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Know the Dietary Requirements for Diabetes

Know the Dietary Requirements for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a medical condition characterized by hyperglycemia. The insulin level, as secreted by the pancreas, is not sufficient enough to synthesize the glucose present in the blood. This results in a high volume of sugar in the blood. Diabetes can have a serious impact on the entire body in the long run. The most affected parts include the brain, heart, and kidneys. Usually, the pancreas malfunction and are unable to produce the required amount of insulin. This causes Type 1 diabetes. However, sometimes, the cells do not react effectively to the insulin already produced and develop resistance against it. This causes type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes, on the other hand, results from increased glucose in the blood at the time of pregnancy. The child is also highly prone to encounter type 2 diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle along with physical inactivity leads to obesity.These are the major reasons that trigger type 2 diabetes making it the most common metabolic disorder these days.Usually, patients are given injections to meet the daily insulin requirements. Consistent performance of physical exercise is said to be more impactful than medication. Though there is no permanent remedy for diabetes, a low carb diet is a key to keep blood sugar levels under control.The low carbohydrate condition is often contested as carbohydrates are considered to be the most important source of energy for the body. The following factors must be kept in mind while preparing a diabetes diet chart: Roughage –Roughage helps in improving the gastrointestinal tract and thus, metabolism. It also helps in controlling obesity which is essential in managing diabetes. Foods rich in fiber should form the most important part of a diabetes diet breakfast. The major sources are legumes, dark green vegetables, and nuts. Glycemic Index – This is associated with the amount of starch in a particular food item and its contribution to blood sugar levels inside the body.
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Foods to Avoid if You Have Arthritis

Foods to Avoid if You Have Arthritis

Arthritis, in simple language, refers to joint disease causing joint pain. Arthritis is not a single disease; doctors have been able to discover more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis is not age-specific, which means it can happen to anyone, at any age, any sex, and any race. In America, it is the major cause of disability where more than 300,000 children and 50 million adults suffer from arthritis. The body of a person suffering from arthritis is in an inflammatory state. Certain foods are to be avoided with arthritis as they not only increase inflammation but also push the person towards obesity and other chronic diseases such as heart attack and disabilities. Even though arthritis does not have a specific diet cure, certain foods to avoid with arthritis have shown to trigger inflammation, affect bones, and damage the immune system. There are different kinds of food that have the ability to promote or control inflammation. When anti-inflammatory food options are made a part of daily diet, pain resulting due to arthritis can be crushed to a great extent. Certain inflammation triggers in foods that can lead to arthritis and attached pain and swelling. Here is a list of foods to avoid with arthritis. Fried and processed foods – Researchers have proved that by lowering consumption of fried food and frozen meals, inflammation can be reduced and natural defenses of the body can be restored. Red meat – Red meat is loaded saturated fats well as omega-6 fatty acids and can trigger inflammation. This food should be avoided if you have arthritis. Patients have reported that after avoiding red meat, they have noticed a drastic improvement in the symptoms. Sugar and refined carbs – High sugar level results in inflammation. It is best to avoid processed food, candies, cakes as well as cold drinks loaded with soda.
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Natural Remedies for Quick Constipation Relief

Natural Remedies for Quick Constipation Relief

The food we eat is broken down by the digestive system so that the body can absorb the nutrients present. However, when the digestive system is unable to break down all the food, it leads to constipation. Constipation is a condition of disturbed bowel movements. The NIDDK revealed that 4 million people in the country suffer from constipation every year. There are many different ways to get quick constipation relief. Here are some natural remedies to get quick constipation relief. Oil : Olive oil is a tasty fat that helps stimulate the digestive system and gives quick constipation relief. Pure olive oil has a good texture which helps in regulating bowel movement and helps stool move through the colon. Regular consumption of this power oil helps prevent constipation. It is advised to have a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. You can also add some lemon juice to change the flavor. Fresh lime water : The acidity in lime juice is known to give quick relief from constipation. Lemon juice has citric acid in it which stimulates the digestive system, and also helps to flush out toxins. By adding the juice of one lemon in a cup of water, you can clear out all the undesired material stored along with the walls of the digestive tract. Molasses : A great savior, blackstrap molasses provide quick constipation relief. Blackstrap molasses is loaded with vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, that is known to have constipation relieving properties. It is advised to add a teaspoon of molasses in a cup of warm water and consume it first thing in the morning. Coffee : coffee is a natural stimulant and helps clean the digestive tract. It keeps the system running and clear. Having a cup or two of coffee is fine.
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Quick Tips to Treat Constipation

Quick Tips to Treat Constipation

Constipation occurs because of the lack of water in one’s stool, which usually occurs when too much fluid gets absorbed into the intestines, making the stool dry. Constipation is the condition in which a person experiences fewer than three bowel movements in a given week. This diagnosis has been provided by the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse that is a part of the National Institutes of Health. Constipated stools are often hard, small and dry that makes the entire process unpleasant to endure. Everybody has a different system; some people may go to pass stools multiple times a day while some may go only a couple of times every week. Treatment for constipation is seldom required unless the symptoms last for weeks. And it is possible to get relief from constipation by following some tips to treat constipation. Tips to treat constipation One of the popular tips to treat constipation is consuming fiber-rich foods. By including more fiber in the diet, it is possible to make the stools bulkier and softer, making it softer to pass through the tract. A gradual increase in the levels of fiber is recommended till the optimum level of 20 to 35 grams is achieved. Some good sources of fiber include: Whole grains Bran Foods like brown rice, cereals, and fortified bread Fresh fruits, especially apples and bananas. Fruits with high water amounts like watermelon also work well Dried fruits like apricots, almonds, prunes, and raisins Vegetables like asparagus, brussels sprouts, and carrots Beans It is also important to drink enough water to prevent constipation. One of the common tips to treat constipation is to remain active with general exercise and keep the bowel movement in motion. The following foods must be avoided during constipation as they can make it worse. Foods that are low in fiber Foods that are high in fat Cheese Dairy products Processed foods Meats A step-by-step approach is given in the following tips to treat constipation.
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7 Natural Cures for Overactive Bladder

7 Natural Cures for Overactive Bladder

The urge of frequent urination is often considered to be a symptom of type 2 diabetes. Though the increased frequency of urination is a condition commonly associated with increased blood sugar level, it is not just the lone cause. People with overactive bladder problem also need to urinate at frequent intervals as their bladder loses the capacity of retaining urine for prolong period. In most of the cases, people get this condition with age, yet some also develop it as a side-effect of some disease. Whatever be the reason, medication can help in dealing with the problem to some extent. However, a majority of patients these days are searching for natural cures for overactive bladder instead of relying on the prescription pills. Change in diet – The natural cures for overactive bladder are the best choice for complete treatment of the condition, as it heals the conditions from within. Before taking any herbal supplements or medication, it is important to take care of the diet. Foods like artificial sweeteners, chocolate, spicy dishes and even tomatoes should be avoided by people with overactive bladder as these worsen the condition. Apart from that, patients should also maintain abstinence from alcohol, caffeine, citrus juices or fruits, cranberry juice, dairy products, corn syrup, fizzy drinks or soda, vinegar as well as sugar and honey. The effect of the abovementioned foods may vary from one person to other. Therefore, it is better to maintain a strict watch on the diet to understand what is triggering the condition. Monitor fluid intake – As the fluid retaining capacity of bladder decreases, it is better to restrict the consumption of liquids. Drink water as much as you need and stay away from juices or any other fluids. This will help in healing the bladder condition gradually, which in the long run will increase the capacity of fluid retention.
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13 Popular Foods that Fight Inflammation

13 Popular Foods that Fight Inflammation

The human body has many immune responses which contribute to the healing process. Inflammation is one such process without which healing cannot be ensured. However, in conditions as rheumatoid arthritis, this can damage the body. Inflammation in the body increases if a diet, that is rich in sugar and saturated fats, is followed on a regular basis. This can lead to pain in the joints, fatigue of the body, and can also result in damage to the blood vessels. The popular foods that fight inflammation include: Fish rich in fats Fish which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, and sardines are among the popular foods that fight inflammation in the human body. If you eat fish several times a week, inflammation in the body will definitely be under check. People who are not avid fish eaters can also use fish oil supplements which might help in lowering inflammation. The intake of omega-6 fatty acids should also be kept in check if you wish to keep inflammation in control. Whole grains If grains are consumed as whole grains and not as white bread, pasta, and rice, it will help keep the inflammation under check. Whole grains are a rich source of fiber and thus are included in the list of popular foods that fight inflammation in the body. Dark leafy vegetables Vitamins, especially vitamin E, has a key role in keeping inflammation at bay from the human body. If dark leafy vegetables as spinach and broccoli are consumed on a regular basis, this will reduce the incidence of inflammation in the human body and keep the person healthy. Nuts Nuts are also one of the popular foods that fight inflammation from the human body and these nuts have antioxidants in large amount which can cure the inflammation-related problems.
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Foods to Avoid when Suffering from Acid Reflux

Foods to Avoid when Suffering from Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a severe health complication. It takes place when acid moves back to the esophagus from the stomach. The damaged lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is responsible for acid reflux. LES normally closes to avoid entry of stomach food to the esophagus. Our eating habits have a strong impact in the acid produced in the stomach. It is advised to take proper diet and some specific food products that prevent acid reflux. Acid reflux known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)is caused by the prolonged problem of acid reflux. Acid reflux has different symptoms amongst which heartburn is the most common. You may feel burning sensation in the stomach after taking meals. Some other symptoms include bloating, burping or sore throats. If you suffer from GERD you will realize that certain food products activate the symptoms of acid reflux. These food triggers for GERD vary for all people. It is difficult to describe a specific diet for all individuals. Due to this, all the patients with acid reflux must keep a track of their eating habits and the spontaneous acid reflux action. Check out the following: What do you eat? How many meals do you take in a day? What symptoms of GERD do you experience? Track the food items you eat for a week. This way you can find out which food products trigger acid reflux. Once you have found out the foods to avoid with acid reflux, change your diet plans. For better results get the recommendations of the doctors to have control of GERD. Given below is a list of the foods to avoid with acid reflux: Spicy food: Spicy foods contain large amounts of salts and spices which trigger heartburns. The spicy foods interfere with the stomach acid and worsen the condition. Reduce the spicy food from your diet and you will be at ease with acid reflux.
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1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

If you are planning to shed a few pounds, the 1200 calorie diet plan is a good deal. The 1200 calorie diet is a good start as it only allows an intake of 1200 calories in a day, which is less than an average intake of 1900. A perfect plan for women leading a sedentary lifestyle, this diet plan helps in losing extra pounds sticking to the belly. However, remember, the 1200 calorie diet is not a way of life, it is a tailored plan that helps to lose weight faster and in a healthy fashion. Before you plan to put yourself on the 1200 calorie diet, remember, there is no easy way to lose accumulated fat; it requires dedication and honesty with one’s self. The plan aims at consuming lesser calories than the body burns and in this way the body starts burning stubborn fat. A7-day diet plan, it is packed with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats without crossing the prescribed limitation. Another advantage of this diet plan is that it has a lot of food items that are recommended, from lean proteins to legumes, organ meat to fresh fruits and vegetables, everything is allowed in this plan but in limited quantity. Let’s see what an ideal day of the 1200 calorie diet plan has to offer: Breakfast – Most important meal of the day, it is important to fuel up the body to efficiently carry out day-to-day activities. If the only way you can shake off morning blues is by having a cup of tea, then have it, but don’t put sugar in it. You can start your day by having a glass of milk (without sugar) or buttermilk. Along with it, you can eat wholesome cereal like porridge or oats. On other days, you can replace cereal with a slice of multi-grain bread and a slice of cottage cheese or protein-packed pancake.
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High-Fiber Diet to Stay Healthy

High-Fiber Diet to Stay Healthy

Everybody knows fiber is good for health. Unfortunately, many people do not get adequate fiber from their diet and it results in a wide range of health complications. In this fast paced world, people are consuming a lot of processed and junk foods and it limits their fiber consumption seriously. Proper intake of fiber offers several health benefits including reduced risk to type 2 diabetes, better heart health, high resistance to certain types of cancers, healthy digestive tract, fast weight loss and much more. If you want to enjoy all these benefits, you must follow a high-fiber diet plan. What do health experts recommend when it comes to daily fiber intake? Most health experts recommend a daily consumption of 38 grams for men aged below 50 years. As far as women aged below 50 are concerned, daily fiber intake should be 25 grams. If you are a male above 50, you must consume 30 grams fiber daily and for women of the same age category should eat 21 grams. Options for a fiber-rich breakfast When it comes to breakfast, you have to consume one cup of oatmeal. Another option available is to take a serving of whole-grain cereal. When you consume oatmeal in the morning, you are getting around 4 grams of fiber. Health experts advise that a person must consume 5 grams of fiber at least in the morning. In order to get that one gram fiber that you need, blueberries can be added. In place of blueberries, you can use blackberries or raspberries along with oatmeal to get 5 grams in the morning. This method of approach ensures a high fiber intake in your diet and reduces fat consumption. While taking breakfast, you can use dairy milk or soy milk. It must have reduced fat or no fat.
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Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

Here’s Why Calcium Supplements Must Not Be Ignored

The general assumption is that calcium supplements improve bone strength and while that is the very reason we take these supplements, overuse could result in heart problems. In this article, we will discuss why calcium supplements are important. Why do people need calcium? The body needs calcium to build and maintain strong and healthy bones. 99% percent of the body’s calcium is in the teeth and bones while the remaining one percent is present in the bloodstream and is used to release hormones such as insulin, send nerve signals and regulate how blood vessels and muscles should dilate and contract. Calcium is needed to maintain proper bodily functions. If you do not receive an adequate amount from your regular diet, your body will pull calcium from your teeth and bones to use it elsewhere. This causes a weakening of the bones and teeth and causes complications. Recommendations for calcium intake Calcium has to be taken according to the recommendations that are dependant on your age gender and of course health concerns. Women aged 50 years or younger need 1000 mg per day and women over 50 years of age need 1200 mg per day. Men aged 70 years and younger need 1000 mg per day and men over 70 years old need 1200 mg per day of calcium. There is a limit to the maximum amount of calcium one can consume as well. The cap is set at 2500 mg per day for adults up to 50 years of age and 2000 mg per day for people aged over 50 years. It is possible to get the recommended amount of calcium from the food you eat every day. Foods that are rich in calcium include leafy greens, dairy products, beans, nuts, and tofu. However, people who do not consume calcium-rich food in sufficient amount might need to use calcium supplements.
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