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Different Alternatives to Reduce Your Cholesterol Level

Different Alternatives to Reduce Your Cholesterol Level

Statins are the first type of medication prescribed to bring high LDL cholesterol within normal limits. However, they can have varied side-effects, and even be ineffective, in case your cholesterol problem stems from a genetic disorder. Read on to know about the different alternatives to statins that can help treat high cholesterol. Medication Below are a few alternatives to statins that your healthcare provider might recommend. Bile acid sequestrants Sequestrants bind themselves to bile acid in the intestines and get flushed out of the body via the stool. The liver starts absorbing more cholesterol if it senses a drop-in bile acid content. This entire cycle ends in effective reduction of LDL (bad) cholesterol. Bile-acid-binding medicines include colestipol, cholestyramine, and colesevelam. Ezetimibe The second most recommended form of treatment – ezetimibe, is an inhibitor medicine that has a two-pronged approach to lowering your cholesterol. It first blocks proteins that facilitate the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, decreasing the cholesterol levels reaching the bloodstream. Second, the inhibitors work to reduce the amount of cholesterol available to the liver. This forces the liver to make up for the loss, by absorbing cholesterol from the bloodstream. Together, these effects can successfully lower your cholesterol levels. Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin B3 or niacin is a promoter of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. It also attacks adipose tissue, ridding it off high triglyceride stores. It does this by inhibiting the synthesis of triglycerides and the secretion of LDL particulates. Although niacin is not as effective as bile acid sequestrants or ezetimibe, doctors recommend Vitamin B3 to regulate blood cholesterol levels and save you from the side-effects of statins. Fibrates Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) are carriers of triglycerides and cholesterol. Fibrates, which are derivatives of fibric acid, drive the liver to reduce its production of VLDL.
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The Recommended Diet for High Blood Pressure

The Recommended Diet for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a medical condition where the pressure of blood running through the body’s blood vessels rises sharply. HBP as we may call it may lead to the damaging of blood vessels, which in turn can lead to diseases related to heart, kidney, or even the eyes. High blood pressure is dangerous as it does not have any symptoms associated with it. High blood pressure is categorized into two types: primary high blood pressure, and secondary high blood pressure. Primary high blood pressure is the most common type of high blood pressure. It is caused by a number of lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive salt consumption, alcohol intake, obesity, or even genetic disorders. On the other hand, Secondary high blood pressure is a rare type of high blood pressure, which may be caused by kidney disease, constriction of the arteries in your kidneys, taking birth control pills, or even an endocrine disorder. While medication certainly helps alleviate the symptoms of high blood pressure, it is important to combine this with the right high blood pressure diet. The right high blood pressure diet can tackle the problem at its root, instead of only alleviating the symptoms of the problem. If you suffer from high blood pressure, incorporate the following foods into your diet. Leafy vegetables : Vegetables that are high in potassium are often advised on a high blood pressure diet. This is because potassium acts as a cleansing agent, i.e., it helps in cleaning out extra sodium accumulated in the body through urination. Leafy vegetables that contain good amounts of potassium include turnip, spinach, kale, broccoli, green beans, green peas, mustard greens, beet greens, coriander, romaine lettuce, and Swiss chard. Yogurt and milk : Yogurt is high in magnesium, calcium, and potassium, and helps in regulating high blood pressure levels to a great extent.
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Beneficial Factors of Vitamin B12 Supplements

Beneficial Factors of Vitamin B12 Supplements

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that contributes to the healthy functioning of our body. As it is not produced by our body and we need to get it from animal-based foods. Hence, there is a need to consume vitamin B12 rich food regularly to maintain good health. Vitamin B12 supplements are a good alternative to make sure that an individual doesn’t suffer from any severe deficiency disorders. B12 and Its Significance Vitamin B12 is water-soluble having a significant role in brain function and healthy nervous health. It is required for synthesizing of myelin- a fatty substance that forms a layer around the axons and enables quick transmission of brain signals. Vitamin B12 also helps in the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, it contributes to the synthesis of DNA and metabolism of fatty acid and amino acid. Vitamin B12 supplements can be very useful at the same time. Vitamin B12 Deficiency Vitamin B-12 deficiency is not a very common condition in America. In case you are unsure get a blood test done to diagnose yourself or consult a doctor. Common factors that lead to vitamin B12 deficiency could be aging or heavy alcohol consumption. Weight loss surgery, removal of parts of the stomach or long-term consumption of acid-reducing medication could also lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency. A vegan diet could be another obvious reason for incurring deficiency as there is no source of animal-based food intake. Such a person’s daily requirement would not be met and slowly lead to a deficiency. A few disorders could also lead to lack of B12 in your body. These are- Atrophic gastritis: thinning of the stomach lining. Pernicious anemia: a condition that impairs adequate vitamin absorption from food. Small intestine disorders like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, bacterial growth, or a parasite all hamper the normal vitamin absorption from food.
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Following a Healthy Diet for Hypothyroidism

Following a Healthy Diet for Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is one of the most misinterpreted diseases in human beings. Very few people understand the exact condition when the numeric value of thyroid level showed in blood reports is lower or higher than the prescribed value. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes underactive and is hence unable to release enough thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism is the exact opposite of this. It is the overactivity of the thyroid gland resulting in a rapid heartbeat and increased metabolism. Hypothyroidism is a condition that can happen to any person at any given time of his or her life. However, it has been observed that older people, especially women, are more predisposed to hypothyroidism. A hypothyroidism diet is essential to promote the normal activity of the gland. Indicators of hypothyroidism The thyroid is a small gland located at the base of the human neck. Doctors note that almost 40 percent of the population across the globe suffers from hypothyroidism at some phase of their lives. With age, women tend to become more prone to suffer from underactive thyroid glands. Apart from women, others prone to hypothyroidism include those who have diabetes, celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis. People notice certain changes in themselves that may not be normal as per their character. The main symptoms of hypothyroidism are: Fatigue or low energy levels Frequent mood swings Disturbed sleep patterns Poor digestion Weakened metabolism Loss of hair Infertility Weak nails Weight gain Muscle tenderness and pain Breathing problems Constipation Cracked or rough skinGoiter Disturbed menstrual cycle Frequent cold or flu These are the initial signs that often indicate towards the disease. If suspected, doctors usually suggest blood tests to the person to substantiate. Hypothyroidism is not a deadly disease that cannot be treated. With proper treatment, lifestyle changes and hypothyroidism diet plans, one can control hypothyroidism and gradually increase the thyroid level in the body.
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List of High-Fiber Foods to Increase Your Fiber Intake

List of High-Fiber Foods to Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber is very important for our system. It does not just help with the digestion but also reduces the risk of hypertension, stroke, and other heart diseases. Most people do not get sufficient fiber, and so you see it affecting their health in different ways. The list of high-fiber foods won’t affect your health in any negative way. It only benefits you as fiber foods take longer to digest. In this time, all the essential nutrients and vitamins are absorbed by the body. How fiber helps the human body To understand what fiber does in your body, you first need to know that there are two kinds of fibers—soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber turns into a gel and slows the digestion process. This lowers your blood glucose and lowers your cholesterol. Moreover, the insoluble fiber stays in the same form and is the bulk of the stool. It makes the process of digestion a lot easier. Not having sufficient amounts of fiber can lead to constipation. Fiber regulates the speed of your digestion and makes sure that the body gets all the required nutrition. At the same time, you need to have fibers in the right amount. Here is a list of high-fiber foods that you need to include in your diet every day. Beans Beans are the answers to all the good things that your body needs and is hence included in the list of high-fiber foods. They have the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals that will aid in digestion and make you strong. If you don’t have much of it in your diet, then you should start eating it. However, having too much of it can make you gastric. So, limit your intake of beans. You can choose from lima beans, broad beans, black beans, kidney beans, and so on.
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11 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol Naturally

11 Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Diet is one of the main factors which account for high cholesterol levels in our body. However, maintaining a proper diet can also help maintain cholesterol at requisite levels. If we choose the right foods to include in our diet, it can help manage fats in the bloodstream. We must consume foods that are lower in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. This would allow us to maintain our cholesterol at requisite levels. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is one of the body’s lipoproteins and an important carrier of cholesterol. Having an excess of it is harmful to our body and can lead to clogging of the arteries. They are also known as “bad cholesterol.” Foods that lower cholesterol naturally in our body do so in different ways: Some foods bind cholesterol in the digestive system. Therefore, the cholesterol exits the body before it reaches the circulatory system. Some foods increase the amount of polyunsaturated fats in the body. This lowers the LDL levels in the bloodstream. Some foods contain sterols. These block the absorption of cholesterol in our body. Let’s look at some of the best foods that lower cholesterol naturally that can be included in your diet. Oats One of the best foods that lower cholesterol naturally is oats. You can choose to start the day with a wholesome breakfast of oatmeal. You may also have cold oats-based cereal for breakfast. This has 1 or 2 grams of soluble fibers. If you add a banana or some strawberries, this would add another half a gram of soluble fibers to your breakfast. Barley and other whole grains Barley and other whole grains reduce the chances of occurrence of cardiovascular disorders and are among the top foods that lower cholesterol naturally. One of the key mechanisms is by delivering a high percentage of soluble fibers to the body.
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Dietary Changes and Tips to Cure Shingles Rash

Dietary Changes and Tips to Cure Shingles Rash

Shingles are painful itchy rashes caused by the herpes zoster virus. Various cures for shingles rash that can alleviate the symptoms and bring faster recovery are discussed below. If your immune system is weak, your shingles outbreak can get out of hand and spread to other parts of your body. Hence, it is essential to boost up your immune system by adding immunity enhancing foods to your diet and avoiding foods that can worsen your condition. An immune booster diet would include foods rich in: Vitamin A – The beta-carotene content of this vitamin helps to maintain your skin, membranes, and tissue linings. An enhanced intake of this vitamin helps in speeding the healing process of the shingles rash. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, carrots, and beef liver are a rich source of vitamin A. Vitamin B12 – This vitamin is essential for the functioning of the nervous system. It preserves the functioning of the nerves as well as protects the nerves from damage that can be caused by the shingles rash. Vitamin B 12 rich foods include sardines, lamb, eggs, and cottage cheese. Vitamin C – One of the most popular cures for shingles rash, vitamin C enhances the immunity levels in your body acting as an antiviral agent. It is recommended to increase the intake of vitamin C foods such as oranges, papaya, bell peppers, kiwis, throughout the infection and recovery period. Vitamin E – Vitamin E is known to accelerate the healing of the shingles breakout. It works towards protecting the nerves from damage and acts as prevention against scarring from the rashes. As vitamin E protects the cell membranes from the attacking virus, it can be applied directly onto the rashes. This provides relief to the burning sensation and also helps reduce the pain from postherpetic neuralgia (residual pain).
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Effective Diet Plans for IBS

Effective Diet Plans for IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem that affects the large intestine. It can cause abdominal cramping, bloating, and a change in bowel habits. IBS does require the medical intervention, but were you aware that there exist quite a few effective IBS diet plans that can help you better your symptoms. We have scoured the internet and have found you the best diet plans that help to reduce the bothersome symptoms, thus helping you work towards and healthy and happy life. Here are five amazing IBS diet plans. The high-fiber diet You might be aware that fibrous foods are known to add bulks to the stools, which in turn helps in movement. An adult must eat about 20-35 grams of fiber in a day, on an average. While this looks less-complicated, the digestive and kidney diseases and National Institute of Diabetes claims that average people limit their fiber food intake to only 5-14 grams a day. Fiber-enriched food items for supposing vegetables and fruits followed by whole grains, are quite healthy and keep away from constipation issues. But, if you go through bloating issues from too much intake of fiber, try concentrating on fiber items that are soluble in vegetables and fruits rather than grains. The low-fiber diet Fiber intake may sound helpful and effective for IBS sufferers, but too much of fiber can make the symptoms of diarrhea and gas worse. Before ruling out fiber food items from your diet, try committing on soluble fiber sources present in berries, oatmeal, carrots, and apples. The food with soluble fiber quite easily dissolves in the water rather than adding some more bulk associated with fiber that is non-soluble. Food items that have non-soluble fibers are nuts, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, raisins and whole grains. You can also go ahead and choose medicines that are anti-diarrheal 30 minutes before fiber intake, and lessen the effects.
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10 best protein drinks ideas

10 best protein drinks ideas

Proteins are the essential need of a human body. The best protein drinks contain high source of high energy, which helps in improving the immune system and maintain a healthy body. The human body is made up of different compositions of protein, which takes part in many body processes. In the every age, a person needs a set a limit of protein, which the human body can’t produce by own. The outer source of protein completes these needs and makes you energetic. The deficiency of the essential proteins can make you ill and low. Moreover, it also affects the immune system. When it comes to the outer source of proteins, you can get it from grains and dairy products. You can complete your protein needs by following right diet. But, apart from the food, you can also go for the protein drinks. Yes, it is also an easy way to fulfill your protein needs and it is a tasty way as well. In the busy lifestyle, no one has time to eat proper and healthy diet, Most of the people rely on packaged and cooked food. This kind of diet never gives the proper nutrition and they miss the essential proteins, which work to make their body strong. Resulting, many issues raise like- poor health, low immunity, and fatigue. If you are the one, who also don’t have enough time to take care of your daily diet, then you can try best protein drinks. They will make you energetic all day long and maintain your good health as well. You can find thousands of brands claiming to be the best protein drinks product in the market, which promise to give the best quality drinks. But, you cannot rely on all of them. You can avoid all the hassle and try some natural and homemade protein drinks, which are really easy to make and can be made ready in less than 10 minutes.
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10 Foods For Healthy Heart And A Long Life

10 Foods For Healthy Heart And A Long Life

Heart diseases are widespread today. The main reason for that is the unhealthy lifestyle we are living. Consuming foods at odd times and eating fast foods are a part of our lifestyle. To avoid this, the most important thing one should do is consume foods for healthy heart. It takes time and regular effort to keep the heart healthy and free from any disease. You can incorporate foods that benefit the heart into your diet. It is always better to be cautious than deal with the disease. Here a few foods that will help you keep your heart strong. Salmon Salmon is first on the list when you want to have foods for healthy heart. Salmon fish has many benefits because it is rich in omega three fatty acids. Salmon has an anti-clotting effect that will ensure that the blood flows without any interruptions. The fish is also known to lower the levels of triglycerides in the body. The triglycerides are the fats that are responsible for heart diseases. Make salmon a must have in your diet. You can have two servings of it every week for maximum benefits. Other foods that have high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are trout, tuna, and sardines. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a recommended food to lower cholesterol. Doctors suggest that you should have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day. Oatmeal has soluble fiber that soaks up the cholesterol so that it is eliminated from the body. This way the cholesterol won’t get into the bloodstream. Go for the natural oatmeal and avoid packed ones that have sugar in them. Whole grain foods like pasta, bread, and rice also help keep the heart strong. Walnuts Walnuts are considered to reduce your chances of acquiring a cardiovascular disease by half. Walnuts have the right kind of fats that are beneficial to the system.
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