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Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About

Side Effects of Garcinia Cambogia that You Should Know About

Garcinia Cambogia, also known as Malabar Tamarind, Brindleberry, and Kudam Pulli (Pot Tamarind), is native to Indonesia and is a tropical species of Garcinia. The name Garcinia Cambogia is a former scientific name of the same species of fruits. It is also known as Garcinia Gummi-Gutta. It is found and grown in moist forests where the climatic conditions are suitable for its survival. They are found in various color variants such as greenish, yellowish, or reddish pumpkins. In 2012, Mehmet Cengiz Oz, widely known as Dr. Oz, claimed that the Garcinia Cambogia extracts were “an exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss.” The claims were highly scrutinized and the results were that there was no significant scientific evidence to support the claim. In fact, the usage of Garcinia Cambogia resulted in various adverse gastrointestinal conditions, and almost no weight loss at all. The widespread claims and the supplements available in the market are those that are based on the existence of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). HCA is said to boost the fat-burning-capacity of the body. The research into this supplement has yielded mixed results. Majority of the positive results were shown from research performed on animals. Not much research has gone into its effect on humans. There isn’t enough research to determine the long-term effects of HCA extracted from Garcinia Cambogia. The Garcinia Cambogia extract might or might not aid in weight loss. It might or might not even work on human bodies. This can be due to the complexity of the human body compared to those of the tested animals. However, what is less known are the Garcinia Cambogia side effects. These side effects can vary from person to person. Here is a list of the Garcinia Cambogia side effects, along with a description of each side effect. Headaches A headache caused by Garcinia Cambogia does not occur in every person.
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What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

Dealing With A Sore Throat From Allergies A sore throat is one of the most irritating throat problems that cause a lot of discomforts. Most of the time, it is a sign of a cold and fever. A sore throat usually occurs because of viruses. The virus infected sore throat cures on its own, over a few days. What is a sore throat? A sore throat is a condition which causes irritation and itchiness in the throat. It is a painful and a dry feeling that occurs in the throat. Sore throats are generally caused by viruses. It can be treated through home remedies. A sore throat causes scratching and burning sensation in the throat. The symptoms cause a lot of trouble while swallowing. Sometimes, a sore throat can cause fever and swelling of the lymph nodes. In such situations, one must consult the doctors. Causes There are many causes of a sore throat. The most common causes are as follow. Virus There are different viruses which cause a sore throat. These viruses cause colds and other respiratory infections. The viruses responsible for flu and other infections also cause a sore throat. Bacteria A few bacterial infections like strep throat and diphtheria can cause a sore throat. Toxins and Irritants Sometimes, factors like pollution and chemicals are the reasons for a sore throat. Allergies A sore throat can also occur due to allergies. A sore throat from allergies is more irritating than the normal one. It may not be possible to cure the allergy through home remedies. It is necessary to find out the exact cause behind the allergy to treat a sore throat. In case of a sore throat from allergies, post nasal drip plays a major role. The postnasal drip occurs when there is exposure to an allergen.
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All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea

All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues that almost everyone faces at least once in their lives. Some common symptoms that one can notice about this condition are bloating of the stomach, abdominal cramping, and watery and frequent stools. Diarrhea occurs due to disruptions within the gastrointestinal system. It typically lasts for less than two weeks. What are the causes of diarrhea? Many sources can lead to this condition. Here are a few of them: Food poisoning Bacterial infection Viral infection Recent use of antibiotics Use of contaminated water How to get rid of diarrhea? You can try several remedies that can help with diarrhea. The most popular methods are probiotics that can provide relief from diarrhea. Probiotics to get relief from diarrhea Probiotics are one of the best ways of managing diarrhea. It is an excellent source of a bacteria which is good for the body. Probiotics are present in the intestinal tract and help create a healthy gut, which treats diarrhea as well. Probiotics may also refer to living microorganisms found in several foods. Here is a list of the best probiotics that can provide relief from diarrhea. Dark chocolate Cottage cheese Green olives Kefir Sauerkraut Beet Kvass Kombucha Natto Miso Tempeh Pickles Yogurt While you can get probiotics in their natural form from these foods, they are also available as pills. How do probiotics provide relief from diarrhea? The healthy bacteria present in the intestinal tract aid the gastrointestinal system and ensure that it functions normally. Probiotics play a vital role in protecting the intestine from infections. When there is a change in the system due to the use of antibiotics, or if you catch an infection from an unhealthy virus or bacteria, you can get diarrhea. At such times, taking probiotics from an external source can help restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut.
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What You Need to Know about Kidney Stones

What You Need to Know about Kidney Stones

There are minerals and salts in urine which lead to the formation of stones in the kidney. There are ways to dissolve kidney stones naturally like drinking copious amounts of water, lemon juice and so on. What are kidney stones? One of the major reasons for the formation of kidney stones would be dehydration. Due to dehydration, the movement of fluid in the kidneys slows down with a higher possibility of salt and mineral compounds getting stuck together. In most cases, calcium oxalate forms hard deposits in the kidney. They can be found in other parts of the urinary tract as well. Kidney stones are also known as calculi. Depending on the size of the stone, surgical intervention may be required. How to dissolve kidney stones without medical intervention is what we’re going to find out. Ways to dissolve kidney stones naturally The process of the kidney stone exiting the body through the urinary tract is known as passing a kidney stone. This could be quite painful in some cases. Before using any methods to dissolve kidney stones naturally, it is important to determine if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are on medications for some ailment. There are antibiotics, blood pressure medications, diuretics, cholesterol and liver medications which don’t agree with natural remedies. These natural remedies to dissolve kidney stones naturally are not monitored by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Water: Prevention and treatment of kidney stones can be easily done with water. It is recommended to have 8 glasses of water per day. If you increase it to 12 glasses per day, then the passage of the stones becomes smoother and the growth of deposits is also checked. Lemon juice: There is citrate in lemon juice which breaks down the deposits of calcium and impedes their growth.
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Everything about Drop Foot Braces

Everything about Drop Foot Braces

Drop foot is a condition in which the forefoot drops involuntarily due to irritation, weakness, or damage in the sciatic nerve or paralysis of the muscles in the anterior part of the leg. This leads to an abnormality in walking due to the inability to raise the foot or the toes. There are various orthotics to help a person suffering from drop foot disorder to walk normally by providing support to the foot. Though there are various commercial brands of drop foot braces that available in the market, their main functioning is similar. Drop foot braces work to hold the foot at a 90° angle, supporting it and reducing any discomfort while walking. When to wear them? People suffering from the drop foot disorder need to wear the braces throughout the day. They can be worn with or without shoes. The braces need not be worn only while walking; they can be kept on while sitting as well. There are foot supports that can be worn at night time to support the foot so that the blood supply is not disturbed while sleeping. What are the braces made of? The braces are made of breathable foam laminated material that is latex-free. The center release buckle on the braces is made of plastic. It has nylon straps to hold the brace in place. The Velcro used is of medically approved material. Who are they made for? The braces are available in different sizes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for any foot and ankle size. They are available for children of all ages as well. What sizes are they available in? These braces are available in sizes S, M, L, and XL size. S and M can fit an ankle up to 10″, and size L and XL can fit an ankle of up to 12.5″.
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All You Need to Know about High Cholesterol Levels

All You Need to Know about High Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a type of fat molecule which is present in your blood. It is an essential component that helps to maintain and shape cell structures. It is vital to have a certain level of cholesterol in your blood, but high levels of cholesterol can be harmful to your health. High levels of cholesterol according to the cholesterol chart could mean that there are deposits of fatty substances in your blood. These fatty substances occur due to high cholesterol levels and make it difficult for your blood to flow through your arteries. It can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A cholesterol levels chart typically monitors your total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. Types of cholesterol There are two types of cholesterols in your blood, namely high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. HDL helps remove the excess cholesterol while LDL is the cholesterol that accumulates in your arteries. Cholesterol level charts for adults and children Cholesterol levels can be categorized as good, borderline, low, and high. The cholesterol level charts are different for children and adults. The total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels are measured and then categorized as good, low, high, bad or borderline. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has defined the values indicated below. Cholesterol levels for children Good cholesterol corresponds to total cholesterol of 170 or less, HDL cholesterol of 45 or higher, LDL cholesterol of 110 or less, triglycerides of 75 for age group 0-9 years and less than 90 for the age group of 10 to 19. Borderline cholesterol suggests total cholesterol of 170 to 199, HDL cholesterol of 40 to 45, LDL cholesterol of 110 to 129, triglycerides of 75-99 for age group 0-9 years and 90 to 129 for the age group of 10 to 19.
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Everything You Need to Know about Fever

Everything You Need to Know about Fever

A short-term increase in the body temperature is referred in medical terms as pyrexia. Commonly known as fever, it is a common occurrence in both adults and children. As the temperature of your body becomes higher than the normal temperature, it becomes indicative of an underlying illness which may be an infection in some part of the body such as the throat or stomach. Having high fever is an important sign that some changes are occurring in the body. The temperature of our body is regulated by the hypothalamus which is present at the base of the brain. The state of fever is experienced by almost every human being at some point of time irrespective of sex or age. Many medical experts are of the opinion that fever is a natural defense of the body against infection. Relevant treatment for fever is recommended by medical experts after assessing the symptoms carefully and conducting certain diagnostic tests. Causes of high fever in adults Diseases such as malaria, upper and lower respiratory tract infections or flu, cold, bacterial infections, gastrointestinal infections, urinary tract infections or skin infections etc Excessive heat exposure Abnormalities in the brain or malignant tumors Disease of the endocrine which is associated with a hormonal or glandular system of the body Inflammation caused by tissue injury Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis which is the inflammation of the lining of joints Side effects of certain medicines Common symptoms High fever comes with a lot of physical discomforts. It is only after adequate treatment for the fever that you can feel better. High fever is typically characterized by a rise in oral temperature as it soars above 100°F (37.8°C) to touch 103°F. Temperature in adults can be measured with a thermometer placed under the tongue. General symptoms that accompany high fever include:
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Things to Know about Swollen Finger Pain

Things to Know about Swollen Finger Pain

Everyone experiences pain and swelling in their fingers at some point in time. There are several reasons for this pain and swelling, such as injuries and medical conditions that are known to cause pain in the fingers. Swollen finger pain is generally accompanied by redness, a burning sensation, tenderness, stiffness, numbness, a tingling feeling, swelling, color change, and such other conditions. Arthritis is one of the major causes of swollen finger pain. It can also be caused due to an infection or inflammation. Causes of swollen finger pain: Swollen finger pain may be caused as a result of injuries due to strenuous physical activity, actively participating in contact sports such as soccer, football, or baseball. Performing recreational activities that require a lot of efforts, such as skiing or playing tennis. Operating heavy machinery at home or work. Carrying heavy loads for a long period of time. Active participation in fist fights or punching. Performance of repetitive movements such as typing, writing, and stitching for a long period of time. As a result of the compartment syndrome, which leads to severe swelling of the fingers; it covers the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. Patients who are suffering from the compartment syndrome should be attended to immediately and under the supervision of a doctor. Arthritis also causes inflammation accompanied by swelling, pain, redness, and stiffness. Trigger finger happens when you are unable to straighten out your finger as the tendon in your finger has become swollen or inflamed. Dupuytren’s Contracture is a condition where your hand becomes tighter and does not enable free movement as the tissue becomes inflamed. Carpal tunnel syndrome causes swollen finger pain as pressure is exerted on the nerves of the fingers, causing severe pain, swelling, and numbness. The Raynaud phenomenon causes swollen finger pain as the blood flow to the fingers is blocked, and the patient suffers from swelling, numbness, stiffness, and cold fingers.
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All You Need to Know about Sciatica

All You Need to Know about Sciatica

Sciatic Pain Cure refers to the treatment of the symptoms such as tingling in the leg, pain, weakness or numbness radiating through the sciatic nerve. The pain that occurs along the path of this nerve is known as sciatica. Sciatica is not a disease, it essentially points to an underlying medical condition. How can you cure sciatic pain? The cure for sciatic pain begins with the identification of medical conditions such as spinal stenosis, herniated disc, spondylolisthesis, or degenerative disk disease. There is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve which becomes worse if there is no medical intervention. Sciatic pain can be cured nonsurgically as well as through regular exercise. There are alternative treatments for sciatic pain such as consulting chiropractors or undergoing massage therapy. Various methods to cure sciatic pain Though there are non-surgical methods to cure Sciatic pain, in extreme cases surgical intervention is required. The root of the sciatic nerve is compressed and this is the reason for the neurological symptoms that include pain. The various methods of non-surgical treatment are: Heat/ice Applying heat or ice to the affected area normally helps in reducing the pain in the leg. Ice and heat should be used alternately for 20 minutes, and the process is repeated every two hours. Medications for sciatic pain There are some prescribed medications that can reduce or relieve sciatic pain. You could get nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications or oral steroids that help in relieving sciatic pain. Narcotics or muscle relaxants can also be used for a short period of time for pain relief. Epidural steroids In severe cases of sciatic pain, epidural steroids should be administered. The injection has a direct impact as it penetrates into the area surrounding the sciatic nerve thereby reducing the inflammation. In addition to this, these epidural steroids also help patients by supporting them in exercises and conditioning programs they might be undergoing for treating the pain.
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Here’s What You Need to Know about Spinal Fusion Surgery

Here’s What You Need to Know about Spinal Fusion Surgery

Surgery is always a final resort when all other treatments fail to bear fruit. Spinal fusion surgery is recommended by doctors and medical specialists only after they have tried other treatment options. Let’s find out more about this procedure. What is spinal fusion surgery? It is a surgical technique that joins or fuses two or more vertebrae to restrict the movement between them. It is a neuro-orthopedic surgical procedure. It is usually recommended to reduce or eliminate spinal cord pressure and the resultant pain caused by worn out cartilage between the vertebrae. A patient may have to undergo surgery to decompress a pinched nerve-root or to stabilize a joint that causes pain. This surgery can help to heal spinal fractures and broken or damaged vertebrae that make the spine unstable. People undergo surgery if they have conditions like spinal weakness or deformity, herniated disks, spondylolisthesis, and other such ailments. Spinal tumor and degenerative spinal conditions are other situations where this surgery can be beneficial. It is a common surgical procedure, and statistics show that nearly 488,000 spinal fusion surgeries were performed in the country in 2011. Are you a candidate for this procedure? It is vital to identify and locate the exact cause of back pain before opting for surgery. There are cases where herniated disks may show up on a scan or X-ray, but the real cause of the back pain may lay elsewhere. At such times, undergoing surgery to fix the herniated disk might not solve the problem. A typical result is the FBSS (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome) in which the pain remains even after surgery. The most common reason for this is an incorrect diagnosis. Selecting the right surgeon is also crucial. A lot of surgeons can carry out the spine fusion surgery, so it’s important to know whether the surgeon you pick has specific expertise, experience, and training.
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