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5 Popular Diet Plans for Men

5 Popular Diet Plans for Men

Do you often hear your office colleague brag about his cool new diet? Are you looking for the best diet plan that will give you the perfect body you desire? If yes, then before going ahead and following the same diet as your colleague, you should know that not all diets work the same way for everyone. So, blindly starting someone else’s diet that they swear by, won’t be your smartest move. Every week you will find a new fad diet featured in your favorite health magazine. How do you know what is the ultimate diet for you? The answer is that you won’t know until you try it. The best thing to do for all those men who are looking for a diet plan is to try and explore all their options and follow what works best for them. One thing you should know though is that most diets are inevitably short-term goals. Some diets don’t have fats while some don’t have carbs. With so many restrictions, you are bound to feel overwhelmed and quit your diet. The best thing to do in this case is to find a well-balanced diet which you are confident about and which you see yourself following in the long run. Here are some of the best diet plans you can follow: Atkins diet Atkins diet is one of the best diet plans for weight loss in men. The best thing about this low-carb diet is that you won’t have to say goodbye to delicious food items like bacon, cheese, cream, and dark chocolate. Atkins diet has four phases that need to be followed to get the desired weight. The first phase is called induction, where you reduce your carb intake to mere 20 grams or less per day. This is then followed by phases of balancing, finetuning, and maintenance, in which gradually you increase your intake of healthy carbs.
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7 Popular Natural Treatments for Hep C

7 Popular Natural Treatments for Hep C

The liver is also an important part of the digestion process as it helps break down the nutrients in the food, stores them as useful substances, and provides it to your body when required. Not just that, the liver also flushes out the toxins in your body. This makes your liver a vital body organ, which you cannot afford to lose. Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a virus which causes inflammation of the liver, and if left unattended for some time, it causes permanent damage to the liver. Many times, liver damage and Hep C go hand in hand. So, it is important that you start your treatments for Hep C as soon as you find out that you have caught the virus. Hep C is of two types: Acute hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis C. While acute hepatitis is less severe and a short-term viral infection, chronic hepatitis C can cause serious ailments like cirrhosis and liver cancer. The worst thing about Hep C is that most of the times, people don’t find out about their condition until they are nearing the last stage of the disease. This is because the symptoms of this disease in most cases are very generic and not easily distinguishable. Some of the popular medicines prescribed by doctors for hepatitis C include interferon, ribavirin, and many such similar drugs antiviral drugs. Talk to you doctor before taking them as these drugs come with potential side-effects if taken without considering the guidelines. Treatments for Hep C are expensive and there are various factors you need to consider before opting for it. What should you consider before opting for treatments for Hep C? The severity of your disease The type of hepatitis you suffer from Other health conditions you suffer from Your liver health condition Natural treatments for Hep C and lifestyle changes Milk thistle:
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11 Easy Tips to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol

11 Easy Tips to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol

People who have high cholesterol levels are at a higher risk of having heart diseases. However, it is always in a person’s hand to maintain a healthy outlook. The bad or LDL cholesterol can always be lowered while the good or HDL cholesterol can be raised. This can be done by adopting the few measures listed below: Reduce intake of trans fats Consumption of trans fats increase your LDL level and lower the HDL. This also increases the chances of a person suffering from stroke and other heart complications. Fried food and baked goods contain a fair amount of LDL. You can certainly attain a lower LDL cholesterol level by avoiding these food items. Lose the extra pounds People who tend to be overweight have a lot of bad or LDL cholesterol. Having a balanced diet rich in fiber will help a person reduce weight and attain a lower LDL cholesterol level. Exercise regularly People who exercise for the duration of 2 to 2.5 hours in a week tend to raise their HDL and lower LDL cholesterol levels. For people who have never tried this option beginning with a mild exercise schedule of 10 minutes can bring a viable change in their body. The duration of exercise can be slowly increased, and this will help them to attain a lower LDL cholesterol level. Take fiber-rich diet If a person has higher cholesterol level, it is advised that they include food items like apples, beans and soluble fiber in their food. People who tend to consume up to 10 grams of this healthy food than other people lower their LDL cholesterol levels. Moreover, if a person includes more fiber in the diet it will make them feel fuller, and they will have less craving for snacks and other junk food. However, it is advised that a person should go slowly when consuming fibers as taking an excess of fiber can result in abdominal cramp formation.
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8 Effective Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

8 Effective Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

The state of having excess levels of uric acid in the blood is known as hyperuricemia. What is the reason behind the increased presence of uric acid? If your liver produces a higher amount of uric acid, you have to face this problem. Another reason is the reduced excretion of uric acid through your kidneys. If this issue remains unattended, you may have to deal with health problems like kidney stones, gouty arthritis, hypertension, renal failure or cardiovascular diseases. How to lower uric acid levels? Eat plenty of vegetables Research studies have shown that foods rich in fiber reduce the amount of uric acid levels in the blood. When your vegetable consumption increases, you are assisting your body’s effort to lower acidity. It restricts the uric acid formation effectively. At the same time; you should not consume vegetables that are highly rich in purine. For example; vegetables such as cauliflower, peas, asparagus, mushrooms, and spinach contain a higher amount of purine. If you are wondering how to lower uric acid levels, it is advisable to restrict the consumption of these veggies. All other vegetables can be consumed to lower uric acid levels in your body. Increase your water or fluid intake Water intake is an essential aspect when it comes to reducing uric acid levels. When you drink a lot of fluids and water, your urine output increases and it helps your body remove the unwanted uric acid. It is a well-known fact that water is an excellent detoxifying agent and it removes most of the toxins from your body. Your water consumption must be between 10 to 12 glasses every day. If you find it tough to consume a lot of plain water, you can depend on lime juices and other types of fluids that contain natural and mild flavors.
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7 Tips to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week

7 Tips to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week

Fat tummy is a matter of serious concern for several people. If you have a fat belly, it always bothers you. You might have felt jealous of people having a flat belly. The sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits make people overweight, and your belly is the most vulnerable area for the fats to thrive. Do you want to know how to lose belly fat in 1 week? Hard work and persistence are the prerequisites when you start your journey, and you must also set realistic goals. It is not an impossible task but not an easy task as well. If you want to know how to lose belly fat in 1 week, here are the best methods that can help you with the same. Take a lot of nuts and berries You cannot find better fat-fighting foods than berries. The berries prevent fat cells from turning bigger, and they assist fat cells in creating a hormone known as ‘adiponectin’ that lowers inflammation as well as blood sugar. This process aids fat loss in the best manner. Nuts are also a good option to achieve a flat tummy. The most important aspect is that nuts are loaded with proteins, fibers, monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants and, they lower your cholesterol levels to make the weight loss fast and effective. Consume small portions regularly Eating small portions more often will help you to lose belly fat in 1 week. You can divide your meals into small portions instead of overloading your digestive system by eating 3 or 4 full meals. When you divide your meal into small portions and consume within a gap of 2 to 3 hours, you can improve your digestion. It prevents fat stores in and around the belly, and the metabolic process can be supercharged to burn more fat.
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Foods That Help to Lower Triglycerides

Foods That Help to Lower Triglycerides

Lifestyle changes and diet modifications are essential when lowering triglycerides is on your mind. Triglycerides are a type of fat which is present in the blood, and when it elevates to a certain level, it increases the incidence of heart diseases. The fats present in our food are also a form of triglycerides, and when an excess of sugar is taken, it is also stored in the fat cells in the form of triglycerides. Therefore, it is vital that a healthy balance of diet is managed so that triglycerides level in the body comes down. There are numerous choices in terms of the diet to lower triglycerides in the body, and if a combination of these is taken on a regular basis, the level of triglycerides will definitely fall and come to a healthy level eventually. Here are some foods one must include in their diet to lower triglycerides in the body. Fatty acids and fish Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and can thus lower the triglycerides level in the blood. The level of triglycerides has been known to come down by 25 to 50 percent in a month’s time when around 3.4 grams of fish oil was used on a daily basis. This omega-3 fatty acid is known to reduce the number of triglycerides that is produced in the body and therefore fish is considered to be a key diet to lower triglycerides. Soy protein The effect of soy protein on triglycerides levels has also been studied, and some encouraging results have come out. In a study done in Canada, twenty people who had high blood lipid levels ate a diet containing 25 grams of soy protein for six weeks on a regular basis. After the desired duration when tests were conducted it was found that the triglycerides levels in these people had fallen by 12 percent.
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A List of the Best Probiotic Yogurt Brands Available in the Market

A List of the Best Probiotic Yogurt Brands Available in the Market

American Gastroenterological Association opines that probiotics are good bacterial strains which benefit the health of its consumers. It would help people with digestion if taken on a regular basis. It is also supposed to work as a shield against illness-causing bacteria. The best way to include this bacterium in your diet is through yogurt which consists of living organisms. In the USA, most brands of yogurt contain probiotics however the idea is to consume the one in which the organisms have been added after the heating process. Thus, you need to check the label to ensure that you are buying the right thing. The one to purchase must have “live and active cultures” on the packaging. Here is a list of the most popular brands that make the best probiotic yogurts. Activia Activia, which is manufactured by the world-renowned company, Dannon, is available in an array of flavors like mixed berry, strawberry, vanilla, prune, and cherry. It comprises of several healthy varieties of probiotics such as Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactic and Lactobacillus bulgaricus – a specific probiotic culture meant for digestion and regularity. ‘Applied and Environmental Microbiology’ published a study in the July 2006 issue conducted by Marina Eli where he mentioned that both Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus survived through the entire digestive pathways continuing to enhance regularity and digestion. Dannon says that each 4-oz serving of yogurt is filled with billions of live cultures for the consumers to take benefit of. Yoplait Original The manufacturer ensures that Yoplait Original contains scientifically proven probiotic cultures along with vitamins A, D, and calcium. Though it has several cultures it lists Lactobacillus acidophilus as its main organism. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, this is most widely used probiotic. It helps in forming substances that would make your stomach or intestines non-friendly toward bad bacteria which may make you ill.
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Know More About These Natural Remedies for Treating High Cholesterol

Know More About These Natural Remedies for Treating High Cholesterol

High cholesterol treatment can very well be done using natural, herbal, or home remedies. The treatment would be more effective if the disease has not progressed to an advanced stage yet. There are studies and research to support the claim of certain herbal and home remedies to treat high cholesterol level. However, no such claim has been made about heart failure. There are many who experienced success with alternative high cholesterol treatments. Thus many other rely on the power of herbal treatment which makes them follow an alternative treatment plan for high cholesterol. Here is a list of herbal and natural remedies that can be incorporated in your lifestyle and diet plan to reap their benefits for high cholesterol treatment: Astragalus The use of this herb is found in traditional Chinese treatment where it was used to strengthen the immune system. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Since it is considered as an “adaptogen,” it has the properties to protect the body against several health issues. Studies show that this herb has to offer certain benefits for your hearts health thereby contributing toward being an effective high cholesterol treatment method. Hawthorn Hawthorn is a shrub belonging to the rose plant family. Its leaves, berries, and flowers are in use since Roman times to treat a heart problem. Studies proved that this shrub could be helpful in treating a mild case of heart failure. However, there is no proof that this plant is effective as a high cholesterol treatment method. Flaxseed Flaxseed is derived from the flax plant. Both flaxseed oil and flaxseed contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in high levels. This is an omega-3 fatty acid which may be effective in lowering the risk of any heart ailment. Studies show that flaxseed may help to lower cholesterol levels, especially for people with high cholesterol levels as well as postmenopausal women.
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A Guide to the Foods that Trigger Diverticulitis

A Guide to the Foods that Trigger Diverticulitis

The term diverticulitis triggers your think tank as very few people are precisely aware of this health issue. Diverticulitis is a crucial medical condition in where large inflamed pouches are built within the lining of the large intestine. These pouches are medically termed as diverticula. When the large intestine turns weak, it paves the way for pressure thereby compelling the intestine to protrude or swell up through the colonic wall structure. An early diagnosis of this medical condition can help you cure it at a very basic stage. This issue aggravates with time and age if not been properly catered to. In serious conditions, if the diverticula get infected it might also tear up within the body thereby leading to nausea, fever, abdominal pain, and bloody bowel. Here are a few handy tips which will help you in avoiding diverticulitis and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Avoid intake of nuts If you are a person who cannot sustain without dry fruits and nuts, then it is time to bid goodbyes to them as excessive consumption of nuts is included in the foods that trigger diverticulitis. These foods irritate functioning of the intestinal tract thereby swelling it up. Seeds found in fruits and veggies namely strawberries, cucumbers, raspberries, and tomatoes also irritate the intestinal lining thereby causing inflammation. Vegetables cooked with their skin on too contain elements that trigger diverticulitis. Gaseous food Doctors advise against regular intake of fast food or roadside food as it weakens the stomach’s immune system thereby making it one of the foods that trigger diverticulitis. Fast foods are difficult to digest and hence puts immense pressure on the intestine. There are also a few vegetables which are high in the gas content namely beans, carrots, broccoli iceberg lettuce, cabbage, and so on. Whole grains High fiber foods that trigger diverticulitis should be a complete no-no in your diet.
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Top Methods to Increase Testosterone

Top Methods to Increase Testosterone

Testosterone is the male sex hormone which is produced in the testicles of men. It is also produced in small amount by the adrenal glands. The production of testosterone during the puberty age results in physical changes, hair growth and deeper voice of men. It is necessary to have adequate levels of testosterone during adulthood and old age. Optimal levels of testosterone ensure proper sexual functioning (sperm production) and better health. Testosterone also ensures healthy bones and muscles. Healthy levels of testosterone are essential for good health. Aging and chronic illness can result in the loss of testosterone. Now the important question is how to increase testosterone. There are multiple ways to increase the testosterone levels in the body. You can try testosterone-boosting foods and exercises to increase the low testosterone levels. If you are wondering how to increase testosterone, you may try some of these foods. Tuna Tuna fish is a good source of vitamin D. The protein-rich fish has low calories and contributes to higher testosterone production along with better health. You can eat fresh or canned tuna daily to get a proper dose of vitamin D. Sardines or salmons are also rich in vitamin D. Low-fat milk Milk contains calcium and proteins. Drink skimmed milk with fewer fats. Fat is saturated from milk and keeps the cholesterol under control. Saturated milk keeps the testosterone levels under control. Cereals A good intake of cereals can help to increase testosterone. Cereals and low cholesterol foods must be taken for vitamin D. Take nutrient supplements for your breakfast regularly. Egg yolks The nutrient content in egg yolks is higher than egg white. Vitamin D is also present in good levels in egg yolks. Consume egg yolks on daily basis to keep a check on the testosterone. Oysters If you have low testosterone levels, zinc is a necessary nutrient.
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