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Pros and Cons of the 1200 Calorie Diet Plan

Pros and Cons of the 1200 Calorie Diet Plan

A significant statistic was recently released on the number of Americans suffering from diabetes or pre-diabetes. Over 100 million Americans are suffering from one of these two conditions and this number is only expected to rise with time. Processed food and junk food does us more harm than good and sadly, many people do not know their limits. If you continue to consume junk foods, it will lead to weight gain and you might suffer from either high blood pressure or high levels of sugar in the blood. Why suffer from these diseases in the first place when you can control what you eat? Living a life dependant on pills and medications is not appealing and hence exercising and following a proper diet is essential. Of the many diet plans available in the market today, the 1200 calorie diet plan is quite popular and with good reason. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of this diet plan and help you determine whether it is worth taking up or not. What is the 1200 calorie diet plan? The 1200 calorie diet plan is believed to be very effective when it comes to tackling weight loss. Our bodies require a certain amount of energy to function and in order to maintain a healthy look. We get this energy from the food items we eat and following an intake of just 1200 calories per day encourages the burning of stored fats in the body. Hence, this way, your body will lose weight while compensating for your limited calorie intake. While maintaining the requirement of nutrients, avoiding junk food and maintaining a lowered calorie intake, the body should respond well and help you achieve the weight you dream of. While this will take time, the method is spot on. The details of the 1200 calorie diet are given below:
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Probiotics – What you need to know about them

Probiotics – What you need to know about them

Recently, there has been a lot of hype on the role of probiotics in promoting health. Almost everyone with a digestive problem is prescribed probiotics. They are essentially bacteria which are good for your health. Probiotics contain good bacteria that are very similar to the bacteria found in the human gut. Certain types of bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria are present in the intestinal flora and the gut lining. The lower digestive tract is home to complex and varied strains of healthy bacteria that are more in number than the cells in one’s body. These healthy bacteria help with digestion of food and also enhance immunity against infections. What are probiotics made of? They are foods that contain bacterial strains having similar properties as the healthy bacteria present in the intestinal lining. FDA regulations treat probiotics as foods and not medications. Probiotic foods Infection of the intestinal tract or consumption of an unhealthy diet that destroys healthy bacteria in the gut generates more “bad” bacteria than “good” bacteria. This imbalance may lead to weight gain, diarrhea, constipation, and other chronic health conditions. Probiotics are prescribed to restore the balance. Popular natural foods containing probiotics are as follows: Certain yogurts Yogurt is the most popular source of probiotics. Yogurt is known to ease out lactose intolerance. Other digestive issues like diarrhea, gastric trouble, and constipation can be eased out by consuming yogurt. Some types of cheese Fermented cheese like Gouda is loaded with probiotics. Compared with other types of cheese, Gouda cheese is robust enough to retain probiotics all through the journey from the stomach to intestines. Sourdough bread This bread packs consist of probiotics that enhance digestion. Sauerkraut The unpasteurized type of sauerkraut is the best way to retain good bacteria in sauerkraut. Pasteurization process kills the good bacteria, hence, unpasteurized sauerkraut is the best source of probiotics.
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9 Foods to Consume for a Healthy Heart

9 Foods to Consume for a Healthy Heart

We all like living a healthy and happy life, and for that, we have to keep our body and health in good condition. One of the most important organs in the body is our heart. A healthy heart is indispensable for living life to the fullest. Apart from exercising daily, dietary habits are equally important to keep the heart healthy. One can include the following food items for a healthy heart in their diet as it will improve their overall health and not lead to any side effects. Following are some food items that are indispensable to a good and healthy heart. You must try and opt for the organic variants of these foods, if possible: Oatmeal: Gym-goers often opt for oatmeal because of its high protein content, and at the same time, it is also a good option for those people who want to keep heart-related problems away by staying fit. It is rich in soluble fiber which lowers the risk of cholesterol significantly. One can either add some sugar or salt to it or use some other spices for flavor. Berries: While most people know that blueberries are amongst the few food items that promote a healthy heart, only a few know that other berries like raspberries and strawberries are equally good. Consuming blueberries on a regular basis lowers the risk of heart-related problems by more than 30% in comparison to those who don’t consume berries at all. Dark chocolate: Most of us like eating chocolate. Only a few stay away from it, and that too, because of medical reasons. However, everyone needs to know that dark chocolate is good for the health of the heart. Dark chocolate has flavonoids called polyphenols which aid in maintaining regular blood pressure levels and prevent blood clotting. However, other types of chocolates such as milk bars do not provide the same benefits.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid for Kidney Diseases

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Kidney Diseases

People with kidney disease need to evaluate what they are eating and impose certain restrictions on their diet. It is important to eat foods that do not stress out the kidneys. Avoid eating processed food items. Natural food items are best suited for the body. Try to avoid eating canned food as well. Organic food items may or may not have a higher nutritional value than standard food items, but they are devoid of pesticides and worth the shot. Organic food items are also devoid of GMOs and are a better bet in the long run. All in all, you need to maintain a proper diet for kidney diseases. Here are the tips to help you out. Protein Proteins are found in several food items like vegetables, nuts, seeds, dairy products, and meats. Your body needs protein intake to build red blood cells, hormones, and muscles. Try to incorporate a diet composed of proteins among other things. However, all the protein your body needs is 1 gram per kilogram of weight. Moreover, try to avoid eating too much meat as protein wastes are hard on the kidneys. Follow a moderate protein diet and try to eat more vegetables than meat. Watch your portion sizes and try to eat foods you like best. If you are on dialysis, your meal plan may change again as you will need to eat more protein to cover up for the protein loss during treatment. Maintaining a proper protein diet for kidney diseases is the key. Phosphorus When you are following a kidney disease diet plan, you have to limit your phosphorus intake. Phosphorus is found in poultry, fish, beans, dairy products, poultry, cola drinks, and nuts. The problem is that weaker kidneys have a difficulty in removing phosphorus from your blood. Your doctor may prescribe phosphate binders.
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Top Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

Top Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

If you suffer from a burning sensation or acute discomfort that travels up from your stomach into your chest and the regurgitation of food that you recently ate along with a sharp and sour taste of acid, these symptoms are native to acid reflux. While the occasional experience of acid reflux need not worry you, if it becomes regular, more intense, and disturbs your sleep, you must visit your doctor. Food that enters the stomach is retained by means of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is a muscular ring, and it must close immediately as it may become weak or damaged. If it doesn’t close fully or remains open too often, it causes digestive acids to move up into the food pipe or esophagus. This causes the typical symptoms of heartburn, sour taste in the mouth, regurgitation, dyspepsia or burning sensation in the stomach, nausea, upset stomach, bloated feeling, difficulty swallowing, burping, dry cough, and a sore throat. Sometimes, the symptoms are so severe that they can be mistaken for a heart attack. If symptoms persist and are left untreated, you can develop gastroesophageal reflux disease. Relationship Between Food and Acid Reflux Your diet has a significant impact on acid reflux. Foods that are acidic in nature contribute to the increase of acids in the stomach and there are more chances of these causing reflux through a weak or damaged LES. There are many such trigger foods, and along with the medication, exercise and lifestyle changes that your doctor recommends, avoiding such foods can help you manage and eliminate your symptoms. Eating heavy meals close to bedtime and lying down immediately after a meal can trigger an attack. Being obese or pregnant, bending over after a meal, snacking close to bedtime, smoking, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen and muscle relaxants, certain antibiotics, and blood-pressure medications can set off acid reflux symptoms.
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Basics of a Hypothyroidism Diet

Basics of a Hypothyroidism Diet

Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when the levels of thyroid in the body decreases. There are two thyroid hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. You can face a lot of problems when the levels of either thyroid hormones are low. When this happens, a change in diet alone might not be enough. However, avoiding and eating certain foods as a part of your regular meals can improve the absorption of these hormones by the body. It is important to eat the right food as it impacts your health directly. Foods have the basic nutrients and minerals that keep the body working. It is the fuel that plays a big impact on how the body functions. The wrong foods can make the situation a lot worse. Nutrition-rich foods have health benefits that can treat thyroid. Foods to Include in a Hyperthyroidism Diet Selenium High amounts of selenium can be found in Brazilian nuts, sunflower seeds, and several other foods. It is required for the enzymes to check if the thyroid hormones are functioning properly. Tyrosine These are amino acids that the thyroid glands need to produce the T4 and T3 hormones. You can find plenty of amino acids in foods like dairy products, meats, and legumes. You can also take supplements for the same. However, it is best to consult a doctor before you do so. Antioxidant-rich Fruits and Vegetables One of the first signs of hyperthyroidism is weight gain. A healthy hyperthyroidism diet will have high-density foods that are also low in calories. Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of this diet. They also help in balancing the weight. You need to consume adequate amounts of these fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Tomatoes, blueberries, bell peppers, and several other foods are rich in antioxidants. They can improve the condition of the thyroid gland and are also good for health.
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Here’s How You Can Lower Your A1C Levels

Here’s How You Can Lower Your A1C Levels

A1C level is a measurement used to indicate your blood sugar levels. It is vital to have your blood tested regularly to determine your A1C levels and check if you have diabetes. Even if you don’t have diabetes, you should try to keep your blood sugar levels in control. What is A1C level? When sugar enters the bloodstream, it attaches itself to a protein called hemoglobin that is present in your red blood cells. This sugar-bound protein is known as glycated hemoglobin. The higher the amount of such hemoglobin in your blood, the higher your blood sugar levels will be. A1C tests are conducted to gauge your blood sugar levels over the past three months, to get an idea of your sugar level fluctuations. Hemoglobin cells live for about three to four months, so A1C levels give a good picture of your glucose level in the bloodstream for that period. What is the optimal A1C level? A1C levels are referred to in percentages. For a nondiabetic patient, the A1C level should preferably be less than 5.7%. Anything between 5.7% and 6.4% indicates prediabetes. An A1C level of 6.5% and above means that the patient has diabetes. For a person with diabetes, the target is to bring the A1C level below 7%. With lower A1C levels, one can keep a check on the progression of diabetes as well as its associated complications in control. Eye diseases, kidney, nerve, and cardiovascular diseases are the risks associated with diabetes. By putting in some effort to manage your blood sugar level, you can reduce the risk of diabetes. Monitoring and managing blood sugar levels One needs to get their A1C tests tested every three months to accurately track their blood glucose levels. Follow the doctor’s prescriptions and instructions carefully. Be active and exercise for at least 30 minutes each day, to lower your A1C levels.
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Tips to Design the Best Diet for Fibromyalgia

Tips to Design the Best Diet for Fibromyalgia

The best diet for fibromyalgia usually contains foods that exclude dietary excitotoxins. They may be present in food additives or preservatives which are used in artificial sweeteners, processed foods as well as canned food. Avoiding these foods in your diet reduces the occurrence of fibromyalgia. How to choose the best diet for fibromyalgia To craft the best diet for fibromyalgia, one needs to determine the impact of dietary excitotoxins. Neurons in the brain get excited when one consumes chemicals like dietary excitotoxins, and excessive consumption could prove fatal. Food additives for making food sweeter or more flavorful are the most common types of dietary excitotoxins. Eradicating excitotoxins from the diet would be one of the most radical ways of reducing the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Here are some tips that will help you design the best diet for fibromyalgia: Avoid foods with added glutamate: A neurotransmitter, glutamate, is a chemical used by nerve cells to transmit signals to other cells. It is included in some foods as well. Sometimes, it is used to enhance the flavor of food. A common type of glutamate, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is found in some diets, and one should avoid the foods which use this additive at all costs. Monosodium glutamate is found in ingredients with hydrolyzed protein concentrate, autolyzed, or protein isolate. Monosodium glutamate is often used in Chinese foods, certain types of chips or snacks which are crunchy, canned vegetables and soups as well as processed meats. So, avoid buying foods if you see MSG on the ingredients lists or if they have a high glutamate content. Whole foods, not processed foods: When it comes to natural nutrients, whole foods are far better than processed foods like white pasta, white flour, or white rice. Processed foods contain more additives and fewer nutrients. If you need carbohydrates, then you should have whole grains such as quinoa, whole wheat berries, brown rice, whole wheat berries, sweet or plain potatoes.
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Nutritious Diet for a Healthy Gallbladder

Nutritious Diet for a Healthy Gallbladder

The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ located below the liver. It collects and stores bile, which is produced by the liver and releases it into the small intestine to aid the process of digestion. Majority of people seldom give a thought to the health of their gallbladder. Although unlike the liver, heart and the kidneys, the gallbladder isn’t really necessary for maintaining body health and proper functioning, yet it is an important body organ. There are varieties of foods that keep the gallbladder healthy while there are some that increase the likelihood of problems like gallstones or inflammation. These problems can trigger agonizing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating and abdominal pain. Such a scenario often leads to surgery, where the gallbladder is removed. Therefore, it is important to consume a healthy gallbladder diet to promote good health and keep problems at bay. Although diet doesn’t have a direct impact on gallbladder problems, watching what one eats and maintaining a healthy body weight can help to prevent the formation of gallstones and consequently, avoid the discomfort they cause. Diet and gallstone risk Diets that are high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber are more likely to result in gallstones. Also, the risk of gallstones is much higher in people who are overweight and obese. If one is overweight and wishes to lose the extra pounds, then it should be done gradually. Following crash diets can also cause the liver to release more cholesterol into the bile, upsetting the normal balance of bile salts and cholesterol. This extra cholesterol can form crystals, leading to gallstones. Diet for a healthy gallbladder A healthy gallbladder diet is full of fruits and vegetables. Both are extremely rich sources of nutrients and fiber, the latter of which is essential to promote gallbladder health.
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5 Best High-Protein Breakfast Ideas

5 Best High-Protein Breakfast Ideas

A balanced morning meal is highly essential and is also a great way to kick start and plan the day ahead. Research suggests that meals comprising of proteins can help you with satiety and even secure a toned body. Proteins are not meant only for bodybuilders anymore. For starters, there are several benefits of breakfast meals balanced with protein-rich foods. During its digestion, it breaks into different amino acids that trigger the increase in the levels of the gut hormone known as peptide YY. This hormone sends signals to your brain that you have eaten your fill. Moreover, protein slows down the rate of carbohydrate absorption, which in turn will help you to keep a check on your blood sugar level and will help you maintain your weight. So, it means that a protein-packed breakfast can keep you healthy and full until your lunch time. That’s why we have come up with different types of high-protein breakfast ideas, which are tasty as well as healthy. Yogurt-berry parfait You can opt for a 6-ounce non-fat yogurt, which contains 6 grams more protein than normal Greek yogurt as a morning snack to start your day. You can make it healthier by adding natural sweeteners like berries. You can also sprinkle seeds and nuts to increase the protein content further. Adding fiber-rich cereals is also a good idea. To make a yogurt-berry parfait, combine 6-7 ounces of nonfat yogurt with half a cup of berries and half an ounce of chopped walnuts. You can use cinnamon powder and honey to top the parfait. This yogurt-berry parfait can be one of the best high-protein breakfast ideas that will give you a protein punch of about 24-27 grams. Black bean southwest omelet Eggs are good sources of protein. When mixed with black beans, they make for a breakfast that has a high protein and fiber content and will be delicious and satisfying.
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