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Best Liquid Diet Plans to Help Your Body Recover

Best Liquid Diet Plans to Help Your Body Recover

The best liquid diet plans are based on the idea that solid foods are eliminated from your diet and all your calorie intake comes from liquids. You can replace all your meals with fruit or vegetable juices, or you can choose to replace one or two meals of a day along with a few healthy snacks. The best liquid diet plans can be used for a variety of purposes from weight loss to being diets after certain surgeries. Liquid diet for weight loss There are many kinds of liquid diets that will help with weight loss. Consulting with a physician and educating yourself about these diets will go a long way in ensuring that you get the right plan for yourself. At its simplest, weight loss occurs when more calories are burnt than consumed. An average person requires 2000 calories a day. Most liquid diets provide a calorie count that is much lesser than that. Hence, once you put yourself on a liquid diet, you are bound to lose weight. Most liquid diets for weight loss will recommend consuming fruit juices. You can opt for juices that you make at home, or you can even buy juices outside. If you choose the latter, remember to choose juices that are low in sugar, or else it will be counterproductive to your weight loss objective. Other liquids you can choose to take are smoothies, soups, and vegetable juices. Remember to consult with your physician before embarking on the best liquid diet plans for weight loss. Cut up some pineapple, beets, cabbage, carrots, spinach, and orange. Dump it in a blender and blend until smooth. Keep any pulp in for its high fibrous content. This recipe is not just healthy; it is tasty too. Liquid diet for detoxification Everyone you know and their grandmothers are talking about going on a detox diet.
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Diverticulitis – Causes, Symptoms, and Diet

Diverticulitis – Causes, Symptoms, and Diet

Diverticulitis is an infection/inflammation that occurs in the intestine of the digestive tract. Small pouches called diverticula start developing along the walls of the intestine. Diverticulitis is a serious condition that may even require surgery. In this condition, there could be a small abscess in the pouches and go on to cause a severe infection or a massive perforation of the bowels. Symptoms Diverticulitis starts to manifest by causing cramps on the left side of the abdomen. The pain eases after you move the bowels or pass gas. Bright red blood in stool is another indication of this condition. Prolonged infection can lead to bowel obstruction, which can cause abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, thin stools, nausea, and vomiting. Delay in treatment will require surgery. The surgery would be needed to treat abscesses and fistulas. In case of severe bleeding, a blood transfusion would be required. Causes An improper dietary pattern can be one of the causes of diverticulitis. Obesity, low level of physical activity, and how frequently you smoke can also determine if you are prone to this digestive disease. Diverticulitis diet Antibiotics are the first course of treatment to contain the infection. Changing your diet pattern is a long-term strategy to control the symptoms. Studies have found that following a prescribed diet can help those suffering from diverticulitis. The aim of following the best diet for diverticulitis is to ease the strain on the digestive system and help in the healing process. By following the best diet for diverticulitis, it is possible to reduce the symptoms and prevent any flaring. Listed below are some of the best diet for diverticulitis. Liquid diet If you exhibit any of the symptoms, it is best to switch to a liquid diet. Water, vegetable/chicken broth, tea, coffee (without milk/cream), clear soups, fruit juices (without the pulp), and popsicles.
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All You Need to Know about Diabetes Reversal Treatment

All You Need to Know about Diabetes Reversal Treatment

The term diabetes reversal refers to an improvement in the condition of your body’s insulin sensitivity that sustains over a long period. Type II Diabetes 90% of adults have type II diabetes that tends to develop later in life. In type II diabetes, the body fails to produce enough insulin to cope up with the glucose levels in the body. As the body cells don’t react to the insulin, glucose remains in the bloodstream, which cannot be used to fuel energy. Type II diabetes mostly ends up becoming a chronic health condition that cannot be cured once it develops. It can only be supervised and managed by combining medication with a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes and fat Eating and drinking more calories than required by the body leads to excess calories that get stored as fat in the liver and under the skin in the abdomen – visceral fat. This visceral fat is a common factor that puts you at a high risk of developing type II diabetes. The fat build-up in the liver extends over into the pancreas eventually. Over time this fat accumulation becomes a hindrance to the organ’s functioning and prevents the pancreas from releasing insulin after meals. This is why, obesity is a more common cause of type II diabetes, which turns into a vicious circle of cause and effect. The pressure on the Pancreas to keep producing extra insulin damages the insulin-producing beta cells. Damage to the beta cells renders the pancreas unfit to keep sugar levels in check, and this turns into a chronic disease. It damages the kidneys, eye retinas and other organs over the passage of time. Diabetes reversal treatment The research for a cure to beat diabetes is still in its infancy, but there seem to be motivating developments in stopping the symptoms of type II diabetes.
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Hiatal Hernia Diet for a Healthy Life

Hiatal Hernia Diet for a Healthy Life

A hiatal hernia is a condition when a small part of the stomach slides up through a weak spot in the diaphragm. The stomach acid is pushed into the esophagus causing heartburn and other associated issues. A gastroesophageal reflux disease is one of the most common symptoms of a hiatal hernia. Other symptoms include difficulty in swallowing, chest pain, and congestion. Most people don’t show any sign of a hiatal hernia and others who do, experience heartburn. Surgery is not required to treat this condition. Instead, doctors recommend patients to lead a healthy lifestyle by maintaining weight and eating small meals at a time. There are a few foods that must be included in the hiatal hernia diet and a few that should be avoided. The symptoms are sure to subside if you eat healthy food on a daily basis. Foods to include in your hiatal hernia diet Here is a list of foods that you must include in your diet. These foods are sure to help you find relief from the heartburn. Lean meats Lean meats must be preferred over fatty acids if you have a hiatal hernia. Meats that have high-fat content can aggravate the conditions. These include red meats and cold cuts. Go for lean protein sources like codfish and chicken breasts. Bake your meat instead of frying it and use less spice in your foods. Fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a balanced diet. You get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from them. Fruits that have antioxidants that can help reduce and prevent heartburns. Go for healthy options like raspberries, cherries, and apricots. Acidic and citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes, and grapes must be avoided. Consume more vegetables to increase your immunity and increase your metabolism. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli have plenty of vitamin B and calcium.
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Immediate Constipation Management

Immediate Constipation Management

Constipation is a common clinical issue that severely hampers one’s quality of life and causes a significant mount psychological distress. Constipation management and relief must involve lifestyle changes as well as an increase in the consumption of fiber and fluids. Lemon Lemon juice has Vitamin C, which is known to clear out your bowels and helps in getting the digestive system move again. All you need to do is squeeze half a lemon juice and pour it into a glass of warm water. You can add a teaspoon of honey and drink it first thing in the morning. You also can drink it in the evening as it helps relieves tummy ache effectively and proves to be a great way to get immediate constipation relief. Oil A tasty fat, olive oil not only helps in stimulating digestive system but also immediate relief from constipation. Owing to its texture, pure olive oil helps in regulating bowel movement and helps stool move through the colon. Using this oil on a regular basis can help you get rid of constipation and other related problems. Doctors recommend a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. Orange Rich in citric acid, oranges are excellent antidotes for constipation. Eating three oranges in the morning and in the evening helps treat constipation effectively. You should consume an orange without peeling off the fibers. Coffee Coffee is known to be a natural stimulant and helps immediately clean the digestive tract. It also helps keeps the system clear and running. However, it is recommended not to have more than two cups of coffee every day as it can have a reverse effect because of its diuretic nature, i.e., coffee is loaded with caffeine and it makes one urinate frequently. When it is consumed in excess, it leads to dehydration in the body and often causes constipation.
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Paleo- A Diet with Assured Benefits

Paleo- A Diet with Assured Benefits

What is Paleo Diet? You must be wondering what Paleo diet is, and from where did it originate? The answer lies deep down the history lane, with our ancestors. The people, who lived in the old era, did not have any foods of the modernized world and had everything that was available naturally in their surroundings. This is the reason they stayed healthy and fit and even lived longer, unlike us from the modern world, where everything is available on the go like milk, eggs, pulses, green leafy vegetables. It is no surprise that we lack the stamina and the energy that our previous generations possessed. Today most of the food items we consume are processed or artificially made, that takes away the real nutrients that our body requires. The idea of the Paleo diet revolves around avoiding food like pulses, sugar, and dairy products like milk, eggs, yogurt, salt, legumes, etc. Paleo diet is the latest trend among health enthusiasts and is being successfully followed by millions, to maintain a healthy and an energetic life, eliminating different deficiencies and avoiding various diseases. Paleo also helps in maintaining a clear skin, reduces obesity, puts away laziness, prevents diabetes, supports a healthy heart, makes one immune to specific allergies, minimizes inflammation and provides a good quality sleep. To get the benefits out of a Paleo diet, pair it with exercise, intake of enough water, a good sleep and an active lifestyle. Paleo Diet Meals Vegetables : All vegetables are suitable for a Paleo diet until they are fresh and artificially processed. Vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals. However, some vegetables contain high levels of carbs. One should stay away from them, in case they are adopting Paleo diet plan for weight loss. Vegetables suitable for Paleo diet: • Broccoli • Celery • Peppers or capsicum • Carrots • Spinach • Cauliflower • Green onions • Eggplant • Zucchini • Asparagus • Lettuce • Parsley • Avocado • Brussels sprouts • Sweet potato Fruits :
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Effective Ways to Maintain Triglyceride Levels

Effective Ways to Maintain Triglyceride Levels

Triglycerides are the fat that is present in your blood. They are used by the body to create energy by absorption into the adipose cells. When their quantity in the blood crosses the daily required threshold, they are stored in various parts of the body to be used later in the future, whenever required. However, when there are high levels of triglycerides flowing through the bloodstream, you are at an increased risk of coronary/heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Thus, it is important to maintain the triglycerides that are being converted from the diet that you are taking. High Triglyceride Diet Foods To maintain the good health of your heart and pancreas, lowering your triglycerides plays an essential role. Given below are foods that make a high triglyceride diet, and that need to be maintained and kept in check. Starchy Vegetables Keeping triglycerides in mind, not all vegetables are good for managing their levels in your body. Some vegetables have a high starch content which means they have more carbohydrates; these can spike up the triglycerides by turning the excess starch into triglycerides. Some vegetables that are high in starch are: Lima beans Corn Peas Sweet potatoes Dried beans Winter squash Water chestnut Plantains These vegetables can be replaced by options like mushrooms, kale, and cauliflower. Starchy Foods As with vegetables high in starch, other starchy foods in the diet also need monitoring. The breakdown of these foods results in sugars that convert into triglycerides when the starch intake becomes superfluous. Some starchy foods – Bread – white, brown, and whole wheat Pasta and noodles Cereals – granola, oatmeal Rice Manage these starchy foods from your high triglyceride diet by keeping servings (2-4 per meal) in check. For example, one slice of bread or half a cup of cooked pasta would make one serving.
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Here’s How to Boost Your HDL Cholesterol Levels

Here’s How to Boost Your HDL Cholesterol Levels

There is a general misconception that cholesterol is bad for your health and heart. Fat is needed by the body to perform all metabolic functions. Not all cholesterol is bad. The fats that you consume, contain cholesterol in them (the levels differ depending on the food category). And it is the bad cholesterol that plays havoc with your heart health. A high level of bad cholesterol (LDL), low levels of good cholesterol (HDL) are a cause for concern. To maintain ideal cholesterol levels, wherein the levels of HDL is more than LDL calls for a proper diet and active lifestyle. What is good and bad cholesterol? HDL Good cholesterol or HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) is healthy cholesterol that is needed by the body. High HDL levels, not only help in lowering the levels of LDL, they also help in prevent heart diseases and stroke. In fact, when a blood test is done to verify the cholesterol levels, doctors first read the levels of HDL. As long as the HDL levels are greater in proportion, in total cholesterol levels, you’re on the safer side. Numerous studies have proved that low HDL levels increase the risk of heart disease. LDL LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) is bad cholesterol that causes plaque build up along the artery walls, causing blockages and resulting in heart attack. Higher LDL levels put you at a greater risk of having a heart disease. If your blood tests have high LDL levels, it’s time to take measures through diet and exercise which can help in lowering LDL levels. Triglycerides The most common type of fat in our body are triglycerides. The excess energy from the food that you eat, is stored as triglycerides. High triglycerides, low HDL, and high LDL is the potent combination that can lead to heart disease. Impact of cholesterol Excess amounts of cholesterol in the body forms a thick layer in the artery walls.
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All You Need To Know About Basic Diabetic Meal Plans

All You Need To Know About Basic Diabetic Meal Plans

Diabetes is a chronic condition where the sugar levels in the blood become incredibly high. Today, diabetes is a widespread condition, mostly because of the kind of unhealthy lifestyle people lead.Contrary to popular opinion, having diabetes does not stop you from eating the foods you like, instead helps in including plenty of nutritious and healthy choices in your diet. A healthy diet is a foundation for the management of diabetes. A diabetes diet is the finest meal plan for almost every individual. It is a guide chart that tells you what kinds and how much quantity of foods you can pick to eat at different mealtimes. Paying heed to the guide chart is of high significance. Following your diabetes diet plan on a regular basis will help keep your blood sugar and weight in check. Start by with building and following diabetic meal plans. You must begin with breakfast followed by lunch and then dinner. Besides this, take two light snacks between the meals. A combination (combo) meal can give you about 1,400 calories each day. Consult with your dietician or doctor to figure out the best diabetic meal plans, so that you can keep your calories intake in check. How many calories you should consume ideally depends on your age, weight, health conditions, and lifestyle. Smart food choices for diabetes The 8 primary elements of diabetic meal plans are: Fruits Vegetables Low-fat or nonfat dairy products Yogurt Whole grains Beans Lean meats like fish and poultry Legumes including peas, lentils, and dried beans These heart-healthy foods are high in nutrients and low in calories and fats. A heart-healthy diet comprises a perfect balance of carbohydrates, fat, fiber, vitamins, and protein. It is the mainstay of medications and activity levels. Sticking to a daily diabetic meal plan may seem to be quite challenging at first, but once you have the meal plan in place, you will start enjoying it.
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10 Food Items That Can Help You Keep Your Diabetes In Control

10 Food Items That Can Help You Keep Your Diabetes In Control

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in the world today. Your blood sugar level is abnormally high when you have this condition. It happens due to the lack of insulin in the body. If left unchecked, diabetes can lead to severe conditions like stroke, cancer, and heart diseases. Having diabetes does not mean that you have to eat bland food. However, the diabetic food list has everything you will need to stay healthy and free from the complications caused by the disease. Here are foods that you must include on your diabetes food list. Avocado This rich and creamy vegetable has several benefits. It aids in digestion and keeps the blood sugar under control after a meal. It has the healthy fats that will help with the insulin resistance and stabilize the blood sugar levels in the long term. You can use avocados in sandwiches or salads and keep your insulin levels in control. Olive Oil Olive oil must be in your diabetic food list. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are known to help patients with diabetes. It is used in the Mediterranean diet which is the best diet to prevent heart diseases. The healthy fats that are present in olive oil help with the digestion and prevents your glucose count from increasing. You can use olive oil in salads, pasta, or in any dish you prepare at home. Whole Grain Foods White bread or pasta is very harmful and can cause an immediate spike in the glucose levels. Switching to whole grain can help you keep your blood sugar levels in control. Whole grain foods take longer to digest and so they also assist in maintaining the metabolism fast. Refined foods lose all the nutrition in them. Instead, you can go for whole grain foods that are a lot more beneficial to you.
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