How to Naturally Lower LDL Levels
Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance, made by the liver. It performs many vital functions in the body, so it is not inherently harmful. However, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Cholesterol Functions Cholesterol is produced by the liver. A small percentage is made available through the food you eat. All cholesterol is not bad, it has many uses for the body. Cholesterol aids in the production of steroid hormones. A deficiency in these hormones can affect many aspects of health including sexual function, digestion, mental health, and bone health. Cholesterol is a component of cell structure. It helps maintain the structural integrity of the cell membrane. Cholesterol plays a vital role in digestion. It helps the liver produce and secrete bile, which is necessary to digest fat. Sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D. However, the body needs cholesterol, along with sunlight, in order to make Vitamin D. The Good and The Bad Cholesterol travels through the bloodstream in the lipids. When you take a lipid profile test, it shows the total cholesterol level in your body, the LDL, HDL, and Triglycerides levels. There are three types of lipoproteins in the bloodstream- Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL), High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL), and Triglycerides. LDL is referred to as bad cholesterol because it has very low protein content and is high in cholesterol. HDL is low in cholesterol and high in protein content. Triglycerides are lipids that help the body store excess energy. However, a rise in triglyceride level is also bad for health. LDL and Plaque Buildup Consider LDL as a sort of capsule where the outer shell, made of lipoprotein, encapsulates cholesterol. As LDL particles are not as dense as other cholesterol particles, the cholesterol can break off and stick to the walls of blood vessels. Your white blood cells, try to destroy LDL particles.
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