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4 foods to avoid with asthma

4 foods to avoid with asthma

The chronic lung disease asthma is known to trigger difficulty in breathing due to the inflammation of air passages. This condition is usually accompanied by the excess production of mucus in the lungs, which makes breathing a lot more difficult. A person suffering from asthma normally experiences shortness of breath. While medications are available to treat asthma, bringing about nutritional changes is equally important. Avoiding these foods may help prevent the frequency of attacks. Milk Drinking milk increases mucus production, which can worsen asthma symptoms. Hence, nutritionists and doctors advise against dairy consumption to avoid triggering an asthma attack. Switching to probiotic foods like Greek yogurt is usually recommended. Doctors also recommend steering clear from dairy products that contain preservatives. Eggs Eggs are rich sources of nutrients, but they can trigger asthma attacks. Asthma patients with egg allergies can suffer from an attack on consumption. Eggs can also cause asthma flare-ups in some people. Hence, asthma patients are advised to to rely on other protein source like soy, pulses, and tofu. Carefully read the labels of packed foods to make sure they do not contain eggs as an ingredient. Peanuts Another allergy-based food that asthma patients need to avoid is peanuts as an asthma attack can be triggered. An anaphylatic shock can cause impaired breathing due to swelling in the throat and a sudden drop in blood pressure. Such a reaction can make managing an asthma attack more difficult than usual and cause other severe symptoms like dizziness, fainting, and pale skin. Children suffering from asthma are more vulnerable to the allergens present in peanuts. Hence, steering clear from peanut-based foods is strongly recommended to keep asthma symptoms at bay. Shellfish Shellfish have high amounts of sulfites that are one of the most powerful triggers of asthma attacks. These allergens make steering clear from shellfish and other crustaceans like crabs, crayfish, lobsters, and shrimps all the more important.
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5 household factors that may affect lung health

5 household factors that may affect lung health

Lungs, an integral part of the respiratory system, hold oxygen which is then supplied to the rest of the body through the bloodstream. It is essential to keep the lungs healthy to maintain optimum oxygen intake. However, there can be things in the environment that can trigger lung damage. This article lists five such household factors that can trigger lung damage, which can, in turn, cause diseases. Let’s check them out. Mold Mold is a type of fungus that grows on damp surfaces and corners. It is common in houses with issues of leaking pipes. The fungus releases spores in the air and can trigger a severe reaction in those allergic to mold. The response is relatively severe in people with lung damage and diseases like asthma and COPD. Carpet Carpets add to the allure and warmth of our homes. But there are some other harmful things that they add. Carpets can act as a storage space for dust mites, cockroach droppings, mold, dander, pet hair, and other allergens. These are released back into the air often. As a result, it is advisable to clean and vacuum carpets multiple times a week to ensure they do not work as carriers for lung-damaging components. Flour Baker’s asthma is a common condition among bakery workers. It is caused by the dust and flour particles that saturate the air and are transported with humans as vectors. Those who suffer from this have a difficult time breathing. Baker’s asthma can also be detected in people who live close to bakers, including their family and friends. Candles Candles are made from paraffin, a petroleum-based product. When lit, candles release chemical-fueled fumes into the environment that can trigger allergic reactions in people. This reaction is enhanced in people with pre-existing conditions like COPD, asthma, allergies, and low immunity.
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7 foods to avoid with respiratory conditions

7 foods to avoid with respiratory conditions

Asthma is a respiratory condition where the airways narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus. These factors make it difficult for the person to breathe and trigger wheezing and coughing. Apart from treatment and home remedies, people with asthma tend to eat foods that can boost their recovery. But not all foods are suitable, and some may even worsen the condition. Here are seven such foods that may trigger severe respiratory symptoms. Eggs Eggs contain healthy nutrients, including proteins, vitamins, and minerals. However, asthma patients prone to egg allergies should avoid them. Egg allergies generally lead to reactions on the skin, such as hives. Eating eggs can also cause inflammation in the respiratory tract and lead to an asthma attack. Soda Soda produces gas, which may apply pressure on the diaphragm. The excessive pressure may make it difficult to breathe, worsening the symptoms of asthma and other respiratory disorders. Bread Bread is a wheat-based product that may also cause allergic reactions because of its gluten content. Those allergic to gluten are likely sensitive to albumin and globulin. These are amino acids that lead to inflammation in the respiratory tract and subsequently cause an asthma attack. Dried fruits Despite their healthy nature, people with asthma must avoid dried fruits. They contain sulfites that keep the food fresh. However, such preservatives may worsen respiratory symptoms in people with asthma. Milk People with asthma should avoid milk or milk-based products. Studies show that milk increases mucus production in the body. Since people with asthma already produce excess mucus in the lungs, milk will only increase their chances of severe respiratory symptoms. Shrimp Shellfish are likely to increase the risk of asthma attacks in people allergic to seafood. Shrimp contains sulfites, a property to which many asthma patients are sensitive. Other seafood options people with asthma should stay away from include clams and oysters.
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Presbyopia – Home remedies and foods to eat

Presbyopia – Home remedies and foods to eat

Eyesight often worsens with age, leading to various vision problems. Presbyopia, also known as age-related farsightedness, is an eye condition where patients find it extremely difficult to focus on nearby objects. With age, the lenses become less flexible and fail to contract and relax efficiently. However, the good news is that one can manage presbyopia effectively. Here are the symptoms, home remedies, and nutritious foods that help cope with the condition. Symptoms of presbyopia Individuals with presbyopia find it challenging to read fine prints and are often found squinting. They tend to hold reading material at arm’s length to focus. They also find it hard to see in the dark. These things put a lot of strain on the eyes, leading to headaches. Home remedies for presbyopia Besides opting for corrective eyeglasses and other treatment options, one can try the following home remedies: Eye exercises Simple eye exercises like focusing on an object for a long time, switching from big to small fonts, and switching from blurred to sharper text help improve the lens’ focus. Patients must consult an eye specialist for advice regarding the right exercises based on their condition. Warm compress When the eyes feel overworked or strained, it could be challenging to move them. Even resting the eyes could be hard. Dipping a washcloth in warm water and dabbing it on the eyes can help retain moisture and relax the tissues and muscles around the eyes. Foods to manage presbyopia Patients must eat foods high in vitamins A, C, E, omega-3, and zinc. These are essential nutrients to keep eye tissues healthy and working at their optimal best. Carrots, avocados, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, flax seeds, and leafy greens are suitable options. Besides using home remedies and eating the right foods, patients can keep presbyopia eye drops handy.
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Colon cancer and its treatment methods

Colon cancer and its treatment methods

The colon is the longest part of the large intestine. It is responsible for absorbing nutrients and storing solid waste before transporting it to the rectum. The formation of tumors in the colon is known as cancer. The tumors lead to symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, and irritable bowel syndrome. There are multiple methods to manage colon cancer. However, these treatments depend on the stage and location of the growth. Diagnoses at home Identifying colon cancer in the early stages can help ensure a more effective treatment plan. Colorguard is one such tool used to diagnose colorectal cancer at home. The kit is available with a doctor’s prescription. It can be used to screen for cancer in adults 45 years of age and older by detecting specific DNA markers and blood in the stool. FDA-approved treatments There are several FDA- approved treatments prescribed by doctors to manage colon cancer. A few of them are include: Avastin (Bevacizumab) The injection is approved to treat metastatic colorectal cancer in case the colon cancer has not spread to other parts of the body. The treatment is combined with intravenous fluorouracil-based chemotherapy. Xeloda (Capecitabine) The FDA-approved treatment is prescribed when colon cancer may have spread to the lymph nodes close to the colon after surgery. It is also prescribed if cancer has spread from the colon to other body parts. Foods to manage colon cancer Foods may not eliminate cancer. But having proper nutrition may prevent additional tumor growth. A few healthy foods are: Fruits Apples, bananas, blueberries, and oranges are beneficial for colon cancer. These fruits contain antioxidants, fibers, and phytochemicals known to protect the patient from digestive complications. Nuts Nuts like cashews, almonds, pistachios, and hazelnuts are rich in fiber, flavonoids, and healthy fatty acids. These properties may reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
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Remedies and food plans to manage lung cancer

Remedies and food plans to manage lung cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, there have been about 236,740 lung cancer cases so far in the year 2022. The condition is commonly diagnosed in adults between 65 to 70 years of age; however, it may occur earlier too. Lung cancer can be classified into small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). This article talks about the treatments for NSCLC and foods and remedies to manage lung cancer. Treatment methods for non-small cell lung cancer Once NSCLC metastasizes, it is challenging to find a complete cure for it; however, certain targeted therapies and kinase inhibitors may stump the progress of the condition or contain it successfully. Given below are some treatments for NSCLC at different stages. IMFINZI® IMFINZI® is an option for patients with Stage 3 lung cancer that cannot be treated via surgery. It is most commonly used to treat NSCLC in cases where the disease has not progressed after concurrent chemoradiation therapy. TAGRISSO® TAGRISSO® is a once-daily targeted therapy treatment for those with epidermal growth factor receptor (EFGR) plus NSCLC. It helps prevent lung cancer from recurring post-surgery. TAGRISSO® may be taken with or without food. GILOTRIF® GILOTRIF® is indicated as a treatment option for patients with metastatic NSCLC whose tumors have non-resistant EGFR mutations. It can also be used for patients with metastatic squamous NSCLC progressing after platinum-based chemotherapy. Foods that help manage lung cancer Fish Vitamin D is believed to be an important component for people battling lung cancer. Salmon, along with other fatty fish like mackerel and herring, contain an abundant amount of vitamin D. It is recommended to include salmon in meals regularly. Fruits and vegetables Fruits like pears and apples contain phytonutrients and antioxidants, which have powerful anti-cancer benefits. It is advisable to consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in a day.
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Safe deodorants and antiperspirants for sensitive skin

Safe deodorants and antiperspirants for sensitive skin

Deodorants and antiperspirants for sensitive skin work differently owing to their chemical composition. While deodorants help actively reduce underarm odor, antiperspirants block sweating. Some skincare products provide both benefits in the same product. However, the main concern is the type of chemicals used while making the formula. Most products available in the market contain some biochemical composition that can trigger irritation and allergies for people with sensitive skin. Harmful chemicals in deodorants and antiperspirants Skincare products manufactured for underarms contain the following chemicals. These compounds can become toxic with regular use. Aluminum Aluminum salts help prevent excessive sweating. But studies indicate harmful effects of continued use linked to an increase in certain types of cancers, kidney diseases, bone problems, and even cognitive issues. Parabens Parabens, a type of artificial preservative, are used in most branded deodorants and antiperspirants. And these compounds get absorbed by the skin easily. Studies show that parabens interfere with hormones in the body and increase the risk of breast cancer with regular use. Triclosan Triclosan contains antimicrobial properties that fight body odor. Research suggests that exposure to the ingredient increases the risk of endocrine disorders. Best recommended natural deodorants and antiperspirants Dermatologists suggest the use of skincare products that are free of parabens and active compounds to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Native Sensitive Deodorant Native Sensitive Deodorant is made with naturally obtained ingredients, boasts a vegan blend, and is completely aluminum or baking soda free. Regular use prevents sweating and odor problems with a long-lasting effect. The product is available in eight unique combinations of classic and limited-edition scents priced at just about $13. Nécessaire The Deodorant The dermatology evaluated product, Nécessaire The Deodorant, contains no aluminum, parabens, or even synthetic fragrances. The hypoallergenic deodorant keeps the skin dry by absorbing moisture and provides long-lasting comfort.
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Foods, herbs, and other remedies to manage lung cancer symptoms

Foods, herbs, and other remedies to manage lung cancer symptoms

Lung cancer can be divided into two main types: small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Some people may also develop a rare tumor known as a lung carcinoid, which develops when the cells begin to grow rapidly out of control. There is no cure for any type of lung cancer. At best, the symptoms and complications can be eased with changes in foods, lifestyle, and through certain prescription treatments. Foods Cruciferous vegetables Patients with lung cancer can eat broccoli, Bok choy, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and kale. The vegetables are excellent food choices as they are rich in glucosinolates, folate, flavonoids, vitamin C, fiber, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These compounds are known to actively counter cancer causing cells. Fresh fruits Pears and apple contain phloretin, a compound that helps lower the risk of symptoms like fibrosis in lungs during cancer treatment. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and cranberries are rich sources of anthocyanidins, which inhibit the growth of tumor cells. It may also lower the risk of blood clots triggered by the different types of lung cancer. Ginger, capers, and turmeric Ginger contains an active compound called 6-shogaol, which prevents cancer cells from spreading rapidly. Capers are rich in quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that restricts the growth of cancerous cells. Lastly, turmeric is loaded with curcumin, an active compound that blocks the cancerous cells from invading the surrounding healthy cells. Natural herbs Herbs can be used to ease the symptoms of lung cancer and prevent side effects during treatment. Supplements like astragalus can boost immunity and slow down disease progression. Nan sha shen, a natural antibiotic, can be used to counter inflammation. Some symptoms of lung cancer include a persistent cough, chest infections, and fluid retention in the chest cavity that could trigger shortness of breath.
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Foods, herbs, and remedies for managing lung cancer

Foods, herbs, and remedies for managing lung cancer

Lung cancer develops in the cells that line the air passages. The two common types of the condition include small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Another form of lung cancer is carcinoid tumors. Known as neuroendocrine tumors, they are rare and grow slowly. No permanent cure for lung cancer exists yet. But certain foods, herbs, and treatment options can help one cope with the condition. Foods There are several foods that can help improve the symptoms of lung cancer. Blueberries They contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that eliminates cancer cells in the body. Quercetin also helps in slowing down the growth of lung cancer. Salmon Rich in vitamin D, salmon is an excellent food choice for people with lung cancer. Vitamin D prevents the growth of cancer cells in the lungs. Other healthy sources of fatty fish include mackerel and herring. Herbs These herbs can be used to manage the symptoms of lung cancer. Rosemary This herb is known for its benefits in reducing cancerous cells. Rosemary has two polyphenols, carnosic acid, and rosmarinic acid. These polyphenols are known for inhibiting proliferation of cancer cells, and in helping the body fight these abnormal cells. Basil Basil is a traditional herb that has been used in cooking and treatments for centuries. The herb has antioxidant ingredients like beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, and beta-cryptoxanthin, which can help fight the harmful effects of cancer cells. Treatment options In addition to these foods and herbs, these treatment options can be prescribed for the management of lung cancer. TECENTRIQ® (atezolizumab) It helps manage the symptoms of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). TECENTRIQ® can also help in preventing a relapse after the tumor has been removed via surgery and the person has received platinum-based chemotherapy. It is also given to patients with Stage 2 to Stage 3A NSCLC.
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Stay away from these foods for better eye health

Stay away from these foods for better eye health

The foods we eat play a significant role, and that dictates how our organs function. The eyes are vascular, and it is necessary to eat nutritious foods to keep the blood vessels in good health. Eating unhealthy foods may block the veins that provide the eyes with the essential nutrients and oxygen. Such restrictions may affect one’s vision. Keeping this in mind, here are five foods that can worsen eye health. Margarine Margarine is considered a healthy alternative to butter, as it is made from vegetable oils. However, it still contains trans fats. These fats may increase a person’s cholesterol levels and put them at risk of heart diseases and eye problems. Red meat Red meat contains preservatives like salt, cholesterol, and fat, making them tasty and increasing their shelf life. However, these chemicals may harm one’s health and lead to high blood pressure. Such pressure spikes can lead to Choroidopathy, a fluid buildup below the retina. Fish Several fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may offer health benefits. However, fish also contain hints of mercury. People who eat lots of fish may be at risk of eye damage because of the chemical element. Coffee Coffee contains caffeine, an energy-boosting component that helps people stay active. But studies link caffeine to a slew of health problems, including those related to the eyes. Caffeine may increase the pressure inside the eye, especially in people with ocular hypertension (OHT) or glaucoma. The increase in pressure may result in loss of vision and even blindness. Sweetened beverages Sweetened beverages like energy drinks, sodas, and lemonade contain an abundant amount of sugar. Each drink might contain about seven to ten teaspoons of added sugar. Such sugars may increase the risk of type-2 diabetes and heart diseases. These diseases may also lead to conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy.
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