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Secret Diet Meal Plans That You Wish You Knew Of Earlier

Secret Diet Meal Plans That You Wish You Knew Of Earlier

Thanks to the growing urge of looking good and staying fit. We all crave to live a healthy life. However, with the advent of various diet programs listed by the health experts, the calorie consciousness and the doubts revolving what to eat and what to omit, we have somehow lost our perspective of a good diet plan. Amidst thousands of changes in the traditional meal plans and food, the basic question arises as to what exactly should we consume to stay fit and what diet plans should we actually stick to? We have brought to you world’s best free diet meal plans here, which shall help you with the dream body you dreamt besides keeping you fit and fine. Free diet meal plans to shell out those extra fat and look your absolute best We know that weight loss has been your concern. You have flipped open various health magazines, subscribed to health forums, ate all things healthy and have also gone to the extent of popping in weight loss pills, but sadly none gave any results, except for the fact that they kept eating half your salary. We have gathered up few awesome guidelines for your free diet meals: Start by taking some 5-6 meals a day, followed by snacks. To have successful results, you should always commit to food packing the prior night. This way, you would always have low-fat and fresh food around. Keep it trouble-free and less complicated, by avoiding to get too much caught up in the diet meal specifics. Begin by counting the calories. Slower your eating process. Choose from healthy foods such as whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, nonfat dairy products, beans, skinless poultry, fish, and meats. Avoid food that is high in calorie and fat. Avoid food that has too much sugar content such as candy bars, candy, pastries, and pies.
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7 Gout Causing Foods You Need to Avoid Completely

7 Gout Causing Foods You Need to Avoid Completely

What Is Gout? Gout is severe pain experienced in the joints due to increase in uric acid levels. Increased levels of uric acid lead to the formation of crystals which are sharp needle-like structures around the joints. Gout can also be called as a severe form of arthritis. Purine is a naturally occurring compound in the body. When we consume foods that are high in purine, their breakdown leads to the formation of uric acid, and this increased level of uric acid leads to gout attacks. Gout normally occurs in the big toe, but other areas of the body that are vulnerable to gout include foot, ankles, knee joints or even the hands. What Is a Gout Diet? A gout diet is a diet that would help you with minimizing the uric acid levels present in the blood. Gout diet would not help in curing gout, but it can help in controlling the gout attacks and reducing the pain experienced in the joints to a great extent. What Are Gout Causing Foods? Gout causing foods is a kind of diet that contains high levels of purine which in turn leads to the formation of uric acid. The increased uric acid would further lead to gout pains. Gout causing foods should be avoided if you are suffering from severe joint pains. Since gout is a common problem in men and the people with excessive weight, they should avoid gout causing foods. Gout Causing Foods The following foods should be avoided for keeping Gout at bay: Fish Fishes contain a high level of purine. If you consume fish on an occasional basis, it may not cause gout problem, but if you eat fish regularly, it could be a problem. Types of fish that contain high levels of purine are salmons, herrings, cod, tuna, sardines, mackerel, carp, trout, anchovies and cod.
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The Best Foods for Acid Reflux to Following Immediately

The Best Foods for Acid Reflux to Following Immediately

Do you suffer from heartburn frequently? It could be a case of Acid Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, i.i., Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Normally, during the process of digestion, there is a sphincter at the mouth of the stomach, that closes once you’ve finished eating. Then, the contents move into the stomach, where it is digested with the help of digestive enzymes. During the digestion process, acids are released. If the sphincter does not seal itself completely or opens too often, the acid flows back into the esophageal tract and causes heartburn. If this condition persists, you are suffering from acid reflux. Causes A stomach abnormality known as hiatal hernia is a common cause of acid reflux. Lying on your back or bending over the waist, after eating a heavy meal. Being overweight and obese. Consuming certain foods can cause acid reflux. These include tomatoes, garlic, mint, onion, spicy and fatty foods. Smoking. Consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea and carbonated beverages. Snacking just before retiring for the night. Pregnancy. Blood pressure medication, certain muscle relaxers, common drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen also cause acid reflux Symptoms The common symptoms are heartburn, where the burning sensation extends from the chest to the throat and regurgitation. A bitter-tasting and sour acid backs into your throat and mouth. Other symptoms that show up include nausea, bloating, continuous hiccups, burping, bloody/black stools, vomit covered with blood, dysphagia, unexplained weight loss, dry cough, wheezing, hoarseness, and chronic sore throat. Diet and lifestyle changes can help in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux disease. A diet for acid reflux is crafted by excluding foods that can trigger the symptoms and make them worse. Dietary Changes Acid reflux disease can cause a lot of discomfort. Dietary changes help to reduce the symptoms by excluding certain foods. Eating small and frequent meals rather than eating three large meals in a day, can greatly help in alleviating the symptoms.
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Five Best Baby Formulas For Better Growth Of Babies

Five Best Baby Formulas For Better Growth Of Babies

Having a baby changes your life for better. However, with babies come different responsibilities that you need to fulfill as a caring parent, and hence you should know some important facts about parenting. Apart from that, you should also know about various food and health products that are necessary for your baby in the initial days so that they can grow properly and get enough of nutrients for a healthy body and mind. Taking care of your baby doesn’t only include grooming, washing, bathing, and medication but it also includes the products that you use and how you use them. Since babies are different from adults, it is very important to understand their body and their requirements so that you can provide them the necessary portion and build them properly from the very childhood days. A healthy child is one who is healthy both physically and mentally and giving them proper nutrition not only helps in their physical but also mental growth. To nurture brain growth and development, usage of proper and best baby formulas is essential since a tender age. How do Best Baby Formulas work? Since you have got an idea about baby formulas and their importance, now you should know how they work for your baby. These baby formulas are designed especially for infants to babies under the age of 12 months. These baby formulas can be in the form of powder, semi-liquid or fully liquid formulas. They can be prepared for cup feeding, bottle feeding or any other way. These baby formulas are usually considered as a full or partial substitute for mother’s milk and are manufactured and prepared in such way. Base Ingredients For Baby Food The most basic ingredients used in infant formulas are cow’s milk, whey, and casein as a protein source along with a blend of vegetable oil for fat, lactose for carbohydrate, and a mix of vitamin and minerals depending on the manufacturer.
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Balance Your Diet with This List of High-protein Foods

Balance Your Diet with This List of High-protein Foods

It is very easy to lose sight of your health in today’s life. With increasing cases of various diseases, it becomes vital to use every opportunity to remain healthy. Diet and exercise are two vital components to lead a healthy lifestyle. A diet is considered the single most crucial aspect of a healthy routine. Maintaining a balanced diet is extremely difficult and getting the right kind of nutrition while eating the right quantity of food can be a tricky balancing act. A well-balanced diet should have small servings of fiber, complex carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and protein. You should not overcompensate one aspect of the diet for another, e.g., substituting carbohydrates for protein. Each element of a diet has an importance that cannot be substituted with another. Understanding a diet includes understanding the nutritional value of the food consumed per meal. The ideal ratio for any meal would be high value and quality to low quantity. Quality of life also plays a major role in the type of diet that should be adopted. A sedentary lifestyle can be balanced with a diet consisting a list of high fiber foods; an athletic lifestyle requires a diet that consists of a list of high-protein foods. Managing meals in most diets is tricky. Listed below is a recommended meal plan based on the athletic diet, each meal has a list of high-protein foods. Breakfast Breakfast is considered the first important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast can keep you fresh and energetic throughout the day. An ideal breakfast has high doses of complex carbohydrates, protein, polyunsaturated fats complemented with lower doses of minerals and vitamins. Here is our recommended breakfast plan: Steel-Cut Oats Oatmeal is considered one of the best breakfast. Oats are filling and have a high nutritional value. Oats are rich in complex carbohydrates, fibers, magnesium, and thiamin and are on the list of high-protein foods.
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Essential Vitamins for Your Kidney Health

Essential Vitamins for Your Kidney Health

With a jam-packed schedule, do you wake up and get ready to eat waffles topped with chocolate sauce for breakfast? Then amidst the back-to-back meetings, do you quickly grab a soda, burger, and fries for lunch? Does your dinner regularly comprise of pasta or spaghetti? Do you often remain thirsty and don’t hydrate regularly? If this is what your daily dietary routine looks like, your kidneys are silently yearning for help. Kidneys are vital for your health and play an essential role in the well-being of your body. Kidneys perform the following essential functions: Eliminate toxins Filter the blood Absorb minerals Neutralize acids Damage to the kidneys can often go unnoticed for a long time, as kidneys can function with as little as 20% of its capacity. Therefore, prevention is better than cure holds true in the case of kidneys. If you have any kidney disease, you should know which products are harmful and which are beneficial for your condition. Vitamins for kidneys are essential nutrients that our body needs to grow, develop normally and maintain its functions. Here are some vitamins for kidneys which are essential for the maintenance and recovery of your kidneys. Vitamin A Vitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that is generally classified as retinoids. Retinoic acid promotes embryonic development and is needed for normal immune function. Vitamin A is transported through to retinol-binding protein (RBP). These vitamins for kidneys are recommended to be consumed in a liquid form. Recommended Dosage : Daily Reference Intake (DRI) of 700-900 ug/day. Sources : Liver Fish liver oil Dairy Products Butter Eggs Red and yellow colored fruits and vegetables Dark green leafy vegetables 2) Vitamin B12 Known as Cyanocobalamin, B12 is found in high protein foods. Thus, patients who consume low amounts or remain on very low protein diets for an extended period may have insufficient B12 levels.
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Here’s How You Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Here’s How You Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance present in every cell of the body. It is essential for the production of vitamin D, hormones, and other chemicals in the body that aid in digestion. Cholesterol is carried throughout the body by low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). For a healthy person, it is important to maintain a healthy balance between the LDL and HDL levels. LDL is also called bad cholesterol while HDL is called good cholesterol. The accumulation of LDL is considered unhealthy as it leads to accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, blocking them. This, in turn, can lead to severe health conditions like heart attack, strokes, and other ailments like coronary artery disease. The increased level of HDL is considered good as they take cholesterol from other parts of the body to the liver, which removes it from the body. High cholesterol levels in the blood lead to the formation of plaque, which is made up of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and other substances found in the blood. This narrows the arteries and blocks oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart. This can cause heart attack and other severe health issues. How to reduce cholesterol levels Reducing cholesterol levels require a holistic approach, including healthy food, medication, and healthy lifestyle choices. Following are some of the ways which can help you reduce the cholesterol levels in the body. Eating healthy food Cholesterol can cause multiple health issues such as heart diseases, strokes, and heart attack. While medications can help in reducing the LDL cholesterol levels in the body, making healthy food choices can help the medicines work more effectively. For those who are looking to reduce dependence on medication, including healthy food in your diet is very important. Following is a list of some ‘cholesterol busters’ which can help you reduce cholesterol levels and some foods to avoid, which increases the LDL levels.
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Dietary Tips for Hashimoto’s Syndrome

Dietary Tips for Hashimoto’s Syndrome

Excessive stress brings about a humongous disturbance in your daily routine, affects your diet as well as weakens your immune system. When it comes to maintaining good body metabolism, thyroid gland plays a crucial role in this. The thyroid gland produces a hormone named thyroxin which is necessary to maintain body metabolism. A sudden fluctuation in the functioning of this gland leads to Hashimoto syndrome. Scientifically known has hyperthyroidism it is caused due to an underactive thyroid. One of the reasons for concern today is that ailments associated with thyroid are quite common amongst people within the age group of 30 to 47 years. A lackadaisical attitude towards maintaining a healthy diet as well as zero exercise is one of the prime reasons for people suffering from thyroid. Hashimoto syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system intervenes in the functioning of hormone-producing cells in the thyroid gland thereby causing severe inflammation. People suffering from this syndrome need to maintain and mandatorily follow a strict Hashimoto’s diet plan to help maintain thyroid stability. Iodine Iodine is the most important element which helps in proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Seafood is rich in iodine and hence is a part and parcel of Hashimoto’s diet plan. People suffering from hyperthyroidism must ensure to have a regular intake of iodine in your daily Hashimoto’s diet. The right proportion of iodine helps in strengthening the thyroid gland thereby avoiding the Hashimoto syndrome. Consult a dietician for Hashimoto’s diet plan People are unaware of such kind of ailments caused due to thyroid weakening and hence end up consuming more than required about of food thereby aggravating their conditions. Individuals down with this syndrome need to maintain their intake amount which is possible only with a proper Hashimoto’s diet plan. People suffering from this ailment must consult a dietician before consuming any form of food.
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6 Healthy Drinks to Quench Your Thirst

6 Healthy Drinks to Quench Your Thirst

When you feel dehydrated, you may often find yourself reaching out for a soda can from your refrigerator. Or you may prefer to drink flavored water or packaged fruit juice. Although these drinks might quench your thirst, they are not fit for your body. Carbonated beverages, packaged fruits juices, and flavored water contain artificial sweeteners, caffeine, synthetic flavors, and other chemicals that can harm your health in the long run. So the next time you want to hydrate yourself or if you are craving a delicious drink, pick a natural and healthy juice or beverage. It’s quite easy to make these healthy drinks at home with seasonal fruits and vegetables. You will have a lot of options such as watermelon juice, aloe vera juice, or any mixed fruit mocktail. These are some of the most healthy drinks that will not only quench your thirst but also replenish your body by providing essential nutrients. Cranberry juice : Vibrant looking cranberries are commonly used during the festive season to make stuffing, sauces, and food decorations. It is loaded with antioxidants and has antibacterial properties too. These help in fighting age-related diseases such as diabetes and heart problems. Drinking cranberry juice is known to be effective in treating urinary tract infection. It also promotes a healthy digestive system. For women, cranberry juice can help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Cranberry juice has an astringent quality. Hence, it is often mixed with other fruit juices or added to smoothies. Although it one of the most healthy drinks, cranberry juice is high in acidic content. Hence, people with acidity problems should avoid it. Children are also advised to drink only a limited amount of cranberry juice. People who take certain medications such as antibiotics, blood pressure medicines, and blood-thinning medicines are also advised against drinking cranberry juice as they could face adverse reactions and side-effects.
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3 Gluten-free Healthy Breakfast Bar Recipes

3 Gluten-free Healthy Breakfast Bar Recipes

The first meal of the day or breakfast is a great way to boost your morning and prepare for a power-packed day. An ideal meal provides all the vital nutrients that our bodies need to carry out our day-to-day activities. Moreover, as our grandmas have always said, not only does breakfast act as a great start to the day, but it also provides a host of health benefits. A healthy breakfast is a boon as it contributes to regulating our sugar levels and also aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Individuals may often miss out on breakfast due to their hectic schedule and the inability to whip up a quick meal after waking up. While an elaborate and healthy spread may be preferable, it does not seem like the most realistic idea. At such times, an energy bar can come to the rescue. It is a quick snack that one can have before walking through the door. However, it is time to stop consuming packaged breakfast bars regularly as they can cause more harm than good. Loaded with sugar and preservatives, these can leave you feeling dull or give you an intense sugar rush. Instead, one should turn to healthy breakfast bar recipes as anyone can create these great alternatives in their kitchen. It will prevent the consumption of chemical additives and save on shelling too much money. What’s more? Many websites have gluten-free breakfast bar recipes that make for an excellent meal to kick-start the day. Here are three tempting gluten-free healthy breakfast bar recipes to try now! Oatmeal and Choco banana bar The oatmeal and choco-banana bar is very delicious and an absolute treat, especially for chocolate lovers. The dish is chewy, soft, and can be wiped up with milk super conveniently. To prepare this tasty oatmeal and choco-banana bar, preheat the oven to 350°F and set aside a square baking tray lined with greased foil.
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