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Top foods that help manage Parkinson’s disease

Top foods that help manage Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that is characterized by tremors, shaking, and stiffness. It affects the person’s ability to walk, talk, and function in day-to-day life. While medication is an essential part of managing Parkinson’s, eating certain foods can also help tackle the symptoms of this condition. In this article, we focus on understanding foods that one should eat to help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Fatty fish When it comes to managing Parkinson’s disease, one needs to eat foods with high omega-3 fatty acids. This is because research suggests that consuming omega-3 fatty acid-rich products, such as fish oil and fatty fish, can help slow down the progression of this degenerative condition. Omega-3 may also help reduce inflammation in the nerves, improve transmissions in the brain, and slow down the process of neurodegeneration. Common seafood items high in omega-3 include salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, and oysters. Aside from managing Parkinson’s symptoms, eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids can also help improve heart health. It is also shown to reduce the risk of confusion and dementia caused due to Parkinson’s. Fava beans Fava beans are great for managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s. They contain high levels of levodopa, which can help treat multiple signs of Parkinson’s disease. The compound has been shown to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s to a certain extent. It can also help improve motor functions in those with this condition. That being said, it is essential to note that fava beans cannot replace or be used as an alternative to any medication prescribed for Parkinson’s disease. Foods rich in antioxidants Foods that contain high levels of antioxidants are must-haves when it comes to managing Parkinson’s disease. This is because antioxidants in the food combine with the free radicals or unstable molecules in the body.
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3 types of anemia and popular ways that may help cure it

3 types of anemia and popular ways that may help cure it

Anemia is a medical condition in which you do not have enough healthy red blood cells in your body. To treat your anemia, you first need to understand its underlying cause and what type of anemia you are suffering from. Some of the common types of anemia that you must know are the one caused by iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, continuous bleeding, pregnancy, and a bone marrow related disorder. Read along to know about three popular treatment options that you can consider if you are anemic. Iron deficiency anemia treatment Anemia caused because of deficiency of iron in the body is probably one of the most common types of anemia. Your bone marrow needs iron to produce hemoglobin for your red blood cells. The treatment for this type of anemia typically involves your doctor prescribing you oral supplements of ferrous sulfate, which you will be advised to take every day. If you are looking for natural ways to cure this type of anemia, then you can do so by including iron rich food like dark leafy vegetables, beans, and nuts in your diet. Vitamin deficiency anemia treatment It is believed that another major reason why people are anemic is that their body lacks the necessary vitamins, specifically vitamin B12. To treat this type of anemia, doctors inject a man-made form of vitamin B12 called hydroxocobalamin into your body, every alternate day for two weeks. You can also increase the level of vitamin B12 in your body naturally by including meat, milk, eggs, salmon, fortified cereals and soy products in your diet. Pregnancy caused anemia treatment During pregnancy, your requirement for iron increases and if your dietary intake of iron does not meet this requirement, then you might end up suffering from anemia. During pregnancy, if your hemoglobin level is less than 9 grams per dL, then you are diagnosed with anemia.
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5 simple home remedies and tips to help dry eyes

5 simple home remedies and tips to help dry eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a condition characterized by the tear glands not producing adequate fluid to keep the eyes lubricated. This condition can lead to symptoms such as scratchy eyes, eye fatigue, heavy eyelids, pain, light sensitivity, and even blurred vision. These can disrupt one’s daily schedule and be very painful, causing further distress. This article shares some home remedies that one can try to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes. 5 Tips and Home Remedies to Manage Dry Eye Syndrome Use warm compresses Warm compresses basically stimulate the tear glands to promote the production of tears. This can be a regular practice and can provide great relief when done every day. Have a good night’s sleep Lack of sleep can instigate dry eyes and eye fatigue in people who would not have the condition otherwise. It is recommended to take short breaks between screen time and get some shut-eye. Use a humidifier People who reside in a region that is dominated by dry and cold weather must invest in a humidifier for it retains the moisture in the air and helps relieve the discomfort caused by the dry weather. Stay hydrated An adequate intake of water is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for patients with dry eye syndrome. Having enough water can further help to keep the eyes lubricated, which helps in soothing the dry eye symptoms. Use eye drops or ointments Any over-the-counter eye drops available can help soothe the dry eye syndrome and provide temporary relief. You can also opt for eye drops that induce artificial tears to lubricate the eyes; however, remember to buy the ones without preservatives. Foods to Have for Dry Eye Syndrome Foods that are a potent source of omega-3 fatty acids significantly help relieve the symptoms of dry eyes when eaten over a period of time.
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3 important foods that help prevent osteoporosis

3 important foods that help prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects the structural integrity of the bone, increases the risk of fractures, and affects the ability of the body to regenerate bone mineral density. This condition worsens with age and affects bones in the wrist, spine, or hips. Normally, doctors recommend a combination of medications and weight-bearing exercises to prevent bone loss. Osteoporosis can also be prevented to some extent with healthy changes in habits related to nutritional regime. Foods to eat Recommended foods that help avoid osteoporosis are Foods containing calcium Calcium helps boost bone health and foods like kale, turnip, spinach, collard greens, and dairy products including milk cheese, yogurt, are rich sources. Those suffering from lactose intolerance can have soy milk and other such products. Fortified juices, cereals and snacks with vitamin D help the body absorb calcium better. Protein- and magnesium-rich foods Proteins are the building blocks of the body and magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density. Lean chicken and turkey cuts, eggs, milk, and assorted fish or seafood are rich protein options. Assorted nuts including almonds, cashews, peanuts, and some seeds are rich sources of magnesium to be included in daily meals. Foods rich in vitamins C and K Vitamin C is an essential immunity booster and studies show that the key nutrient also helps lower the risk of chronic ailments like osteoporosis. Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, kiwi, and red peppers are loaded with this nutrient. Research also suggests that women suffering from vitamin K deficiencies are at an increased risk of developing bone disorders like osteoporosis. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip greens, collards, and cabbage are vitamin k rich greens to include in daily meals. Medications for osteoporosis management Here are some common meds used for treating osteoporosis: Romosozumab by Evenity This medication belongs to a class of monoclonal antibodies that help reduce the risk of bone resorption (deterioration) and promote new bone formation.
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Reduce excessive sweating with these foods

Reduce excessive sweating with these foods

While sweating is completely natural and, in fact, healthy, excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis can be caused by underlying health conditions like diabetes, menopause, and tuberculosis. Following a nutrient-dense food regimen plays a crucial role in keeping one healthy, and in this case, it can help one manage hyperhidrosis. On that note, here is a list of must-have foods one should eat daily to keep their body cool and decrease sweating. Foods to eat Water-dense fruits and vegetables Staying hydrated is a great way to manage excessive sweating. One can add water-dense fruits and vegetables to their meals in addition to drinking water and beverages that are low in sugar. Regularly eating watermelon, apples, oranges, peaches, pineapples, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, bell peppers, strawberries, grapes, celery, eggplant, and red cabbage can reduce excessive sweating episodes. Calcium-rich foods like low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt Calcium is an essential mineral that regulates the body’s temperature. Getting enough calcium through meals is vital for those dealing with excessive sweating. A few calcium-rich foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, and dark leafy greens. Those who have been told to decrease their fat intake due to health reasons can look for low-fat substitutes of yogurt, cheese, and milk. It is important to note that having low-fat foods can be beneficial for those with hyperhidrosis, as the body needs more energy to digest high-fat foods, leading to excessive sweating. Green tea Decaffeinated green tea is a great way to keep the body cool. This beverage is known to help calm the nerves, thereby reducing sweating. One can think of replacing their daily cup of Joe with tea. Magnesium-rich foods like almond, cashew, spinach, and soy Excessive sweating can cause a deficiency in magnesium, so it is important to include foods like spinach, almonds, soy, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and dark chocolate in one’s meals.
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4 beneficial foods for renal cancer

4 beneficial foods for renal cancer

Nutritious, well-balanced meals are crucial for everyone. The nutrients acquired from a well-balanced meal help the body function efficiently and deliver the right amount of energy and response to every stimulus. Maintaining nutritional requirements becomes especially important when the body is fighting health conditions. Here is a list of foods that help those suffering from renal cancer. It is, however, essential to speak with doctors before making changes to one’s meal plans. Fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables are an integral part of one’s daily meals, and one should continue to meet the body’s requirements with generous amounts of these healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables are healthy sources of carbohydrates, proteins, and fiber in some amount. Besides that, they are also a rich source of minerals and vitamins. Fruits and vegetables also help fight off inflammation. Fish Fish has been a great addition to nutritious and well-balanced meals. Fatty fish, in particular, is appreciated for the amount of omega-3 fatty acid it carries. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are rich sources of antioxidants that help keep inflammation levels in control. Having fatty fish can help to prevent renal cancer and fight potential cancer cells. The protein content helps the body recover better while helping improve the immune system. Whole grains Whole grains help maintain the body’s complex carbohydrates and fiber requirements. They also take care of micronutrients like iron, magnesium, and multiple vitamins. Grains are a major source of energy and lend a helping hand to maintain various systems. It is, therefore, recommended to include whole grains in the list of food to eat for renal cancer. Water Water is an essential part of renal cancer foods. It helps the kidneys maintain the body’s pH and eliminate any toxins that could cause harm to the body. Water also keeps the body’s hydration levels in check, ensuring that all the systems run smoothly.
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Natural compounds that may help prevent skin cancer

Natural compounds that may help prevent skin cancer

Family remedy books as well as research state that natural produce goes a long way in helping one deal with a health issue. Be it a common cold or flu or a long-term illness such as arthritis, natural foods, in combination with other remedies, help one manage the symptoms effectively. In fact, there has been research that states the presence of natural compounds that could help in the prevention of skin cancer. Anti-cancer options derived from natural resources Research shows that anti-cancer remedies are dominantly derived from natural resources like marine, microbial, and botanical sources. Skin cancer, specifically cutaneous malignant melanoma, is among the aggressive types of cancers that have a high mortality rate. Therefore, there has been a pressing need to study flavonoids, terpenoids, carotenoids, sulforaphane, vitamins, some polyphenols and crude plant extracts. These phytochemicals have been observed for their anti-skin cancer or anti-melanoma activities. Natural compounds that help combat skin cancer After discovering which natural compounds can be used to treat skin cancer, the best way to help prevent the illness is to consume these compounds in their most natural form. This article compiles a list anti-skin cancer compounds and which foods are a rich source of them. Flavonoids This plant-based compound comes with a variety of health benefits, and is renowned for its ability to reduce the risk of several types of cancers. Foods that are a potent source of flavonoids include berries, cabbage, onions, kale, tea, dark chocolate, parsley, soybeans, and citrus fruits. Terpenoids Terpenes are found in many spices, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. To load up on terpenoids, consume foods like mangoes, apples, citrus fruits, and spices like basil, rosemary, cinnamon, oregano, cloves, lavender, and black pepper. Carotenoids This compound is associated with an orange pigment, and that’s why foods high in carotenoids are in the shade of orange.
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Home remedies that help relieve nasal congestion in children

Home remedies that help relieve nasal congestion in children

Colds, flu, and allergic reactions are common causes of nasal congestion seen in infants, toddlers, and young children. Unfortunately, most of these conditions cannot be treated with the help of antibiotics alone. Instead, they need to be tackled with supportive treatment methods that help soothe symptoms and boost the immune system to fight the virus. Following are a few natural treatments and home remedies to ease nasal congestion and stuffiness in children. Clear out the mucus Nasal congestion is mainly caused due to the inflammation of the blood vessels that lie in the lining of the nose. In some cases, nasal stuffiness can also be attributed to increased mucus secretions. So, one way to tackle a stuffy nose is to clear out the mucus. If you are dealing with an infant, you may want to try out a nasal bulb. Nasal bulbs provide suction and gently clear up the build of mucus in the nasal passage. Try steam inhalation Steam inhalation is a popular and effective home remedy to tackle nasal congestion. The warm steam can help loosen thick mucus in the nasal passage and give the child much-needed relief. You can try giving the child a warm bath before bedtime. You can also get a steam machine. Use a humidifier Humidifiers are used to add moisture to the air. This helps prevent dryness that can lead to irritation. To tackle nasal congestion, you can try a cool-mist humidifier. This helps keep the air moist and reduces symptoms such as dry cough and stuffiness. Use humidifiers, especially at night, and try to keep them out of the child’s reach. Don’t forget to clean out the humidifier often, as mold can grow in wet and moist spaces. Chicken soup can help Another great home remedy for nasal congestion and stuffiness is chicken soup.
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5 foods that trigger migraine attacks

5 foods that trigger migraine attacks

Migraines are severe headaches that may lead to unbearable pulsing sensations or throbbing on one side of the head. These attacks may last for a few hours or a couple of days. Such chronic pain may also affect one’s daily lifestyle. Though the exact cause of migraines is unknown, multiple factors trigger them, including the foods we eat. In this article, we have listed five foods that may trigger migraines. Chocolate Chocolate is the second-most common trigger when it comes to migraines. It contains properties like caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine that may trigger headaches in people with the condition. According to the American Migraine Foundation, 22% of people who experience migraines claim chocolate to be the trigger. Citrus fruits Eating fresh fruits can help steer clear of many diseases and lead a healthy life. But citrus fruits may have the opposite effect on people who experience migraines. Some citrus fruits to avoid include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and pineapples. According to studies, citrus fruits carry may trigger excessive release of histamine. Cheese For those with migraines, it’s best to avoid adding cheese to their meal plans. Cheeses are generally aged and contain tyramine, an amino acid. Tyramine is a naturally occurring acid in the human body that regulates blood pressure. However, excessive tyramine is bad for the body and may trigger migraines. Cheddar, blue cheese, mozzarella, parmesan, and English stilton are a few examples of tyramine-rich cheese. Coffee Coffee may help people stay awake during strenuous working hours, but the food is harmful to one’s health. Coffee contains caffeine, which is a known trigger of migraines. Inconsistent levels of caffeine in the body may negatively influence the dilation of blood vessels and lead to headaches. Processed and cured meat Processed and cured meats contain added nitrates to help preserve their color and flavor.
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Foods to eat for managing lupus and its symptoms

Foods to eat for managing lupus and its symptoms

Lupus is a chronic disease that causes inflammation and pain across the body. It occurs when the immune system erroneously attacks healthy tissues and organs, which means it is an autoimmune condition. Unfortunately, there is no specific meal plan for lupus. That said, eating and avoiding certain foods can help manage the symptoms and prevent complications. So, let’s look at what foods to eat to prevent lupus flare-ups. Flaxseeds It is considered a superfood by many nutritionists. Adding flaxseeds to your daily meals can avoid or reduce lupus flare-ups to a large extent. The alpha-linolenic acid present in it has atherogenic properties that can reduce inflammation associated with lupus. The lignans present in flaxseeds are platelet-activating factor (PAF) – receptor antagonists that can also be beneficial in treating lupus nephritis. Fatty fish Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, trout, and herring are rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and HUFA (highly unsaturated fatty acid), which are a type of omega-3 fatty acid. These nutrients are associated with decreasing inflammation due to autoimmune diseases like lupus. Other foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce or avoid lupus flare-ups include Brussels sprouts, algal oil, chia seeds, walnuts, among others. Whole grains Metabolism plays an essential role in any disease management. In this case, a poor metabolism may lead to developing lupus. Refined grains reduce the body’s metabolism, which can increase the risk of lupus inflammation as they take longer to process. Nutritionists recommend eating whole grains like rye, barley, cracked wheat (bulgur), quinoa, and oatmeal as they are lighter on the digestive system and contain healthy fiber that aids in digestion, decreasing the risk of inflammation. Fresh fruits and vegetables Researchers believe that one of the reasons for autoimmune diseases like lupus is the lack of nutrients in daily meals. As the body processes the food we eat, it leaves behind free radicals.
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