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4 beneficial foods for hemophilia patients

4 beneficial foods for hemophilia patients

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is mostly diagnosed at a young age. The blood doesn’t clot as it should in people with this disease, causing excessive bleeding, which can turn life-threatening. The condition largely occurs due to the absence of certain blood-clotting proteins (called clotting factors), although it can also be acquired due to an immune system issue. Physical therapy, clot-preserving medications, and vaccinations are viable treatment options. Alternatively, dietary choices can also help manage the symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the beneficial foods to eat for people with hemophilia: Whole grains Oatmeal, brown rice, and barley are a few of the healthiest whole grains to eat for hemophilia patients. These foods contain fiber and nutrients that help stabilize blood glucose levels. By lowering the risk of heart disease and stroke, these foods prevent serious complications associated with hemophilia. Whole grains also reduce chronic inflammation, which can be touted as a major contributor to internal bleeding. Calcium-rich foods Important for the growth and maintenance of the bones, calcium is paramount for hemophilia patients. The nutrient helps keep tooth and bone health in check, preventing damage and subsequent blood loss. Also, the lack of calcium increases the risk of several diseases, some of which are known to cause internal bleeding and muscle damage. Dairy products are the standout sources of calcium, along with fish like sardines and pilchards. Leafy greens Dark, leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach are loaded with minerals that can help manage hemophilia and its possible complications. Collard greens are also great options, as they’re a good source of vitamin K that helps in blood clotting. The vegetable might also prove useful in maintaining bone health. At the same time, cabbage and beet greens come with their own list of benefits for people with hemophilia.
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4 dietary tips for managing hemophilia

4 dietary tips for managing hemophilia

When suffering from hemophilia, it is vital to care for your overall health and pay attention to your nutrition. The point behind this is to stay healthy and ensure that your body is getting a sufficient amount of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that it needs. Here are some dietary tips that’ll help you stay healthy and keep your hemophilia at bay. Add foods and veggies to your daily diet Foods and vegetables are a great addition to your diet. Not only do they promote a healthy mind and body, but they also help those who have hemophilia. Dark green leafy vegetables are a great source of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other essential nutrients that you need. Fruits also make for a great source of fibers that will help maintain intestinal health. To ensure that you are eating enough veggies and fruits, ensure that you fill one half of your plate with them. Try veggies such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, and more. Make healthy cooking choices One of the essential elements of a healthy lifestyle is eating the right way when suffering from hemophilia. What does this mean? It means that you should stick to cooking modes such as baking, grilling, and even boiling instead of frying foods. This will ensure that your foods retain all their nutrients and stay clean and healthy. Steer clear of meat One of the other tips that’ll help with hemophilia is having meat-free diets. Instead, opt for beans, nuts, and other sources of protein. You could also try eating leaned meats such as fish, chicken, turkey, and even eggs twice a week for maximum protein intake. When eating out, keep your portions small Another important thing to keep in mind when eating should be the portion size. Eating smaller portions, especially when eating out, helps prevent you from eating stuff without knowing what’s in them.
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Top 5 foods that help fight chronic myeloid leukemia

Top 5 foods that help fight chronic myeloid leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia, which is also called chronic myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the bone marrow. It essentially leads to the increased production of white blood cells in the blood. When an individual is battling leukemia, they may feel fatigued, and their immune system can get compromised. This makes proper nutrition intake extremely important. It helps patients feel better during and after the treatment by maintaining strength and speeding recovery. Here are some foods that can help people manage chronic myeloid leukemia. Protein-rich foods Protein is necessary for repairing cells and tissues and strengthening the immune system. It is recommended that people with chronic myeloid leukemia eat at least one meal a day that contains a good source of lean protein such as chicken, fish, or turkey. Some other protein-rich sources include eggs, soy and soy products, beans, nuts and nut butter, and low-fat dairy products. Probiotics These are healthy bacteria the stomach needs to manage food better and keep the body healthy. Yogurt is one of the most popular and easily available sources of probiotics. Make sure the label says “Live and Active Culture,” an indication that the yogurt has probiotics in it. Other good sources include kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, and tempeh. Wide variety of fruits and vegetables The diet of individuals with chronic myeloid leukemia must consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Besides being rich in vitamins and minerals, these foods are packed with antioxidants and contain phytochemicals, which are known to fight cancer cells. One can top cereals with their favorite fruits, drink smoothies, or enjoy a bowl of berries for dessert. Try to include these fruits and veggies in the daily diet: apples, bananas, strawberries, leafy greens, cauliflower, and broccoli. Whole grains Whole grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates and fibers, both of which are required to maintain healthy energy levels during and after the treatment.
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5 essential dietary tips for GIST patients

5 essential dietary tips for GIST patients

A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) occurs rarely. It begins in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and slowly spreads to the lymph nodes. It usually starts in the stomach. In some cases, the cancerous cells start to grow in the small intestine, esophagus, colon, and the rectum as well. GIST is usually treated through surgery or targeted therapy. To help the healing process, proper nutrition is recommended. Here are a few dietary tips for GIST patients. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables Colorful fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and cancer-fighting properties. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, red bell peppers, and so on are nutritious additions to one’s meals. These whole foods are great sources of micronutrients. All of these are essential for strengthening the immune system and improving one’s overall health. Include legumes and whole grains The colon may be adversely affected due to GIST. Whole grains and legumes are rich in fiber, which help the gastrointestinal system function better. Fiber-rich whole foods can also improve the health of the colon. Beans, lentils, rye, quinoa, and other legumes and grains must be included in a GIST diet. Avoid red meat One should limit their intake of red meat. Foods based on red meat can be had occasionally, but it is better to avoid them completely. Fish and lean meat are better options when the protein requirement is high. Low-fat dairy products, eggs, and soy-based foods are also healthier alternatives to red meat. Avoid charred foods Meat, fish, eggs, and any other foods cooked on direct heat can contain carcinogenic substances. This is why it is advisable to restrict the intake of foods cooked on direct flame. It is better to occasionally eat foods that have been cooked using low-temperature techniques. Broiled foods are preferable than grilled foods in the case of GIST cancer. In addition, it is also important to lower the intake of cured and smoked meats, such as hot dog and bacon.
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Foods to add and avoid for gastrointestinal stromal tumor

Foods to add and avoid for gastrointestinal stromal tumor

A gastrointestinal stromal tumor begins in the glandular cells present in the body’s digestive system. An accurate diagnosis is essential to ensure the right treatment is provided for this condition. There are several side effects to the treatment, such as nausea, vomiting, and bowel obstruction. All these issues make it harder for a person to consume the required amount of food in the day. To ease this problem for those dealing with GIST, we have put together a list of foods you must eat and those you must avoid. Foods to add to your diet for GIST Cruciferous vegetables These vegetables are rich in vitamins, fiber, and folate. They are also popular for their cancer-fighting ability. Cruciferous vegetables should be consumed for every meal. Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, etc., are a few of the many cruciferous vegetables you can consume. Fruits Fruits are delicious, healthy, and full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These provide roughage for the colon, is light on your stomach, and has anti-cancer effects. Apples, bananas, and oranges are healthy for those with GIST. Probiotic foods Your body can benefit from probiotics in many different ways. They can reduce diarrhea, IBS, and overall digestive health. Yogurt, kefir, and buttermilk contain probiotics. Omega-3 rich foods Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to your body. Flax seeds, chia seeds, fatty fish, walnuts, etc., contain omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential vitamins and nutrients. Foods to avoid for GIST Red meat Red meat contains more saturated fats and chemicals that can affect the bowel cells. You can consume leaner proteins like chicken, eggs, beans, and salmon instead. Baked goods Baked goods contain too much sugar and saturated fats, harmful for people dealing with cancer. Salt Everything, including table salt, salt added to your food, and other salty foods like chips and canned food, should be eliminated from your diet.
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Managing GIST – Treatment modes and diet tips

Managing GIST – Treatment modes and diet tips

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors or GISTs are tumors formed in the digestive system organs, such as the small intestine and stomach. This is a severe form of cancer that affects individuals worldwide. But, here is some good news: GIST is treatable and manageable. Patients can avail various treatment methods and manage the condition by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. This article focuses on both of these aspects in brief. Treatment modes of GIST Surgery GISTs are typically small and not very aggressive. This makes surgery one of the topmost and primary modes of treatment. Studies have shown that doctors can eradicate the tumors in 85 percent of cases. Once the tumor has been removed, doctors study it under a microscope to check for chances of redevelopment and reoccurrence. Targeted therapy Depending on the severity of the condition and the tumor’s size, doctors can also suggest targeted therapy to treat GIST. This therapy uses certain medications to identify and attack the cancerous cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Supportive care Surgery and targeted therapy may be accompanied by supportive care. This method closely monitors a patient and manages any side effects or psychological problems that might arise during treatment. It is crucial to remember that GIST can reoccur within the first two years of removing the tumor. However, patients can reduce the risk of redevelopment by maintaining the right diet and following proper nutrition. Managing GIST with diet and nutrition Living with GIST is not easy as its symptoms can impact day-to-day life. Individuals can experience pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and may feel fatigued. This makes eating the right foods very essential. Here are some diet tips for managing GIST better: Ensure to get the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals from the diet. Avoid eating high sugar foods as they can worsen the symptoms.
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4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

4 effective fruit eating tips for diabetics

Diabetes patients must focus on their daily carbohydrate intake as it is one of the major factors that affect blood sugar. Excess carbohydrates in the system trigger the pancreas to produce and release more insulin. For diabetics, one of the main concerns is eating fruits, as they are rich in natural sugars and fructose. But here are a few simple ways one can include more fruits in daily foods without worrying about type 2 diabetes. Consider low glycemic (GI) fruits Low GI fruits contain natural fibers that help the body with digestion. Cherries, grapefruit, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, grapes, blackberries, and oranges are excellent fruits that supplement daily nutrition. Fibrous fruits also help one feel more satiated throughout the day and curb hunger pangs. Don’t eat in one go The body can only process a finite amount of sugar and carbohydrates in a single day. So, it is better to have a smaller serving of fruits to balance carbohydrate and calorie intake. Also, consider fresh fruits over frozen or dried options. Fresh fruits contain a lower and more easily digestible concentration of natural sugars, minus any preservatives or additives. Portion sizes matter People with diabetes should really pay attention to portion sizes. Excess fruit consumption triggers spikes in blood sugar levels due to the presence of fructose in most fruits. This natural sugar is quickly broken down by the body, resulting in an increase in blood glucose. According to nutritionists, diabetics should not consume any more than a cup of blackberries, 1 1/4th cup of strawberries, 17 cherries, or 3/4th cup of blackberries in one sitting. The sugar intake is equivalent to a 4-ounce tangerine, 4-ounce apple, half a banana, four small apricots, or one cup of fresh watermelon. Avoid fruit juices Half a cup of fruit juice contains 15 grams of carbohydrates.
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Best Diet Options for Ulcerative Colitis

Best Diet Options for Ulcerative Colitis

The key to finding the right kind of foods for people suffering from ulcerative colitis is to look for foods that contain all the essential nutrients but would not aggravate the digestive tract. Given below a list of food items that are good to eat when you have ulcerative colitis or colitis flare-up: Soothe symptoms with salmon Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids in high amount. It is excellent for your colon and heart health. According to a study, essential fatty acids ease inflammation. It means that salmon helps to counterbalance the inflammation caused by a colitis flare. Other food items containing a rich source of omega-3 include flaxseed oil, albacore tuna, ground flaxseed, and walnuts, which should be added to diets for colitis. Add yogurt to your meals Yogurt or any other fermented foods like miso, kefir, sauerkraut, etc. contain probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria present in our guts and fermented foods. These bacteria are important to maintain a healthy immune system and digestion. If you eat foods that are filled with active and live cultures, they would keep optimal levels of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Always buy yogurt that lists active and live culture on their contents’ list. However, you need to watch their sugar content. Go for only unsweetened and plain yogurt. You can add fruits or honey by yourself for some sweetness. Add squash to your diet for colitis Any variety of squash, be it spaghetti, zucchini, butternut or acorn, is a healthy choice. Squash contains antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene. They are high in fiber as well. While antioxidants aid in repairing damage caused by inflammation, fiber keeps the gut flora healthy. However, if you feel that fiber worsens your symptoms during a flare-up then you may want to avoid eating raw squash.
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The Best Diet for Acid Reflux to Following Immediately

The Best Diet for Acid Reflux to Following Immediately

Do you suffer from heartburn frequently? It could be a case of Acid Reflux Disease, also known as GERD, i.i., Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Normally, during the process of digestion, there is a sphincter at the mouth of the stomach, that closes once you’ve finished eating. Then, the contents move into the stomach, where it is digested with the help of digestive enzymes. During the digestion process, acids are released. If the sphincter does not seal itself completely or opens too often, the acid flows back into the esophageal tract and causes heartburn. If this condition persists, you are suffering from acid reflux. Causes A stomach abnormality known as hiatal hernia is a common cause of acid reflux. Lying on your back or bending over the waist, after eating a heavy meal. Being overweight and obese. Consuming certain foods can cause acid reflux. These include tomatoes, garlic, mint, onion, spicy and fatty foods. Smoking. Consumption of alcohol, coffee, tea and carbonated beverages. Snacking just before retiring for the night. Pregnancy. Blood pressure medication, certain muscle relaxers, common drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen also cause acid reflux Symptoms The common symptoms are heartburn, where the burning sensation extends from the chest to the throat and regurgitation. A bitter-tasting and sour acid backs into your throat and mouth. Other symptoms that show up include nausea, bloating, continuous hiccups, burping, bloody/black stools, vomit covered with blood, dysphagia, unexplained weight loss, dry cough, wheezing, hoarseness, and chronic sore throat. Diet and lifestyle changes can help in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux disease. A diet for acid reflux is crafted by excluding foods that can trigger the symptoms and make them worse. Dietary Changes Acid reflux disease can cause a lot of discomfort. Dietary changes help to reduce the symptoms by excluding certain foods. Eating small and frequent meals rather than eating three large meals in a day, can greatly help in alleviating the symptoms.
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