List of Acid Reflux Causing Food Items to be Avoided
Different kinds of foods can cause acid reflux. Acid reflux is referred to the condition when the acid from the stomach backflows to the esophagus. This is caused due to the damaged or weakened lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES closes to avert the food present in the stomach from moving up to the esophagus. Given below is a list of some foods that cause acid reflux and hence should be avoided Tea, Coffee, and Soda Caffeinated beverages like tea, coffee and soda trigger the symptoms of acid reflux. Even decaffeinated tea can trigger acid reflux as well. It is best to avoid them altogether. Cheesecake Although delicious, it is one of the food items that cause acid reflux. The high content of fat in cheesecake causes the issue. Broccoli If you get acid reflux due to indigestion and gas; vegetables like broccoli will increase gas in your digestive system which will trigger acid reflux in return. Citrus Fruits The acid containing the citrus fruits will trigger acid reflux because they calm the lower esophageal down. Moreover, citrus fruits have more acid which aggravates the symptoms in most people. Alcohol Liquor of any kind like wine, beer, etc. causes acid reflux symptoms in two ways. Firstly, the alcohol calms the lower esophageal sphincter muscles letting the acid into the esophagus and secondly, alcohol helps in producing more stomach acid, which in turn causes acid reflux. Spicy Foods Among the most common causes of acid reflux, spicy food is one of them. If you suffer from the condition of acid reflux, it is best to avoid hot and spicy foods like curry and chili. Chocolate Both dark and milk chocolate are known to cause acid reflux. It contains a compound known as theobromine which relaxes the esophageal sphincter muscles thereby allowing the acid to travel upwards to the esophagus.
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