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Superfoods that help improve blood circulation

Superfoods that help improve blood circulation

Blood circulation is an essential function of the body. Organs would cease to function without the heart pumping fresh oxygenated blood to all body extremities. This is done by an intricate system of arteries and veins that carry the blood. However, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy BMI, and even health complications can affect blood circulation. Doctors usually recommend incorporating the following foods daily to promote better circulation naturally. Beetroot Beets are superfoods highly recommended for improving blood circulation. This root vegetable is a rich source of nitrates. The body processes nitrates into nitric oxide, which helps expand blood vessels and simultaneously lowers inflammation. Beetroot also helps widen the arteries and lowers blood pressure. More importantly, it allows the blood vessels to absorb more oxygen and promotes better endurance as O2-rich blood keeps circulating in the system. Citrus fruits Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are popular citrus fruits that should form part of daily foods for increased blood flow. These fruits contain vitamin C and antioxidants that lower the risk of oxidative stress to healthy cells, boost immunity, and lower the risk of inflammation. Certain citrus fruits contain active flavonoids that increase nitric oxide production to promote efficient circulation. Assorted berries Blueberries, bilberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and currants (red, white, or black) are the richest natural source of antioxidants. Berries also contain essential polyphenols, namely anthocyanins and phenolic acids with anti-inflammatory markers. These chemicals promote the release of nitric oxide and protect the walls of the arteries from getting damaged. Pomegranates This is another excellent fruit that promotes the release of nitric oxide and antioxidants to regulate favorable blood pressure levels. The nutrient-rich red seeds mainly help dilate the blood vessels to absorb oxygen better and improve circulation. Active oxygen-rich circulation counters muscle and tissue fatigue and boosts energy levels throughout the day.
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Top 5 foods for managing osteoporosis

Top 5 foods for managing osteoporosis

When the body fails to replace older bone tissues with newer ones, it leads to osteoporosis. It is a condition that results in weak and brittle bones. Osteoporosis increases the risk of bone fractures and is often diagnosed late due to limited symptoms. So, it is important to look after your nutritional requirements to maintain bone health to avoid any health complications. To help you, here are the top five foods for managing osteoporosis. Nuts Nuts are a convenient and tasty remedy that also enhances the effect of bone density supplements for osteoporosis. You should include an assortment of almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts in your daily snacks. Nuts are replete with minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese, ensuring bone health. Milk Milk and milk products are superfoods that strengthen bone density. The recommended intake of dairy products is three servings a day. However, low-fat or skimmed milk is better as they contain less fat. Alternatively, soy milk and products are also good sources of calcium. Fatty fish Fatty fish include options like tuna, mackerel, salmon, and more. They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, C, D, and E and are high in protein content. This makes them a great addition to the plates of osteoporosis patients. The vitamin D found in these fish helps improve the body’s calcium absorption, resulting in improved bone health. Fortified foods For people that avoid dairy and dairy products, it can get tricky to get the required amount of calcium and vitamin D from food. In such instances, patients are advised to include fortified foods in their meals. This can include having a bowl of fortified cereal at breakfast with plant milk. Alternatives include fortified juices, vitamin D-rich pasta, and bread. Protein-rich foods Protein is crucial for the body to perform basic functions as well as help in the repair of damaged cells.
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Foods to eat for preventing osteoporosis

Foods to eat for preventing osteoporosis

Osteoporosis affects the structural integrity of the bone, increases the risk of fractures, and affects the ability of the body to regenerate bone mineral density. This condition worsens with age and affects bones in the wrist, spine, or hips. Normally, doctors recommend a combination of medications and weight-bearing exercises to prevent bone loss. Osteoporosis can also be prevented to some extent with healthy changes in habits related to nutritional regime. Foods to eat Recommended foods that help avoid osteoporosis are Foods containing calcium Calcium helps boost bone healthm and foods like kale, turnip, spinach, collard greens, and dairy products including milk cheese, yogurt, are rich sources. Those suffering from lactose intolerance can have soy milk and other such products. Fortified juices, cereals and snacks with vitamin D help the body absorb calcium better. Protein- and magnesium-rich foods Proteins are the building blocks of the body and magnesium helps maintain bone mineral density. Lean chicken and turkey cuts, eggs, milk, and assorted fish or seafood are rich protein options. Assorted nuts including almonds, cashews, peanuts, and some seeds are rich sources of magnesium to be included in daily meals. Foods rich in vitamins C and K Vitamin C is an essential immunity booster and studies show that the key nutrient also helps lower the risk of chronic ailments like osteoporosis. Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, kiwi, and red peppers are loaded with this nutrient. Research also suggests that women suffering from vitamin K deficiencies are at an increased risk of developing bone disorders like osteoporosis. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip greens, collards, and cabbage are vitamin k rich greens to include in daily meals. Medications for osteoporosis management Here are some common meds used for treating osteoporosis: Romosozumab by Evenity This medication belongs to a class of monoclonal antibodies that help reduce the risk of bone resorption (deterioration) and promote new bone formation.
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5 foods osteoporosis patients must avoid

5 foods osteoporosis patients must avoid

Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones weaken and degenerate due to the loss of tissues. As a result, they become brittle and are largely vulnerable to pain and fractures, often leading to disability. There are certain food habits that hasten the process of bone degeneration in patients. Give below are five foods to avoid in the meals made for individuals suffering from osteoporosis plus certain medications for the condition. 5 Foods Osteoporosis Patients Need to Stay Away From Salt When the concentration of sodium in our blood increases, it leads to excessive loss of calcium through the kidneys, which can worsen the process of bone degeneration during osteoporosis. Thus, it is important to limit the amount of salt we consume or the amount of high-sodium foods we include in our meals. Carbonated beverages It has been observed that excessive consumption of carbonated beverages, such as colas and sodas, may have adverse effects on the bone density and bone health in an individual. These contain phosphorus, which has been linked to causing bone degeneration in people with osteoporosis. Moreover, the refined sugars present in such beverages are also considered harmful for bone health since they they cause excessive excretion of calcium through urine. Red meat Animal meat, especially red meat, is known to be extremely rich in protein. However, these animal-based proteins also contain a large amount of sulfur in it. To account for the higher sulfur quantity, the body compensates by excreting calcium, thus compromising bone density in people with osteoporosis. So, it is beneficial to have plant-based alternatives such as nuts, legumes, etc. Alcohol Alcoholic beverages, such as red wine, can be beneficial for the body only when consumed in moderation. However, excess consumption of spirits can have several adverse effects on the body, including loss of bone mass, decreased bone formation, and a heightened vulnerability to severe fractures.
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Foods that can help in improving eyesight

Foods that can help in improving eyesight

Everyone wants a crystal clear eyesight and healthy eyes. We completely depend on our vision for normal functioning, that the thought of diminishing vision is often terrifying. To make sure that you keep your eyes healthy, as you age. It’s important to know the best vitamins for the eyes. Vitamins are organic compounds that are required by the body in adequate amounts. An organic compound is said to be a vitamin when the body cannot synthesize that particular compound, but that compound is necessary for normal body functions. Hence, the best way to get vitamins is to consume them in your diet. Supplementation of vitamins may be required in deficiency states, but not for healthy individuals. Currently, 13 recognized vitamins are essential for the human body. Vitamins perform a diverse range of functions. They can regulate mineral metabolism, hormone production, cell growth regulation, and also some of them are antioxidants. Vision care: The best vitamins for the eyes It is estimated that 75% of people notice a change in their visual acuity by the age of 50. Taking the best vitamins for the eyes is a good preventative measure. The best vitamins for the eyes include: Vitamin A You might have been told that eating carrots are important for good eyesight. But what about carrots that make it so good for the eyes? Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, which helps to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Carrots also contain beta-carotene and rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a pigment found in the eyes, that is responsible for night vision. Without this pigment, you wouldn’t be able to see clearly at night, or in low-light situations. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found in foods like—liver, leafy vegetables, oranges, pumpkins, carrots, yellow fruits, fish, soy milk, and cow milk.
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5 natural ways to strengthen bones

5 natural ways to strengthen bones

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the patient’s bones become brittle and porous. This increases the chances of getting bone fractures and experiencing joint pain. Sometimes bones become so brittle that coughing or bending over causes a fracture. Although osteoporosis does not have a permanent cure, there are ways to manage its symptoms and strengthen weakened bones. Listed in this article are some of the steps that can be taken to promote bone health naturally. Opt for calcium-rich foods Calcium plays an integral part in the maintenance of bone density for osteoporosis patients, which is why it needs to be incorporated in every meal. Dairy products are an ideal source of calcium. However, calcium-fortified food options like cereals, yogurt, juices, and more can be equally resourceful. Include physical activity In our fast-paced lives, physical activity often takes a backseat. This lack of daily physical activity can prove to be a concern, especially for patients with osteoporosis. Strength training or weight-bearing exercises like swimming, walking, running, hiking, and more are recommended by health care professionals. Eat vitamin-rich foods While vitamin D helps the body improve calcium absorption, vitamin K2 ensures that the absorbed calcium is not lost. Both these crucial components can be obtained from food. However, in some cases, osteoporosis patients might need to be prescribed supplements to overcome vitamin D deficiency. Avoid carbonated drinks One of the negative outcomes of sodas and other fizzy beverages is the loss of bone strength. It is believed that the phosphoric acid present in these drinks hinders the body’s absorption of calcium and results in weaker bones and decreased bone density. Limit sugar intake Unchecked sugar consumption can lead to weight gain, decreased bone density, and increased risk of osteoporosis, all of which needs to be avoided in order to promote good bone health.
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4 foods that may help manage ulcerative colitis

4 foods that may help manage ulcerative colitis

When the immune system misidentifies and targets good gut bacteria, the cells that line the colon, and food, it can lead to ulcerative colitis. The condition drives the white blood cells to attack the colon lining and trigger symptoms like irritation, inflammation, and ulcers in the large intestine. While ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition, adding certain foods to one’s meals and following some treatment options may help manage the condition. Foods for ulcerative colitis Nut butters A good source of proteins and healthy fats, nut butters like peanut butter, cashew butter, and almond butter may help manage any flare-up that may result from ulcerative colitis. Peeled and cooked veggies Peeled and cooked vegetables are soft and contain less insoluble fiber, making them less irritating to the gut. A few foods to consider are carrots, spinach, parsnips, turnips, and potatoes. The vegetables are abundant in nutrients like vitamins A and K, which can help reduce the effects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a type of ulcerative colitis. Yogurt Fermented foods like yogurt are rich in probiotics that contain healthy bacteria. Such bacteria aid the digestive system and reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms and flare-ups. But one must steer clear of flavored yogurt as its sugar content may worsen symptoms. Salmon Salmon is a rich source of protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These properties are known to curb inflammation caused by ulcerative colitis. Other fish rich in omega-3s include shrimp and tuna. Treatments for ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis symptoms can be managed with certain treatment options, such as: STELARA® (ustekinumab) STELARA® is a prescription treatment for children who are six years and older and adults with moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis. Patients injected with the treatment may find quick relief from their symptoms within eight weeks. Entyvio® (vedolizumab) Adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis are given Entyvio when other treatment options do not work efficiently.
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8 Popular Rehab Centers to Help People Combat Addiction

8 Popular Rehab Centers to Help People Combat Addiction

Addiction is a menace, a social-evil that has been ruining and claiming lives as you speak. People often trivialize the ill-effects of an addiction, calling it a habit instead of recognizing the risk it poses. People can get addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, etc. It can be anything that the individual likes or relates to as a stress reliever. Substance abuse, more commonly known as drug abuse, is on the rise, particularly among teenagers and young adults who are more susceptible to adopt this destructive habit. However, everything’s not lost; you can always seek help for your loved ones at addiction rehab centers that are meant to help people overcome their addiction and embark on the route to sobriety. Here are some of the top addiction rehab centers that have amazing programs meant to help people return to normalcy and retaining the same even after they overcome the addiction. Recovery Centers of America Addiction to anything can traumatize the individual and their families. So, the onus lies on finding the best addiction rehab center for your loved ones. Recovery Centers of America has been hailed as one of the top addiction rehab centers, providing treatment for all types of addiction. Their individualized approach to treating the patients include drug and alcohol detoxification, individual and group therapy, case management, family counseling services for patient and the family, life-skills training, psychiatric care, and recovery resources meant to support the patients for life. Hazelden Betty Ford Center Another popular addiction rehab center that has its branches spread across the nation is the Hazelden Betty Ford Center. In addition to the traditional 12-step program that is a part of addiction rehab centers, this addiction rehab center provides evidence-based treatment, specialized programs for patients with undertones of mental disorders, and recommends 90 days of residential treatment, which has yielded favorable results; this organization has reported 80% rate of recovery.
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6 Tips for Finding a Good Addiction Counselor

6 Tips for Finding a Good Addiction Counselor

Nearly 20 million people in the country above the age of 12 in the have an addiction problem; alcoholism being one of the major causes. Often, mental illnesses are underlying conditions for various forms of substance abuse. The first step toward sobriety is to ask for help. The best way to get help is to undergo addiction counseling and see an addiction therapist. Addiction counseling can help a person control or lessen the abuse of substances or alcohol. A therapist can also help a person to achieve abstinence and explore the various triggers of addiction. Although it is never easy to seek help, it is one of the best things a person can do to kick their addiction problems. Therefore, it is important to find the right person or persons for addiction counseling to ensure that the right kind of help is received on time. Before looking for the right addiction counselor, it is essential to know the different professionals who work with addiction patients: Addiction psychiatrist Addiction psychiatrists are same as medical doctors. Their specialization is mental health and addiction problems. Their treatment plans include prescribing medications such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, and other medications to deal with mental health issues that might have triggered the addiction problem. These medications also help in detoxification and withdrawal from substance abuse. A psychiatric evaluation usually checks how well a person is adjusting to the medications and whether the medications are effective. Along with prescribing medications, many addiction psychiatrists provide therapy. Addiction psychologist Often, addiction psychiatrists work along with addiction psychologists to provide a holistic addiction counseling to patients. Unlike addiction psychiatrists, addiction psychologists are not medical doctors but are trained mental health professionals. Their addiction counseling revolves around understanding the role of addiction in a person’s life. A psychologist can help to understand the triggers and factors affecting a person’s addiction habits through methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy, relapse prevention based on mindfulness techniques, motivational interviewing, community reinforcement, family training, and 12-step facilitation treatments.
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An Overview of Addiction and Taking the Path to Recovery

An Overview of Addiction and Taking the Path to Recovery

An addiction is a complex condition that is characterized by an excessiveness in terms of an activity and consumption, despite being aware of the consequences. In simpler terms, it is a disease of the brain and, contrary to popular belief, it is not a moral failure. For individuals who suffer from addiction, they have an intense need to use a deleterious substance to the point that it causes damage to one’s well-being. Addiction can be in any form; however, the addition of substances commonly includes drugs and alcohol. A person with an addiction will continue to consume alcohol or use drugs despite knowing the repercussions it can have on one’s health and life. Addiction, like any other disease, disrupts the normal functionality of the body. It also has serious harmful consequences on the underlying organs and, thus, need to be addressed in the right time frame. People may get addicted to drugs and alcohol due to a slew of reasons that seem to be completely acceptable in the beginning. Drugs and alcohol give one a sense of pleasure, and the feel-good sensation can trigger the use of other such substances. There are some addicts who begin use in order to feel better. This is especially triggered among people who suffer from social or personal problems such as anxiety, depression, and excess stress that cannot be handled. In such cases, drug and alcohol abuse begins as an attempt to lessen the pressure being caused and completely cut off from the issue. Typically, stress is one of the most common reasons that cause initiation, continuation, and relapse of the addiction after recovery. The fire of addiction may also be ignited by curiosity. The younger generation is particularly vulnerable as they constantly find the need to keep up with peer pressure. Addiction to drugs and alcohol may be a way of expressing independence and keeping up with popular culture.
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