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4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

Diabetes patients must focus on their daily carbohydrate intake as it is one of the major factors that affect blood sugar. Excess carbohydrates in the system trigger the pancreas to produce and release more insulin. For diabetics, one of the main concerns is eating fruits, as they are rich in natural sugars and fructose. But here are a few simple ways one can include more fruits in daily foods without worrying about type 2 diabetes. Consider low glycemic (GI) fruits Low GI fruits contain natural fibers that help the body with digestion. Cherries, grapefruit, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, grapes, blackberries, and oranges are excellent fruits that supplement daily nutrition. Fibrous fruits also help one feel more satiated throughout the day and curb hunger pangs. Don’t eat in one go The body can only process a finite amount of sugar and carbohydrates in a single day. So, it is better to have a smaller serving of fruits to balance carbohydrate and calorie intake. Also, consider fresh fruits over frozen or dried options. Fresh fruits contain a lower and more easily digestible concentration of natural sugars, minus any preservatives or additives. Portion sizes matter People with diabetes should really pay attention to portion sizes. Excess fruit consumption triggers spikes in blood sugar levels due to the presence of fructose in most fruits. This natural sugar is quickly broken down by the body, resulting in an increase in blood glucose. According to nutritionists, diabetics should not consume any more than a cup of blackberries, 1 1/4th cup of strawberries, 17 cherries, or 3/4th cup of blackberries in one sitting. The sugar intake is equivalent to a 4-ounce tangerine, 4-ounce apple, half a banana, four small apricots, or one cup of fresh watermelon. Avoid fruit juices Half a cup of fruit juice contains 15 grams of carbohydrates.
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8 healthy and cholesterol-lowering snacks

8 healthy and cholesterol-lowering snacks

Those with high cholesterol should ideally opt for healthy snacks rather than empty calories or artery-clogging foods. Snacks with excessive fats or sugar can adversely affect cholesterol levels, so every calorie counts here. Moreover, skipping snacks is not an option. This is where healthy snacks come into the picture; they can help maintain metabolism, blood sugar, and even cholesterol levels. Here are eight easy snacks that will help lower cholesterol. Avocado on toast Avocado contains unsaturated fats, which keep cholesterol levels in check. This fruit contains about 10 grams of fiber. Pair it with whole grain, pumpernickel, or rye toast to make the snack even more fibrous. Popcorn According to the American Heart Association, popcorn lowers cholesterol levels since they are high in fiber content. In fact, popcorn contains more fiber than whole-wheat bread or brown rice. Although it has low calories, it should be eaten in moderation. Nuts Studies have concluded that bad cholesterol can be controlled by replacing fatty foods with healthy monosaturated foods, like nuts, almonds, and walnuts. But be sure to eat only a handful. Tuna nori wraps Tuna helps lower cholesterol since it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Make a tuna salad by adding olive oil, onions, or celery. Then, make a wrap by using nori, a thin sheet made of edible seaweed or lettuce leaves. Roasted chickpeas To make this snack, spread cooked chickpeas on a baking tray. Add salt and olive oil to taste and roast them for about 30 minutes. Lastly, sprinkle some black pepper powder, paprika, lemon zest, or dried spices to enhance the flavor. Edamame Edamame is loaded with fiber and good fats that help control cholesterol levels. To prepare this snack, steam frozen edamame and sprinkle minimal salt for taste. You can also add dry herbs, curry powder, or a dash of lemon juice for more flavor.
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Endometrial cancer – 3 foods to avoid

Endometrial cancer – 3 foods to avoid

Endometrial carcinoma is a type of cancer, specifically uterine cancer. It is one of the most common type of invasive cancer that develops in the female reproductive system. The condition is said to be more common among post-menopausal individuals. Estrogen imbalance, PCOS, and obesity, are some of the factors that can increase the risk of developing this condition. Besides, there are certain foods that can contribute as risk factors for endometrial carcinoma. Dairy Dairy has been increasingly losing its credibility as a healthy food group. It does not have a clear stand when it comes to dairy and its association with cancer. However, for patients with endometrial carcinoma, it is advised to stay off or at least try to avoid dairy as a regular food group. It is the same for various other types of cancer. The lack of evidence holds doctors and other care professionals from declaring dairy as a complete no-no for cancer patients. However, from the available data, it can be concluded that regular intake of dairy products does increase the chances of developing endometrial cancer because of the high saturated fat content, and the food group’s ability to impact the level of estrogen in the body. Trans and saturated fats Hydrogenated oils are commonly used in the food industry. They are mainly employed to increase the shelf life of packaged and processed foods. However, the increased intake of trans fats in combination with saturated fats on the regular significantly increases an individual’s chances of developing conditions like endometrial carcinoma. This means it is advisable for at-risk patients or patients with a diagnosis to try and eliminate foods high in saturated fat content from their menu. Processed meat Processed meat is one of the most common sources of unhealthy fats, excessive salt, and other combination of chemicals that can negatively affect the body.
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5 foods that help lower the risk of endometrial cancer

5 foods that help lower the risk of endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer, also called endometrial carcinoma, begins in the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus. It’s the most common gynecological cancer in the country. Most endometrial cancers are adenocarcinomas, which means they occur in the cells of the glands in the endometrium. Research indicates that eating certain foods helps prevent endometrial cancer while improving overall health. Here, we’ve listed five such foods that may lower the risk of endometrial cancer. Tomatoes The anti-cancer properties of tomatoes are strongly linked to their rich lycopene content. Lycopene is a nutrient that helps stop the growth of cancer cells in the endometrium. It can also lower the risk of cancers of the breasts, lungs, and stomach. Thanks to their versatility, tomatoes go well with several recipes, especially pasta sauce and salads. Spinach Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense veggies. It’s full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that can help ward off a slew of health conditions. Eating healthy spinach-based dishes or other leafy greens, such as kale or broccoli, may also lower the risk of endometrial carcinoma. Soybeans Soybeans are legumes rich in various nutrients, including fiber. A study has linked high soy intake with a 20 percent decreased risk of endometrial cancer. Soybeans are also high in protein, making them a good meat substitute. Blueberries These tiny fruits are packed with compounds that help inhibit the growth of cancer cells across the body, including the endometrium. In addition to blueberries, one can have other antioxidant-rich fruits like strawberries, blackberries, and grapes. Green tea Green tea is popular among those wanting to shed a few pounds, but there’s a lot more to it. A cup of green tea is brimful of powerful antioxidants that can help slow the reproduction and growth of cancer cells while providing other health benefits. Studies have also associated green tea with a lower risk of endometrial carcinoma.
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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – Foods to avoid

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis – Foods to avoid

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or IPF is a chronic lung condition where a patient experiences difficulty breathing due to scarred and strained lungs. The condition is generally seen in people aged 70 years or above. The exact cause of IPF is not known. However, there are measures that can be taken to manage the condition and lifestyle. While some foods help manage the condition and control its symptoms, there are foods that result in exacerbated symptoms. This article talks about the foods that are better avoided with IPF. Dairy Dairy is one of the food groups that should be consumed in small portions. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients must try to avoid it completely. Milk and other milk products can lead to increased phlegm and mucus production in the body. This can, in turn, contribute to difficulty in breathing for the patients. It can also lead to increased coughing and wheezing, exerting excessive pressure on the lungs. Daily consumption of dairy products like ice cream and butter should be avoided at all costs. Dairy alternatives like soy milk, tofu, almond milk, and other plant milk products can be used. Processed meat Processed meats have long been condemned for their potential to cause harm to an individual’s health. Foods like salami, sausages, and other cured meat are harmful to individuals for health concerns. These foods often contain added salts and preservatives like nitrates to increase the shelf life of the meat and make its color appear more appealing. The excess amount of salt in processed foods leads to water retention that can cause patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis to experience difficulty breathing. It is advisable to opt for nitrate-free options or avoid deli-meats in its entirety to avoid complications that arise from these foods. Sodas Sodas or other foods with added sugars are best avoided for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
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5 foods that help cope with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

5 foods that help cope with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a severe disease that can cause scar tissue to grow inside the lungs. The abnormal growth of such tissue can slow the flow of oxygen from the lungs to the blood and make it harder to breathe. There is no cure for IPF, but a few treatments can slow its progression and prolong life expectancy. Furthermore, combining these five foods with treatments may also help cope with the lung condition. Apples Eating apples regularly is known to have several health benefits. Improving lung health is one of them. The fruit contains quercetin, an antioxidant that compliments the lungs. Eating about five or more apples a week will help reduce lung diseases like COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. Beetroots and beet greens People who eat beetroots and beet greens have shown signs of better lung function. The food is rich in nitrates, which help calm the blood vessels. The compound is also known to curb blood pressure and smoothen the flow of oxygen to the respective organs in the body. Furthermore, beet greens contain magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and carotenoid antioxidants. These elements also benefit lung health. Pumpkin Pumpkins are a popular fruit abundant in properties like carotenoids, including zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta carotene. These elements have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. And studies reveal that young and older individuals with higher blood levels of carotenoids benefit from improved lung health. Tomatoes Adding tomatoes to one’s daily meals shows links to improved lung function. They contain lycopene – a carotenoid antioxidant associated with better lung health. Furthermore, people with asthma, who consumed tomato-based products, also experienced reduced airway inflammation. The compounds present in tomatoes also improve lung function in people with COPD. Oysters Oysters are a popular food that helps cope with lung diseases like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
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6 common mistakes to avoid while buying mattresses

6 common mistakes to avoid while buying mattresses

Buying a mattress can be confusing due to the sheer number of options available. It is a product that you use daily but cannot purchase frequently. So, you have to make the right choice on the first go. Options only increase the odds of an impulse buy and could land you in potential sales traps. To help you, here are some common mattress buying mistakes you should avoid to get the best deal. Skimping on research There are four types of mattresses, namely memory foam, latex, coil springs with padding, and hybrid. Each bedding style offers a unique comfort level for different sleeping positions. Some are also designed to provide supportive orthopedic comfort. You must compare available options to check what type of bedding is suitable for your sleeping needs. Buying the cheapest one While price is a major deciding factor, consider spending a little more to get a decent product. For example, single foam mattresses with minimal design elements are the most affordable ones to buy. But these mattresses lack the quality and necessary lumbar support for a good night’s sleep. Not trying out the product Go for brands that offer a free trial period. This way, you get to take the mattress home and try it out for a couple of nights before buying. Don’t buy furnishings that you have not personally checked and tested for long-term use. Buying the wrong size Mattresses come in standard, double, queen, and king-size options that are available with most brands. And the measurements for these variants are available online, so it pays to double-check if the mattress will fit your existing bed frame. This won’t matter if you plan to overhaul your bedroom. But, always check to see what size works best for the family bedroom. Not discussing it with your partner Discuss firmness levels, sleeping positions, and most importantly, the type of materials with your partner.
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6 foods that help manage nasal polyps

6 foods that help manage nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths along the lining of the sinuses. These growths can interfere with airflow, leading to breathing problems and chronic inflammation. Nasal polyps could result from various factors, including nasal allergies. Irrespective of the cause, patients must follow healthy nutrition because the nutrients in some foods can fight nasal polyps and relieve the symptoms. Here are six foods to eat while also using other treatment options for nasal polyps. Warm fluids Excess mucus in the nasal passage can increase the risk of nasal polyps because mucus attracts allergens. Drinking plenty of warm fluids dilutes and loosens mucus, preventing it from accumulating in the nasal passage. Fish Doctors say that inflammation is one of the primary triggers of nasal polyps. Fishes, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can naturally counter inflammation and help manage the symptoms. Honey Microbial activity is another risk factor for nasal polyps. Honey has anti-microbial properties that help prevent and treat polyps. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties relieve the symptoms, making it one of the effective natural treatment options for nasal polyps. Berries Berries like raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, and strawberries are rich in vitamins crucial for protecting the membrane of the sinus lining. They also contain other nutrients like antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing nasal polyps and relieving the symptoms. Kale Kale is yet another food among the natural treatment options for nasal polyps. Many nasal polyp growths result from increased free radicals in the body. Kale contains natural antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cell damage and help boost immunity. Cayenne peppers Cayenne peppers contain capsaicin, which helps relieve inflammation and open the nasal passages to stimulate better breathing and de-clog the congestion. It is one of the best foods to overcome sinus infections with nasal polyps.
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5 foods that may trigger a nasal polyps infection

5 foods that may trigger a nasal polyps infection

Nasal polyps are soft, noncancerous growths that line the nose or sinuses. Small polyps may not cause any symptoms, but larger ones can block the nasal passages. While multiple treatment options are available for nasal polyps, nutrition plays an important role in managing the condition and reducing the risk of nasal infections like sinus inflammation or sinusitis. Researchers have identified certain foods that can worsen nasal polyps and aggravate sinusitis. Here, we’ve listed some foods that people with nasal polyps must avoid. Dairy Dairy products increase mucus and phlegm production, which can worsen nasal congestion. Also, some studies show that people who are allergic to the protein found in dairy products can develop nasal polyps. So, it’s best to avoid full-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt when suffering from nasal polyps or sinusitis. Legumes Beans and lentils are nutritious and contain several beneficial compounds like salicylates. However, people who are hypersensitive to salicylates may develop nasal polyps as a side effect. This natural compound can also trigger nasal allergy or rhinitis and aggravate sinus inflammation. Foods like cauliflower, pickled vegetables, strawberries, watermelon, oats, corn, and rosemary contain salicylates. Tomatoes Tomatoes contain a compound called histamine. And while the body naturally produces histamine, the buildup of this compound causes sinusitis-related symptoms like sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and breathing difficulty. Apart from tomatoes, most processed meat, avocados, eggplant, raisins, apricots, aged cheeses, chocolate, and wine contain histamine. Refined sugar Foods high in refined sugar, such as pastries, candies, chocolate bars, and fruit juices, can cause inflammation and exacerbate sinusitis symptoms. Completely avoiding such foods may not be necessary, but it’s crucial to significantly reduce refined sugar intake. Red meat Consuming excessive amounts of protein-rich red meat can lead to the excessive production of mucus in the body. Such a buildup increases nasal congestion and worsens sinusitis symptoms.
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3 worst foods for lung health

3 worst foods for lung health

Lung conditions affect a lot of people across the globe. In most cases, people tackle these conditions and diseases with various treatments. But, aside from treatments, individuals can fight these ailments and promote lung health with the help of food. Certain foods can strengthen the lungs and keep symptoms at bay. But, some can aggravate the condition, negatively impacting lung health, increasing the risk of lung diseases. Read to know foods that you should avoid. Bread Bread is one of the foods that can contribute to poor lung health. Bread is made of simple carbohydrates such as refined flour and sugar. These foods are known to affect the overall health of the body. They can even have a negative impact on lung health. This is because these foods are harder to break down and require the body to work harder to metabolize. Foods that are low in carbohydrates are less taxing on the body. They also produce less carbon dioxide in the body, which bodes well for those with existing lung conditions. To promote better lung health, individuals can opt for complex carbohydrates instead. Chips Processed foods, in general, are not good for the overall health of the body. They are packed with saturated fats, preservatives, and other harmful food additives. Processed foods such as potato chips can wreak havoc on your lung health. The salt in these foods contributes to increased blood pressure. It can also increase water retention in the body, which can eventually leak fluids into the lungs and make it difficult to breathe. Processed foods also negatively affect the cardiovascular system and heart. Carbonated beverages Carbonated beverages are also filled with sugar, carbohydrates, and carbonation. All these elements can contribute to an increase in weight and also result in bloating. Not to mention, bloating or the development of gas in the digestive system can lead to an increase in pressure on the lungs.
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