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3 ways to manage narcolepsy

3 ways to manage narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a health condition in which the person falls asleep unexpectedly at any time during the day, even while driving or working. Another condition that commonly co-occurs with narcolepsy is cataplexy. This causes involuntary muscle paralysis, which is usually triggered by strong emotions. To give an example, someone may be laughing hysterically and suddenly be unable to move some body parts. However, this episode lasts only for a few moments and is then suddenly followed by the person falling asleep. Let’s look at some options that can help manage narcolepsy. Understanding your sleep cycle Since this is a condition that has no cure available, one of the best ways to manage it is to understand your body’s sleep cycle. Making sure of a healthy sleep pattern can allow you to work around it. You can make arrangements to rest during the day around lunchtime and if you are at work, maybe take a quick power nap before driving back home to avoid any accidents. It’s important for adults to find a workplace that will be understanding of their condition and could even maybe grant a permanent work from home position. For children, a condition like this can be wrongly assumed as being lazy. However, parents can have a detailed conversation with the school to explain this condition and how teachers and other students can be empathetic. Vitamin D According to studies, those suffering from narcolepsy are generally found to have a vitamin D deficiency which is linked to fatigue. A simple measure of increasing sun exposure early in the morning can help in the increase of vitamin D, improving health and the need to sleep to recover from fatigue. Apart from direct sunlight, you may also take vitamin D supplements which will further help eliminate this deficiency. When the body is not fatigued, it is less likely to experience the symptoms of this condition.
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3 medical treatments recommended for sleep apnea

3 medical treatments recommended for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that may lead to serious health problems. The condition induces high blood pressure. In other cases, it may cause one to stop breathing while sleeping. So, to avoid any health disorders caused by sleep apnea, it is essential to seek treatment at the earliest. Here are the common medical treatments that help ease or prevent the symptoms of the disorder. Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy It is one of the most commonly used treatments for most people affected by sleep apnea. In this therapy, the patient is required to wear a mask over their nose, mouth, or both. Next, an air blower pushes air through the respiratory system. This pressure is regulated to avoid the collapse of the upper airway tissues. Also, based on each individual’s requirements, there is more than one type of positive airway pressure device. They include: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) It is a preferred device that is set at one single pressure. Bi-Level PAP The device uses a single pressure when the person breathes in and a lower pressure while breathing out. Auto CPAP Auto CPAP devices can self-regulate their pressure based on the requirements detected by the machine. Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV) ASVs are used for patients with central sleep apnea. The device acts as a non-invasive ventilator that keeps the airway open, only to deliver air when needed. Hypoglossal nerve stimulator A Hypoglossal nerve stimulator is a device that stimulates the hypoglossal nerve with every breath. The process moves the tongue away from the airway and allows air to pass through. The stimulator is implanted under the skin on the right side of the chest. It also houses electrodes that move to the hypoglossal nerve and then to the intercostal muscles in the chest. Surgical procedures Surgical procedures are preferred for those with excessive or invasive tissue formations which obstruct the airflow through the nose or throat.
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Narcolepsy – Types, causes, and diagnosis

Narcolepsy – Types, causes, and diagnosis

Narcolepsy, a type of sleep disorder, is characterized by severe and persistent daytime sleepiness, which may cause disruption in one’s daily routine. Although rare, the condition affects close to 70 people per 100,000 in the country. This article attempts to shed light on the types, causes, and diagnosis of narcolepsy. Types of narcolepsy Narcolepsy type 1 NT1 or Narcolepsy Type 1 is associated with cataplexy, a symptom that causes a sudden loss of muscle tone. This type of sleep disorder was referred to as narcolepsy with cataplexy. However, it is important to note that NT1 may not always cause cataplexy. It has been observed that those with narcolepsy have low levels of a chemical called hypocretin-1, which is required to control wakefulness. Narcolepsy type 2 NT2 was previously referred to as narcolepsy without cataplexy. Those with this condition have normal levels of hypocretin-1. This type of narcolepsy could result from trauma to the brain or a tumor that may damage the hypothalamus, resulting in daytime weakness. Causes of narcolepsy The root cause of narcolepsy is not known, but as mentioned above, one of its causes can be low levels of hypocretin -1, a chemical that regulates wakefulness. It has also been observed that those with narcolepsy type 1 have fewer hypocretin-making neurons. Additionally, researchers have also found that those with this condition carry a gene variation called DQB1*0602, which increases the risk of the disease. Since it’s genetic, chances of the sleep disorder being passed on from one generation to another remain high. Environmental factors, such as lack of ventilation and exposure to neurotoxins, may also increase the risk due to excessive immune responses and toxicity to brain cells. Apart from these causes, injuries to the brain, the presence of tumors, or damage to the hypothalamus may cause narcolepsy. Diagnosis PSG A polysomnography test or PSG is performed when the patient is asleep.
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5 signs that indicate sleep apnea

5 signs that indicate sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition wherein a person’s breathing repeatedly stops and starts when they are asleep. Although it is a common sleep disorder, sleep apnea could result from a more serious underlying condition, like high blood pressure or other cardiovascular diseases. So, it is important to be aware of the following symptoms of sleep apnea and ensure timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent serious health complications. Loud snoring This is the primary sign of sleep apnea and results from a blocked airway. An obstructed airflow leads to loud noises as the person breathes, and sleeping on the back can elevate the risk of breathing issues. This symptom can disrupt a patient’s sleep and also disturb their partner, leading to tiredness during the day. Several medical devices and medications can help relieve this symptom. Daytime fatigue Fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness are among the other common signs of sleep apnea. The most significant result of sleep apnea is disrupted sleep, which may lead to drowsiness, irritability, and low energy during the day. Heart health issues Heart health issues like hypertension or high blood pressure are unusual but key symptoms of sleep apnea. The condition causes a blockage in the air passage, making it difficult for one to breathe. This leads to low blood oxygen levels, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lead to high blood pressure over time. The reduced intake of air can also cause one to wake up suddenly, choking or gasping for breath. Dry mouth People with this disorder who sleep on their back typically breathe through their mouth, which can lead to dry mouth. A person breathing through their mouth also faces an increased risk of developing a sore throat if they are sleeping in cold weather, as the cold and dry air leaves the mouth and throat drier.
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6 primary symptoms of narcolepsy

6 primary symptoms of narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder where the patient experiences daytime drowsiness and sudden sleep attacks. This condition makes it difficult for narcolepsy patients to be awake for long periods of time, making them feel drowsy and low in energy. This article shares the signs and symptoms of narcolepsy that one must watch out for. Symptoms of narcolepsy Once the symptoms of narcolepsy start showing up, they must be immediately addressed to prevent the condition’s progression. As there’s no definitive cure for narcolepsy, one will have to resort to medication and therapy in managing the symptoms. Daytime sleepiness This is the primary symptom of narcolepsy. The patient may go off to sleep without any prior warning. That means, in case the patient is at work or a social event, they may pass out suddenly and rest for a few minutes or hours. The patient will wake up refreshed but will feel drowsy again in no time. Lack of focus and concentration Excessive sleepiness can result in a patient’s lack of focus and alertness in a professional setup, making them incompetent at work. This illness could delay timelines, and the patient may not be termed as a reliable resource. Loss of muscle tone Sudden loss of muscle tone is one of the risk factors contributing to the disease, which can turn into the weakness of muscles, slurred speech, and a number of other physical changes like drooping of the head and buckling of knees. Also known as cataplexy, this condition may occur suddenly among patients showing extreme emotions like laughter, excitement, anger, surprise, or fear. Sleep paralysis Patients with this illness may experience sleep paralysis, which means they may not be able to speak or move before falling asleep or upon waking. While these episodes may only last for a few seconds or minutes, they could concern the patient and their loved ones.
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Lifestyle changes that help manage osteoporosis

Lifestyle changes that help manage osteoporosis

The bones in our body are in a constant state of restoration. This process of destroying and creating bone mass reaches its peak by 30 for most adults. However, if the bone mass cannot be replaced at the pace of being lost, it leads to osteoporosis. And as a person grows old, bone deterioration becomes even more severe. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can help prevent or better manage most risk factors. Changes in food intake Consuming foods and beverages low in calcium and vitamin D can result in a nutrient deficiency that speeds up bone loss. Hence, one’s daily food intake must be supplemented with green veggies (like kale, broccoli, spinach, and different greens), fresh fruits (bananas, oranges, and grapefruit), low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese), and various types of seafood (salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel). Supplements The side effects of medications can interfere with the bone mass restoration process. Also, if a person has undergone gastric surgery, it may affect the body’s ability to absorb natural nutrients, triggering deficiencies that lead to osteoporosis. In such cases, calcium, vitamin D, and other active nutrient-based supplements are suggested to replenish the daily requirements. These supplements can be taken at home as advised by the nutritionist. Lifestyle choices Leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the significant risk factors for osteoporosis. Lack of activity prompts fat gain, affecting the body’s posture and balance. This puts pressure on the bones while walking, running, or performing any strenuous activity. So, to avoid stress fractures, doctors recommend performing weight-bearing and resistance training exercises. These help build and enhance muscles around vital bone joints, providing additional support. Smoking, tobacco, and alcohol consumption also have a deteriorating effect on bone health. While it may be tough to quit altogether, doctors recommend cutting back gradually.
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4 lifestyle tips to keep your bones strong and healthy

4 lifestyle tips to keep your bones strong and healthy

Having healthy bones is one of the many basic requirements for staying physically fit. Many essential nutrients and minerals are absorbed by your bones in the early childhood years, which makes up the bone density in an individual. But there still are ways to increase this density or maintain healthy bones with some tips and lifestyle changes. Let’s take a look at how one can have better bone health. Start regular strength training Unlike what most of you may think, strength training will not make your bones weak; in fact, it does quite the opposite. Some studies suggest that daily strength-training exercises increase bone mineral density in older men and women. Exercises that focus on weight-bearing and are of high-impact are advised. However, there must be a trainer present at all times if you are not experienced enough to do the workout alone. Have calcium-rich foods Calcium is one of the primary minerals that make up bone mass and must be added to your diet. Old bone cells break down on a daily basis, and new bone can only form if there is enough calcium in the body. According to recent research, one needs about 1000 mg of calcium each day, but this number is subject to change from one individual to another. You must consult your doctor to understand your body’s calcium requirements. Include more foods with vitamins D and K2 Vitamin D helps absorb calcium in the body, making it an important nutrient for bone health. Studies have shown that those who are deficient of vitamin D are also known to have lower bone density, making them susceptible to fractures and other related injuries. Vitamin K2 is responsible for bone formation. This nutrient helps modify osteocalcin, i.e., a protein that helps bind the bones along with prevention of loss of calcium from them.
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4 eating tips for good bone health

4 eating tips for good bone health

Just like any other organ, our bone structures require essential vitamins and minerals for overall maintenance. Foods and beverages provide a significant portion of this nutrition, so you must pay careful attention to what you eat to prevent nutritional deficiencies that can lead to poor bone health. Here are a few eating tips to promote healthy bones. Eat foods rich in calcium Calcium is an essential mineral as it promotes bone health. Adults between 19 and 50 must ensure a daily intake of 1,000 milligrams of calcium. Women over 51 and men over 71 must incorporate 1,200 milligrams a day. This nutrient can be sourced from fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, and seafood. Low-fat or non-fat milk, certain types of cheese, and yogurt are also calcium-rich dairy foods. People who are lactose intolerant can alternatively meet their calcium requirements by opting for more dark green leafy vegetables. Kale, broccoli, spinach, Brussel sprouts, and different greens, including collard, mustard, turnip, and dandelion greens, are excellent sources. Opt for foods rich in vitamin D Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, making it a vital nutrient. Fortified dairy products and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines are rich sources of this nutrient. Additionally, sunlight exposure helps the body produce this vitamin and absorb more nutrients. The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600 International Units (IU) for adults aged 19 to 70, and it goes up to 800 for older adults. Add protein-rich food to your plate Proteins are important building blocks for muscles and bones. The nutrient can be sourced from meats, poultry, and a variety of dairy products. Protein affects the bone structure mainly during one’s formative years, but it is also necessary for maintaining it later. Foods to avoid for good bone health Certain foods should be avoided as they can trigger changes in metabolism that affect the body’s natural hormonal balance.
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GIST- Symptoms, causes and treatment options

GIST- Symptoms, causes and treatment options

A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a type of tumor formed by the abnormal growth of cells in the gastrointestinal linings. The tumor can be observed anywhere along the digestive tract, but it is most commonly observed in the stomach and small intestine. The abnormally growing cells have the potential to develop into cancer, and therefore must be addressed immediately. Signs and symptoms of GIST As the symptoms aren’t obvious, in most cases, this condition goes undiagnosed for a long period of time. When the condition progresses, the tumor increases in size, and the following symptoms are observed: Abdominal pain and discomfort Bowel obstruction Loss of appetite Small bumps felt through the skin of the abdomen Nausea and vomiting Fatigue Weight loss Causes of GIST The abnormal tumor is typically observed in special cells in the body known as interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs). These cells lead to involuntary movements that occur in the gastrointestinal tract. According to studies, it is assumed that this abnormality in cells is induced due to certain mutations in the DNA. Such mutations result in the improper behavior of the enzyme tyrosine kinase (KIT). Treatment options for GIST Once the condition is diagnosed, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment depending on the severity. Here are some common treatment options for GIST: Surgery Surgery is the first option considered in any type of tumor. However, if the cancerous cells have spread to lymph nodes, a single surgery would be ineffective in many cases. Therefore, surgery will not be used as a stand-alone treatment option. Chemotherapy and radiation For aggressive GISTs, one cannot get rid of them with surgery alone. Doctors will suggest chemotherapy or radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells and prevent these cells from growing back. This type of therapy is known as adjuvant therapy.
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5 popular NAC supplements

5 popular NAC supplements

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, or NAC, is an FDA-approved health supplement that promotes physical and mental wellbeing. It helps prevent infections, lowers inflammation, and improves the functioning of various organs in the body. There are many NAC options available in the market. But when it comes to having supplements, it’s crucial always to get them from the best, most trusted sources. This article lists the five best NAC supplements out there that one can consider. Nutricost NAC Nutricost uses high-quality ingredients to make its NAC capsules. Their supplements are free of artificial colors, gluten, and preservatives, which help stabilize the production of proteins. It also helps strengthen the immune system and optimize the function of the liver and lungs. Nutricost’s 120 servings bottle costs around $18, and the company offers a 90-day moneyback guarantee. Swanson NAC Swanson’s NAC helps fight free radicals and toxins and improves lung function. In addition, it helps replenish glutathione, a component necessary for strengthening the body’s defense mechanism. The brand sells its 100-capsule pack for around $7, and customers can avail of a 100% moneyback guarantee if they aren’t satisfied. Life Extension NAC This is another NAC option that promotes healthy glutathione levels. In addition, it improves respiratory functions, immune health, and liver function. A single bottle of Life Extension’s NAC supplements costs about $10.50, but if one buys four units, they get it at a discounted price of $9.25 per bottle. Integrative Therapeutics NAC NAC capsules by Integrative Therapeutics help fight free radicals and promote glutathione production, an important antioxidant that prevents cell damage. It’s easily absorbed by the body and is free from artificial colors, preservatives, dairy, and gluten, making it one of the best NAC supplements. One can get 60 capsules for around $16.70. NOW NAC NAC capsules by NOW are free from eggs, dairy, soy, nuts, and gluten.
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