility of Pneumonia ruled out as soon as possible. The symptoms can also be mild, severe, or life threatening. General pain around the chest area Coughing with phlegm and other types of mucus discharge A high body temperature that fluctuates Sweating and chills accompanied by shortness of breath Remember that these are just the basic symptoms of the infection. Depending on the state of your general health and well-being, your age, your symptoms may include other things as well. Symptoms influenced by age differ greatly for infants. They have difficulty eating, drinking, or swallowing in general. They are also likely to show a lack of energy and vomit frequently. People on the other end of the spectrum will probably suffer from a body temperature that falls dangerously low during the infection. However, by far, the most interesting collection of symptoms come from the kind of infection that has plagued you. Viral pneumonia is likely to show the above-stated symptoms and resembles flu when it comes to the same. It also includes wheezing, but bacterial pneumonia is different. Bluish lips and a blue tint in the nails along with a general sense of confusion are only some of the symptoms that are involved when it comes to bacterial pneumonia.
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All You Need to Know about Bulging Disc

All You Need to Know about Bulging Disc

Bulging disc is a condition where the discs between your vertebrae tend to bulge outwards. When the outer fibrous region of your disc weakens, it causes a bulging disc. If a bulging disc is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to the problem of disc tears, which is known as a herniated disc. Causes for a bulging disc The primary reason behind the problem of a bulging disc is that of disc degeneration. Degeneration refers to the gradual wear and tear of your body’s discs. With age, the water content in your spinal discs tends to go down. As a result, your spinal discs start to lose flexibility. At such times, even a minor strain or small twist can make you prone to ruptures or tears. Lifting heavy objects can lead to the problem of a bulging disc as well. It occurs when you are not using your leg and thigh muscles, but the muscles of your back while lifting heavy objects. Risk factors Age is one of the risk factors behind the problem of bulging discs. With age, the water content in your discs tends to go down, and because of this, your discs become inflexible and brittle. As a result of gravity, the weakened cartilage tends to bulge towards your spinal cavity. Smoking cigarettes also put you at risk. Smoking leads to a weakening of your cartilage, thus causing your discs to bulge. In such instances, you will need the right treatment for a bulging disc. People who have a family history of spinal problems are at a higher risk of developing this condition. Injuries caused by accidents during physical exercises and workouts, weightlifting, car accidents, slipping on the pavement or poor movements can also lead to a bulging disc. Poor lifestyle choices also contribute to a bulging disc.
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Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Adult ADHD – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

An adult who has ADHD may struggle with relationships at work, home, or school. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for a person to lead a normal life. What is adult ADHD? Most people who have ADHD develop this disorder in their childhood. The symptoms of it may disappear in some children when they grow older, but studies show that it progresses into adulthood for about 60 percent of the patients. The severity of ADHD in an adult is often not taken seriously, but it can negatively impact many areas of a person’s life. Late diagnosis can also affect the recovery process. Some people may not receive a diagnosis in their childhood, and they only find out about it much later. Others may know about it but may find it difficult to deal with the symptoms. Adult ADHD affects both men and women. Adult ADHD – Causes and symptoms The exact cause of ADHD is not known, but researchers believe that it may be a combination of hereditary, environmental, and developmental factors. People whose family members have ADHD are more likely to develop this condition. Exposure to lead in the childhood and the improper functioning of the central nervous system during a child’s physical development are some other probable causes. The symptoms of ADHD go through a transformation as a person enters into adulthood. However, the signs may not be as distinctive as they are in children. Some of the symptoms may remain the same, but other aspects such as hyperactivity may be more contained. Adults with ADHD can experience problems like difficulty in following simple directions, an inability to concentrate on a task, difficulty in organizing tasks and recollecting information, an inability to complete work on time, impulsiveness, and impatience. For adults with ADHD, daily tasks may prove too difficult.
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Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines

Medications for Prevention and Treatment of Migraines

A migraine is a condition where the person suffers from severe headaches along with a lot of other symptoms. Usually, migraine headaches are accompanied by nausea and photosensitivity. Some people have a sensitivity to sound. What are some medications for migraines? There are two kinds of medications for migraines. Acute medications are designed to control and provide relief from an existing migraine, while the other type is prescribed to prevent the onset of a migraine. Most people who are known to have frequent migraines are usually prescribed preventive medications by their doctors. Acute migraine relief medications There are a wide number of medications for migraines that are available. Some of the drugs used by migraine patients are painkillers and anti-nausea medicines. Ergotamines Ergotamines are generally prescribed to patients suffering from severe migraines. These work by constricting the flow of blood in the head, thereby relieving the person of a headache. These are generally prescription drugs and are not to be abused, as it could lead to serious side effects. These are known to cause serious issues in pregnant women and in people with heart problems. This group of medication has to be used with caution. Triptans Triptans, also known as serotonin agonists, work by blocking the nerve transmitters which transmit pain in the body. The blood vessels are constricted and there is an increase in the serotonin levels. This is effective in relieving the person of a headache. Some of the known side effects of this class of drugs are nausea and dizziness. Some people even reported feeling very drowsy after taking this drug. People who are currently on antidepressants need to mention it to their primary care provider as it can interfere with the triptans and can cause serious harm. Painkillers Painkillers are usually used to provide instant relief from a headache.
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